///! Stabilizer hardware configuration ///! ///! This file contains all of the hardware-specific configuration of Stabilizer. use crate::ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS; #[cfg(feature = "pounder_v1_1")] use crate::SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE; #[cfg(feature = "pounder_v1_1")] use core::convert::TryInto; use smoltcp::{iface::Routes, wire::Ipv4Address}; use stm32h7xx_hal::{ self as hal, ethernet::{self, PHY}, prelude::*, }; use embedded_hal::digital::v2::{InputPin, OutputPin}; use super::{ adc, afe, dac, design_parameters, digital_input_stamper, eeprom, pounder, timers, DdsOutput, Ethernet, AFE0, AFE1, }; // Network storage definition for the ethernet interface. struct NetStorage { ip_addrs: [smoltcp::wire::IpCidr; 1], neighbor_cache: [Option<(smoltcp::wire::IpAddress, smoltcp::iface::Neighbor)>; 8], routes_storage: [Option<(smoltcp::wire::IpCidr, smoltcp::iface::Route)>; 1], } /// The available networking devices on Stabilizer. pub struct NetworkDevices { pub interface: Ethernet, pub phy: ethernet::phy::LAN8742A, } /// The available hardware interfaces on Stabilizer. pub struct StabilizerDevices { pub afes: (AFE0, AFE1), pub adcs: (adc::Adc0Input, adc::Adc1Input), pub dacs: (dac::Dac0Output, dac::Dac1Output), pub timestamper: digital_input_stamper::InputStamper, pub adc_dac_timer: timers::SamplingTimer, pub timestamp_timer: timers::TimestampTimer, pub net: NetworkDevices, } /// The available Pounder-specific hardware interfaces. pub struct PounderDevices { pub pounder: pounder::PounderDevices, pub dds_output: DdsOutput, #[cfg(feature = "pounder_v1_1")] pub timestamper: pounder::timestamp::Timestamper, } #[link_section = ".sram3.eth"] /// Static storage for the ethernet DMA descriptor ring. static mut DES_RING: ethernet::DesRing = ethernet::DesRing::new(); /// Static, global-scope network storage for the ethernet interface. /// /// This is a static singleton so that the network storage can be referenced from all contexts. static mut NET_STORE: NetStorage = NetStorage { // Placeholder for the real IP address, which is initialized at runtime. ip_addrs: [smoltcp::wire::IpCidr::Ipv6( smoltcp::wire::Ipv6Cidr::SOLICITED_NODE_PREFIX, )], neighbor_cache: [None; 8], routes_storage: [None; 1], }; /// Configure the stabilizer hardware for operation. /// /// # Args /// * `core` - The RTIC core for configuring the cortex-M core of the device. /// * `device` - The microcontroller peripherals to be configured. /// /// # Returns /// (stabilizer, pounder) where `stabilizer` is a `StabilizerDevices` structure containing all /// stabilizer hardware interfaces in a disabled state. `pounder` is an `Option` containing /// `Some(devices)` if pounder is detected, where `devices` is a `PounderDevices` structure /// containing all of the pounder hardware interfaces in a disabled state. pub fn setup( mut core: rtic::export::Peripherals, device: stm32h7xx_hal::stm32::Peripherals, ) -> (StabilizerDevices, Option) { let pwr = device.PWR.constrain(); let vos = pwr.freeze(); // Enable SRAM3 for the ethernet descriptor ring. device.RCC.ahb2enr.modify(|_, w| w.sram3en().set_bit()); // Clear reset flags. device.RCC.rsr.write(|w| w.rmvf().set_bit()); // Select the PLLs for SPI. device .RCC .d2ccip1r .modify(|_, w| w.spi123sel().pll2_p().spi45sel().pll2_q()); let rcc = device.RCC.constrain(); let ccdr = rcc .use_hse(8.mhz()) .sysclk(400.mhz()) .hclk(200.mhz()) .per_ck(100.mhz()) .pll2_p_ck(100.mhz()) .pll2_q_ck(100.mhz()) .freeze(vos, &device.SYSCFG); #[cfg(feature = "semihosting")] { use cortex_m_log::log::{init as init_log, Logger}; use cortex_m_log::printer::semihosting::{hio::HStdout, InterruptOk}; use log::LevelFilter; static mut LOGGER: Option>> = None; let logger = Logger { inner: InterruptOk::<_>::stdout().unwrap(), level: LevelFilter::Info, }; let logger = unsafe { LOGGER.get_or_insert(logger) }; init_log(logger).unwrap(); } let mut delay = hal::delay::Delay::new(core.SYST, ccdr.clocks); let gpioa = device.GPIOA.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOA); let gpiob = device.GPIOB.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOB); let gpioc = device.GPIOC.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOC); let gpiod = device.GPIOD.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOD); let gpioe = device.GPIOE.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOE); let gpiof = device.GPIOF.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOF); let mut gpiog = device.GPIOG.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOG); let dma_streams = hal::dma::dma::StreamsTuple::new(device.DMA1, ccdr.peripheral.DMA1); // Configure timer 2 to trigger conversions for the ADC let mut sampling_timer = { // The timer frequency is manually adjusted below, so the 1KHz setting here is a // dont-care. let mut timer2 = device .TIM2 .timer(1.khz(), ccdr.peripheral.TIM2, &ccdr.clocks); // Configure the timer to count at the designed tick rate. We will manually set the // period below. timer2.pause(); timer2.set_tick_freq(design_parameters::TIMER_FREQUENCY); let mut sampling_timer = timers::SamplingTimer::new(timer2); sampling_timer.set_period_ticks((ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS - 1) as u32); // The sampling timer is used as the master timer for the shadow-sampling timer. Thus, // it generates a trigger whenever it is enabled. sampling_timer }; let mut shadow_sampling_timer = { // The timer frequency is manually adjusted below, so the 1KHz setting here is a // dont-care. let mut timer3 = device .TIM3 .timer(1.khz(), ccdr.peripheral.TIM3, &ccdr.clocks); // Configure the timer to count at the designed tick rate. We will manually set the // period below. timer3.pause(); timer3.reset_counter(); timer3.set_tick_freq(design_parameters::TIMER_FREQUENCY); let mut shadow_sampling_timer = timers::ShadowSamplingTimer::new(timer3); shadow_sampling_timer.set_period_ticks(ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS - 1); // The shadow sampling timer is a slave-mode timer to the sampling timer. It should // always be in-sync - thus, we configure it to operate in slave mode using "Trigger // mode". // For TIM3, TIM2 can be made the internal trigger connection using ITR1. Thus, the // SamplingTimer start now gates the start of the ShadowSamplingTimer. shadow_sampling_timer.set_slave_mode( timers::TriggerSource::Trigger1, timers::SlaveMode::Trigger, ); shadow_sampling_timer }; let sampling_timer_channels = sampling_timer.channels(); let shadow_sampling_timer_channels = shadow_sampling_timer.channels(); let mut timestamp_timer = { // The timer frequency is manually adjusted below, so the 1KHz setting here is a // dont-care. let mut timer5 = device .TIM5 .timer(1.khz(), ccdr.peripheral.TIM5, &ccdr.clocks); // Configure the timer to count at the designed tick rate. We will manually set the // period below. timer5.pause(); timer5.set_tick_freq(design_parameters::TIMER_FREQUENCY); // The timestamp timer runs at the counter cycle period as the sampling timers. // To accomodate this, we manually set the prescaler identical to the sample // timer, but use maximum overflow period. let mut timer = timers::TimestampTimer::new(timer5); timer.set_period_ticks(u32::MAX); timer }; let timestamp_timer_channels = timestamp_timer.channels(); // Configure the SPI interfaces to the ADCs and DACs. let adcs = { let adc0 = { let spi_miso = gpiob .pb14 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let spi_sck = gpiob .pb10 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _spi_nss = gpiob .pb9 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode { polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh, phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition, }) .manage_cs() .suspend_when_inactive() .communication_mode(hal::spi::CommunicationMode::Receiver) .cs_delay(design_parameters::ADC_SETUP_TIME); let spi: hal::spi::Spi<_, _, u16> = device.SPI2.spi( (spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi), config, design_parameters::ADC_DAC_SCK_MAX, ccdr.peripheral.SPI2, &ccdr.clocks, ); adc::Adc0Input::new( spi, dma_streams.0, dma_streams.1, dma_streams.2, sampling_timer_channels.ch1, shadow_sampling_timer_channels.ch1, ) }; let adc1 = { let spi_miso = gpiob .pb4 .into_alternate_af6() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let spi_sck = gpioc .pc10 .into_alternate_af6() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _spi_nss = gpioa .pa15 .into_alternate_af6() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode { polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh, phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition, }) .manage_cs() .suspend_when_inactive() .communication_mode(hal::spi::CommunicationMode::Receiver) .cs_delay(design_parameters::ADC_SETUP_TIME); let spi: hal::spi::Spi<_, _, u16> = device.SPI3.spi( (spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi), config, design_parameters::ADC_DAC_SCK_MAX, ccdr.peripheral.SPI3, &ccdr.clocks, ); adc::Adc1Input::new( spi, dma_streams.3, dma_streams.4, dma_streams.5, sampling_timer_channels.ch2, shadow_sampling_timer_channels.ch2, ) }; (adc0, adc1) }; let dacs = { let _dac_clr_n = gpioe.pe12.into_push_pull_output().set_high().unwrap(); let _dac0_ldac_n = gpioe.pe11.into_push_pull_output().set_low().unwrap(); let _dac1_ldac_n = gpioe.pe15.into_push_pull_output().set_low().unwrap(); let dac0_spi = { let spi_miso = gpioe .pe5 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let spi_sck = gpioe .pe2 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _spi_nss = gpioe .pe4 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode { polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh, phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition, }) .manage_cs() .suspend_when_inactive() .communication_mode(hal::spi::CommunicationMode::Transmitter) .swap_mosi_miso(); device.SPI4.spi( (spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi), config, design_parameters::ADC_DAC_SCK_MAX, ccdr.peripheral.SPI4, &ccdr.clocks, ) }; let dac1_spi = { let spi_miso = gpiof .pf8 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let spi_sck = gpiof .pf7 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _spi_nss = gpiof .pf6 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode { polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh, phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition, }) .manage_cs() .communication_mode(hal::spi::CommunicationMode::Transmitter) .suspend_when_inactive() .swap_mosi_miso(); device.SPI5.spi( (spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi), config, design_parameters::ADC_DAC_SCK_MAX, ccdr.peripheral.SPI5, &ccdr.clocks, ) }; let dac0 = dac::Dac0Output::new( dac0_spi, dma_streams.6, sampling_timer_channels.ch3, ); let dac1 = dac::Dac1Output::new( dac1_spi, dma_streams.7, sampling_timer_channels.ch4, ); (dac0, dac1) }; let afes = { let afe0 = { let a0_pin = gpiof.pf2.into_push_pull_output(); let a1_pin = gpiof.pf5.into_push_pull_output(); afe::ProgrammableGainAmplifier::new(a0_pin, a1_pin) }; let afe1 = { let a0_pin = gpiod.pd14.into_push_pull_output(); let a1_pin = gpiod.pd15.into_push_pull_output(); afe::ProgrammableGainAmplifier::new(a0_pin, a1_pin) }; (afe0, afe1) }; let input_stamper = { let trigger = gpioa.pa3.into_alternate_af2(); digital_input_stamper::InputStamper::new( trigger, timestamp_timer_channels.ch4, ) }; let mut eeprom_i2c = { let sda = gpiof.pf0.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain(); let scl = gpiof.pf1.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain(); device.I2C2.i2c( (scl, sda), 100.khz(), ccdr.peripheral.I2C2, &ccdr.clocks, ) }; // Configure ethernet pins. { // Reset the PHY before configuring pins. let mut eth_phy_nrst = gpioe.pe3.into_push_pull_output(); eth_phy_nrst.set_low().unwrap(); delay.delay_us(200u8); eth_phy_nrst.set_high().unwrap(); let _rmii_ref_clk = gpioa .pa1 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_mdio = gpioa .pa2 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_mdc = gpioc .pc1 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_crs_dv = gpioa .pa7 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_rxd0 = gpioc .pc4 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_rxd1 = gpioc .pc5 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_tx_en = gpiob .pb11 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_txd0 = gpiob .pb12 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let _rmii_txd1 = gpiog .pg14 .into_alternate_af11() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); } let mac_addr = match eeprom::read_eui48(&mut eeprom_i2c) { Err(_) => { info!("Could not read EEPROM, using default MAC address"); smoltcp::wire::EthernetAddress([0x10, 0xE2, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00]) } Ok(raw_mac) => smoltcp::wire::EthernetAddress(raw_mac), }; let network_devices = { // Configure the ethernet controller let (eth_dma, eth_mac) = unsafe { ethernet::new_unchecked( device.ETHERNET_MAC, device.ETHERNET_MTL, device.ETHERNET_DMA, &mut DES_RING, mac_addr, ccdr.peripheral.ETH1MAC, &ccdr.clocks, ) }; // Reset and initialize the ethernet phy. let mut lan8742a = ethernet::phy::LAN8742A::new(eth_mac.set_phy_addr(0)); lan8742a.phy_reset(); lan8742a.phy_init(); unsafe { ethernet::enable_interrupt() }; let store = unsafe { &mut NET_STORE }; store.ip_addrs[0] = smoltcp::wire::IpCidr::new( smoltcp::wire::IpAddress::v4(10, 34, 16, 103), 24, ); let default_v4_gw = Ipv4Address::new(10, 34, 16, 1); let mut routes = Routes::new(&mut store.routes_storage[..]); routes.add_default_ipv4_route(default_v4_gw).unwrap(); let neighbor_cache = smoltcp::iface::NeighborCache::new(&mut store.neighbor_cache[..]); let interface = smoltcp::iface::EthernetInterfaceBuilder::new(eth_dma) .ethernet_addr(mac_addr) .neighbor_cache(neighbor_cache) .ip_addrs(&mut store.ip_addrs[..]) .routes(routes) .finalize(); NetworkDevices { interface, phy: lan8742a, } }; let mut fp_led_0 = gpiod.pd5.into_push_pull_output(); let mut fp_led_1 = gpiod.pd6.into_push_pull_output(); let mut fp_led_2 = gpiog.pg4.into_push_pull_output(); let mut fp_led_3 = gpiod.pd12.into_push_pull_output(); fp_led_0.set_low().unwrap(); fp_led_1.set_low().unwrap(); fp_led_2.set_low().unwrap(); fp_led_3.set_low().unwrap(); // Measure the Pounder PGOOD output to detect if pounder is present on Stabilizer. let pounder_pgood = gpiob.pb13.into_pull_down_input(); delay.delay_ms(2u8); let pounder = if pounder_pgood.is_high().unwrap() { let ad9959 = { let qspi_interface = { // Instantiate the QUADSPI pins and peripheral interface. let qspi_pins = { let _qspi_ncs = gpioc .pc11 .into_alternate_af9() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let clk = gpiob .pb2 .into_alternate_af9() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let io0 = gpioe .pe7 .into_alternate_af10() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let io1 = gpioe .pe8 .into_alternate_af10() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let io2 = gpioe .pe9 .into_alternate_af10() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let io3 = gpioe .pe10 .into_alternate_af10() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); (clk, io0, io1, io2, io3) }; let qspi = hal::qspi::Qspi::bank2( device.QUADSPI, qspi_pins, design_parameters::POUNDER_QSPI_FREQUENCY, &ccdr.clocks, ccdr.peripheral.QSPI, ); pounder::QspiInterface::new(qspi).unwrap() }; #[cfg(feature = "pounder_v1_1")] let reset_pin = gpiog.pg6.into_push_pull_output(); #[cfg(not(feature = "pounder_v1_1"))] let reset_pin = gpioa.pa0.into_push_pull_output(); let mut io_update = gpiog.pg7.into_push_pull_output(); let ref_clk: hal::time::Hertz = design_parameters::DDS_REF_CLK.into(); let ad9959 = ad9959::Ad9959::new( qspi_interface, reset_pin, &mut io_update, &mut delay, ad9959::Mode::FourBitSerial, ref_clk.0 as f32, design_parameters::DDS_MULTIPLIER, ) .unwrap(); // Return IO_Update gpiog.pg7 = io_update.into_analog(); ad9959 }; let io_expander = { let sda = gpiob.pb7.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain(); let scl = gpiob.pb8.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain(); let i2c1 = device.I2C1.i2c( (scl, sda), 100.khz(), ccdr.peripheral.I2C1, &ccdr.clocks, ); mcp23017::MCP23017::default(i2c1).unwrap() }; let spi = { let spi_mosi = gpiod .pd7 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let spi_miso = gpioa .pa6 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let spi_sck = gpiog .pg11 .into_alternate_af5() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode { polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh, phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition, }); // The maximum frequency of this SPI must be limited due to capacitance on the MISO // line causing a long RC decay. device.SPI1.spi( (spi_sck, spi_miso, spi_mosi), config, 5.mhz(), ccdr.peripheral.SPI1, &ccdr.clocks, ) }; let (adc1, adc2) = { let (mut adc1, mut adc2) = hal::adc::adc12( device.ADC1, device.ADC2, &mut delay, ccdr.peripheral.ADC12, &ccdr.clocks, ); let adc1 = { adc1.calibrate(); adc1.enable() }; let adc2 = { adc2.calibrate(); adc2.enable() }; (adc1, adc2) }; let adc1_in_p = gpiof.pf11.into_analog(); let adc2_in_p = gpiof.pf14.into_analog(); let pounder_devices = pounder::PounderDevices::new( io_expander, spi, adc1, adc2, adc1_in_p, adc2_in_p, ) .unwrap(); let dds_output = { let io_update_trigger = { let _io_update = gpiog .pg7 .into_alternate_af2() .set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); // Configure the IO_Update signal for the DDS. let mut hrtimer = pounder::hrtimer::HighResTimerE::new( device.HRTIM_TIME, device.HRTIM_MASTER, device.HRTIM_COMMON, ccdr.clocks, ccdr.peripheral.HRTIM, ); // IO_Update occurs after a fixed delay from the QSPI write. Note that the timer // is triggered after the QSPI write, which can take approximately 120nS, so // there is additional margin. hrtimer.configure_single_shot( pounder::hrtimer::Channel::Two, design_parameters::POUNDER_IO_UPDATE_DURATION, design_parameters::POUNDER_IO_UPDATE_DELAY, ); // Ensure that we have enough time for an IO-update every sample. let sample_frequency = { let timer_frequency: hal::time::Hertz = design_parameters::TIMER_FREQUENCY.into(); timer_frequency.0 as f32 / ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS as f32 }; let sample_period = 1.0 / sample_frequency; assert!( sample_period > design_parameters::POUNDER_IO_UPDATE_DELAY ); hrtimer }; let (qspi, config) = ad9959.freeze(); DdsOutput::new(qspi, io_update_trigger, config) }; #[cfg(feature = "pounder_v1_1")] let pounder_stamper = { let dma2_streams = hal::dma::dma::StreamsTuple::new( device.DMA2, ccdr.peripheral.DMA2, ); let etr_pin = gpioa.pa0.into_alternate_af3(); // The frequency in the constructor is dont-care, as we will modify the period + clock // source manually below. let tim8 = device .TIM8 .timer(1.khz(), ccdr.peripheral.TIM8, &ccdr.clocks); let mut timestamp_timer = timers::PounderTimestampTimer::new(tim8); // Pounder is configured to generate a 500MHz reference clock, so a 125MHz sync-clock is // output. As a result, dividing the 125MHz sync-clk provides a 31.25MHz tick rate for // the timestamp timer. 31.25MHz corresponds with a 32ns tick rate. timestamp_timer.set_external_clock(timers::Prescaler::Div4); timestamp_timer.start(); // We want the pounder timestamp timer to overflow once per batch. let tick_ratio = { let sync_clk_mhz: f32 = design_parameters::DDS_SYSTEM_CLK.0 as f32 / design_parameters::DDS_SYNC_CLK_DIV as f32; sync_clk_mhz / design_parameters::TIMER_FREQUENCY.0 as f32 }; let period = (tick_ratio * ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS as f32 * SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE as f32) as u32 / 4; timestamp_timer.set_period_ticks((period - 1).try_into().unwrap()); let tim8_channels = timestamp_timer.channels(); pounder::timestamp::Timestamper::new( timestamp_timer, dma2_streams.0, tim8_channels.ch1, &mut sampling_timer, etr_pin, ) }; Some(PounderDevices { pounder: pounder_devices, dds_output, #[cfg(feature = "pounder_v1_1")] timestamper: pounder_stamper, }) } else { None }; let stabilizer = StabilizerDevices { afes, adcs, dacs, timestamper: input_stamper, net: network_devices, adc_dac_timer: sampling_timer, timestamp_timer, }; // info!("Version {} {}", build_info::PKG_VERSION, build_info::GIT_VERSION.unwrap()); // info!("Built on {}", build_info::BUILT_TIME_UTC); // info!("{} {}", build_info::RUSTC_VERSION, build_info::TARGET); // Enable the instruction cache. core.SCB.enable_icache(); // Utilize the cycle counter for RTIC scheduling. core.DWT.enable_cycle_counter(); (stabilizer, pounder) }