dual channel
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ impl IIR {
pub fn update(&self, xy: &mut IIRState, x0: f32) -> f32 {
xy[0] = x0 - self.x_offset;
xy[0] = x0 + self.x_offset;
let y0 = macc(self.y_offset, xy, &self.ba)
xy[xy.len()/2] = y0;
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ fn io_compensation_setup(syscfg: &stm32::SYSCFG) {
fn gpio_setup(gpioa: &stm32::GPIOA, gpiob: &stm32::GPIOB, gpiod: &stm32::GPIOD,
gpioe: &stm32::GPIOE, gpiog: &stm32::GPIOG) {
gpioe: &stm32::GPIOE, gpiof: &stm32::GPIOF, gpiog: &stm32::GPIOG) {
// FP_LED0
gpiod.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot5().push_pull());
gpiod.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder5().output());
@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ fn gpio_setup(gpioa: &stm32::GPIOA, gpiob: &stm32::GPIOB, gpiod: &stm32::GPIOD,
// ADC0
// SCK: PG11
gpiog.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder11().alternate());
gpiog.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot11().push_pull());
@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ fn gpio_setup(gpioa: &stm32::GPIOA, gpiob: &stm32::GPIOB, gpiod: &stm32::GPIOD,
gpiog.ospeedr.modify(|_, w| w.ospeedr10().very_high_speed());
gpiog.afrh.modify(|_, w| w.afr10().af5());
// DAC0
// SCK: PB10
gpiob.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder10().alternate());
gpiob.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot10().push_pull());
@ -268,12 +270,53 @@ fn gpio_setup(gpioa: &stm32::GPIOA, gpiob: &stm32::GPIOB, gpiod: &stm32::GPIOD,
gpioe.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder11().output());
gpioe.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot11().push_pull());
gpioe.odr.modify(|_, w| w.odr11().clear_bit());
// DAC_CLR: PE12
gpioe.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder12().output());
gpioe.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot12().push_pull());
gpioe.odr.modify(|_, w| w.odr12().set_bit());
// ADC1
// SCK: PF6
gpiof.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder7().alternate());
gpiof.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot7().push_pull());
gpiof.ospeedr.modify(|_, w| w.ospeedr7().very_high_speed());
gpiof.afrl.modify(|_, w| w.afr7().af5());
// MOSI: PF9
// MISO: PF7
gpiof.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder8().alternate());
gpiof.afrh.modify(|_, w| w.afr8().af5());
// NSS: PF8
gpiof.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder6().alternate());
gpiof.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot6().push_pull());
gpiof.ospeedr.modify(|_, w| w.ospeedr6().very_high_speed());
gpiof.afrl.modify(|_, w| w.afr6().af5());
// DAC1
// SCK: PE2
gpioe.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder2().alternate());
gpioe.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot2().push_pull());
gpioe.ospeedr.modify(|_, w| w.ospeedr2().very_high_speed());
gpioe.afrl.modify(|_, w| w.afr2().af5());
// MOSI: PE6
gpioe.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder6().alternate());
gpioe.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot6().push_pull());
gpioe.ospeedr.modify(|_, w| w.ospeedr6().very_high_speed());
gpioe.afrl.modify(|_, w| w.afr6().af5());
// MISO: PE5
// NSS: PE4
gpioe.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder4().alternate());
gpioe.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot4().push_pull());
gpioe.ospeedr.modify(|_, w| w.ospeedr4().very_high_speed());
gpioe.afrl.modify(|_, w| w.afr4().af5());
// DAC1_LDAC: PE15
gpioe.moder.modify(|_, w| w.moder15().output());
gpioe.otyper.modify(|_, w| w.ot15().push_pull());
gpioe.odr.modify(|_, w| w.odr15().clear_bit());
// ADC0
fn spi1_setup(spi1: &stm32::SPI1) {
spi1.cfg1.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
w.mbr().bits(1) // clk/4
@ -302,6 +345,36 @@ fn spi1_setup(spi1: &stm32::SPI1) {
spi1.cr1.write(|w| w.spe().set_bit());
// ADC1
fn spi5_setup(spi5: &stm32::SPI5) {
spi5.cfg1.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
w.mbr().bits(1) // clk/4
.dsize().bits(16 - 1)
.fthvl().bits(1 - 1) // one data
spi5.cfg2.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
.ssom().set_bit() // ss deassert between frames during midi
.ssoe().set_bit() // ss output enable
.ssiop().clear_bit() // ss active low
.ssm().clear_bit() // PAD counts
.sp().bits(0) // motorola
.comm().bits(0b10) // simplex receiver
.midi().bits(0) // master inter data idle
.mssi().bits(6) // master SS idle
spi5.cr2.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
spi5.cr1.write(|w| w.spe().set_bit());
// DAC0
fn spi2_setup(spi2: &stm32::SPI2) {
spi2.cfg1.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
w.mbr().bits(0) // clk/2
@ -328,6 +401,37 @@ fn spi2_setup(spi2: &stm32::SPI2) {
spi2.cr1.write(|w| w.spe().set_bit());
spi2.cr1.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.bits() | (1 << 9)) });
// DAC1
fn spi4_setup(spi4: &stm32::SPI4) {
spi4.cfg1.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
w.mbr().bits(0) // clk/2
.dsize().bits(16 - 1)
.fthvl().bits(1 - 1) // one data
spi4.cfg2.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
.ssom().set_bit() // ss deassert between frames during midi
.ssoe().set_bit() // ss output enable
.ssiop().clear_bit() // ss active low
.ssm().clear_bit() // PAD counts
.sp().bits(0) // motorola
.comm().bits(0b01) // simplex transmitter
.midi().bits(0) // master inter data idle
.mssi().bits(0) // master SS idle
spi4.cr2.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
spi4.cr1.write(|w| w.spe().set_bit());
spi4.cr1.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.bits() | (1 << 9)) });
fn tim2_setup(tim2: &stm32::TIM2) {
@ -367,9 +471,8 @@ fn dma1_setup(dma1: &stm32::DMA1, dmamux1: &stm32::DMAMUX1, ma: usize, pa: usize
dma1.s0cr.modify(|_, w| w.en().set_bit());
static SPI1P: Mutex<RefCell<Option<stm32::SPI1>>> =
static SPI2P: Mutex<RefCell<Option<stm32::SPI2>>> =
static SPIP: Mutex<RefCell<Option<(
stm32::SPI1, stm32::SPI2, stm32::SPI4, stm32::SPI5)>>> =
#[link_section = ".sram1"]
@ -402,19 +505,28 @@ fn main() -> ! {
gpio_setup(&dp.GPIOA, &dp.GPIOB, &dp.GPIOD, &dp.GPIOE, &dp.GPIOG);
gpio_setup(&dp.GPIOA, &dp.GPIOB, &dp.GPIOD, &dp.GPIOE, &dp.GPIOF, &dp.GPIOG);
rcc.apb1lenr.modify(|_, w| w.spi2en().set_bit());
let spi2 = dp.SPI2;
spi2.cr1.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.bits() | (1 << 9)) });
rcc.apb2enr.modify(|_, w| w.spi4en().set_bit());
let spi4 = dp.SPI4;
rcc.apb2enr.modify(|_, w| w.spi1en().set_bit());
let spi1 = dp.SPI1;
spi1.ier.write(|w| w.rxpie().set_bit());
spi1.ier.write(|w| w.eotie().set_bit());
rcc.apb2enr.modify(|_, w| w.spi5en().set_bit());
let spi5 = dp.SPI5;
// spi5.ier.write(|w| w.eotie().set_bit());
rcc.ahb2enr.modify(|_, w| w.sram1en().set_bit());
rcc.ahb1enr.modify(|_, w| w.dma1en().set_bit());
@ -423,25 +535,27 @@ fn main() -> ! {
let dat_addr = unsafe { &DAT as *const _ } as usize;
cp.SCB.clean_dcache_by_address(dat_addr, 4);
// TODO: also SPI4/ADC0
dma1_setup(&dp.DMA1, &dp.DMAMUX1, dat_addr,
&spi1.cr1 as *const _ as usize);
rcc.apb1lenr.modify(|_, w| w.tim2en().set_bit());
unsafe { IIR_CH[0].pi(-0.01, 10.*2e-6/2., 0.).expect("bad coefficients"); }
unsafe { IIR_CH[0].pi(-0.1, 10.*2e-6/2., 0.).expect("bad coefficients"); }
unsafe { IIR_CH[1].pi(0.1, 10.*2e-6/2., 0.).expect("bad coefficients"); }
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
cp.NVIC.enable(stm32::Interrupt::TIM2); // FIXME
SPIP.borrow(cs).replace(Some((spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5)));
loop {
for _ in 0..1000000 { cortex_m::asm::wfi(); }
let (x0, y0) = unsafe { (IIR_STATE[0][0], IIR_STATE[0][2]) };
info!("x0={} y0={}", x0, y0);
let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = unsafe {
(IIR_STATE[0][0], IIR_STATE[0][2], IIR_STATE[1][0], IIR_STATE[1][2]) };
info!("x0={} y0={} x1={} y1={}", x0, y0, x1, y1);
@ -449,7 +563,8 @@ fn main() -> ! {
fn TIM2() { // FIXME
let dp = unsafe { Peripherals::steal() };
dp.TIM2.sr.write(|w| w.uif().clear_bit()); // rc_w0
dp.SPI1.cr1.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0x201) });
dp.SPI1.cr1.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0x201) }); // ADC0
dp.SPI5.cr1.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0x201) }); // ADC1
const SCALE: f32 = ((1 << 15) - 1) as f32;
@ -463,26 +578,38 @@ fn SPI1() {
#[cfg(feature = "bkpt")]
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
let spi1p = SPI1P.borrow(cs).borrow();
let spi1 = spi1p.as_ref().unwrap();
let spip = SPIP.borrow(cs).borrow();
let (spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5) = spip.as_ref().unwrap();
let sr = spi1.sr.read();
if sr.eot().bit_is_set() {
spi1.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
if sr.rxp().bit_is_set() {
// needs to be a half word read
let rxdr1 = &spi1.rxdr as *const _ as *const u16;
let a = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(rxdr1) };
let x0 = a as i16 as f32;
let y0 = unsafe { IIR_CH[0].update(&mut IIR_STATE[0], x0) };
let d = y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000;
let spi2p = SPI2P.borrow(cs).borrow();
let spi2 = spi2p.as_ref().unwrap();
// needs to be a half word write
let txdr2 = &spi2.txdr as *const _ as *mut u16;
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(txdr2, d) };
let sr = spi5.sr.read();
if sr.eot().bit_is_set() {
spi5.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
if sr.rxp().bit_is_set() {
let rxdr1 = &spi5.rxdr as *const _ as *const u16;
let a = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(rxdr1) };
let x0 = a as i16 as f32;
let y0 = unsafe { IIR_CH[1].update(&mut IIR_STATE[1], x0) };
let d = y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000;
let txdr2 = &spi4.txdr as *const _ as *mut u16;
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(txdr2, d) };
#[cfg(feature = "bkpt")]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user