rtfm: move ethernet into idle

This commit is contained in:
Robert Jördens 2019-05-30 20:57:41 +00:00
parent 6be0ccfc6a
commit b646c44c1c
1 changed files with 87 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -497,9 +497,6 @@ static mut DAT: u32 = 0x201; // EN | CSTART
static ETHERNET_PENDING: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true);
#[link_section = ".sram3.eth"]
static mut ETHERNET: eth::Device = eth::Device::new();
const TCP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
const TCP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
@ -527,8 +524,10 @@ const APP: () = {
y_max: SCALE
// static IFACE: net::iface::EthernetInterface<'static, 'static, 'static, eth::Device> = ();
// static SOCKETS: net::socket::SocketSet<'static, 'static, 'static> = ();
#[link_section = ".sram3.eth"]
static mut ETHERNET: eth::Device = eth::Device::new();
#[init(schedule = [tick])]
fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
@ -605,17 +604,30 @@ const APP: () = {
let dbgmcu = dp.DBGMCU;
dbgmcu.apb1lfz1.modify(|_, w| w.tim2().set_bit());
eth::setup(&rcc, &dp.SYSCFG);
eth::setup_pins(&dp.GPIOA, &dp.GPIOB, &dp.GPIOC, &dp.GPIOG);
let device = unsafe { &mut ETHERNET };
init::LateResources {
SPI: (spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5),
#[idle(resources = [ETHERNET, ETHERNET_PERIPH])]
fn idle(c: idle::Context) -> ! {
let (MAC, DMA, MTL) = c.resources.ETHERNET_PERIPH;
let hardware_addr = net::wire::EthernetAddress([0x10, 0xE2, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00]);
unsafe { device.init(hardware_addr, &dp.ETHERNET_MAC, &dp.ETHERNET_DMA, &dp.ETHERNET_MTL) };
unsafe { c.resources.ETHERNET.init(hardware_addr, MAC, DMA, MTL) };
let mut neighbor_cache_storage = [None; 8];
let neighbor_cache = net::iface::NeighborCache::new(&mut neighbor_cache_storage[..]);
let local_addr = net::wire::IpAddress::v4(10, 0, 16, 99);
let mut ip_addrs = [net::wire::IpCidr::new(local_addr, 24)];
let mut iface = net::iface::EthernetInterfaceBuilder::new(device)
let mut iface = net::iface::EthernetInterfaceBuilder::new(c.resources.ETHERNET)
.ip_addrs(&mut ip_addrs[..])
@ -625,36 +637,56 @@ const APP: () = {
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage0, tcp_tx_storage0, tcp_handle0);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage0, tcp_tx_storage0, tcp_handle1);
unsafe { eth::enable_interrupt(&dp.ETHERNET_DMA); }
init::LateResources {
SPI: (spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5),
// IFACE: iface,
// SOCKETS: sockets,
fn idle(_: idle::Context) -> ! {
// unsafe { eth::enable_interrupt(DMA); }
let mut last = 0u32;
let mut last_iter = rtfm::Instant::now();
//let mut server = Server::new();
loop {
// if ETHERNET_PENDING.swap(false, Ordering::Relaxed) { }
let mut time = last;
if rtfm::Instant::now() >= last_iter + 200_000.cycles() {
last_iter += 200_000.cycles();
time += 1;
let socket = &mut *sockets.get::<net::socket::TcpSocket>(tcp_handle0);
if !(socket.is_open() || socket.is_listening()) {
socket.listen(1234).unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("TCP listen error: {:?}", e));
} else if time > last && socket.can_send() {
last = time;
//handle_status(socket, time);
let socket = &mut *sockets.get::<net::socket::TcpSocket>(tcp_handle1);
if !(socket.is_open() || socket.is_listening()) {
socket.listen(1235).unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("TCP listen error: {:?}", e));
} else {
if !match iface.poll(&mut sockets, net::time::Instant::from_millis(time as i64)) {
Ok(changed) => changed,
Err(net::Error::Unrecognized) => true,
Err(e) => { info!("iface poll error: {:?}", e); true }
} {
// cortex_m::asm::wfi();
#[task(schedule = [tick])]
fn tick(c: tick::Context) {
// let now = rtfm::Instant::now();
static mut TIME: u32 = 0;
*TIME += 1;
const PERIOD: u32 = 200_000_000;
c.schedule.tick(c.scheduled + PERIOD.cycles()).unwrap();
// seems to slow it down
// #[link_section = ".data.spi1"]
#[interrupt(resources = [SPI, IIR_STATE, IIR_CH], priority = 1)]
#[interrupt(resources = [SPI, IIR_STATE, IIR_CH], priority = 3)]
fn SPI1(c: SPI1::Context) {
#[cfg(feature = "bkpt")]
@ -693,54 +725,24 @@ const APP: () = {
#[interrupt(resources = [], priority = 7)]
fn ETH(_: ETH::Context) {
let dma = unsafe { &stm32::Peripherals::steal().ETHERNET_DMA };
#[interrupt(resources = [ETHERNET_PERIPH], priority = 1)]
fn ETH(c: ETH::Context) {
let dma = &c.resources.ETHERNET_PERIPH.1;
ETHERNET_PENDING.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
unsafe { eth::interrupt_handler(dma) }
extern "C" {
// hw interrupt handlers for RTFM to use for scheduling tasks, one per priority
// hw interrupt handlers for RTFM to use for scheduling tasks
// one per priority
fn DCMI();
fn JPEG();
fn SDMMC();
let mut last = 0;
let mut server = Server::new();
loop {
// if ETHERNET_PENDING.swap(false, Ordering::Relaxed) { }
let time = TIME.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let socket = &mut *sockets.get::<net::socket::TcpSocket>(tcp_handle0);
if !(socket.is_open() || socket.is_listening()) {
socket.listen(1234).unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("TCP listen error: {:?}", e));
} else if last != time && socket.can_send() {
last = time;
handle_status(socket, time);
let socket = &mut *sockets.get::<net::socket::TcpSocket>(tcp_handle1);
if !(socket.is_open() || socket.is_listening()) {
socket.listen(1235).unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("TCP listen error: {:?}", e));
} else {
if !match iface.poll(&mut sockets, net::time::Instant::from_millis(time as i64)) {
Ok(changed) => changed,
Err(net::Error::Unrecognized) => true,
Err(e) => { info!("iface poll error: {:?}", e); true }
} {
struct Request {
channel: u8,
@ -753,10 +755,13 @@ struct Response<'a> {
message: &'a str,
fn reply<T: Serialize>(socket: &mut net::socket::TcpSocket, msg: &T) {
let mut u: String<U128> = to_string(msg).unwrap();
struct Status {
t: u32,
x0: f32,
y0: f32,
x1: f32,
y1: f32
struct Server {
@ -764,6 +769,12 @@ struct Server {
discard: bool,
fn reply<T: Serialize>(socket: &mut net::socket::TcpSocket, msg: &T) {
let mut u: String<U128> = to_string(msg).unwrap();
impl Server {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { data: Vec::new(), discard: false }
@ -796,9 +807,7 @@ impl Server {
if request.channel > 1 {
Response{ code: 530, message: "invalid channel" }
} else {
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|_| {
unsafe { IIR_CH[request.channel as usize] = request.iir; };
//unsafe { IIR_CH[request.channel as usize] = request.iir; };
Response{ code: 200, message: "ok" }
@ -815,27 +824,18 @@ impl Server {
fn handle_status(socket: &mut net::socket::TcpSocket, time: u32) {
fn handle_status(socket: &mut net::socket::TcpSocket, time: u32,
iir_state: &[IIRState]) {
let s = unsafe { Status{
t: time,
x0: IIR_STATE[0][0],
y0: IIR_STATE[0][2],
x1: IIR_STATE[1][0],
y1: IIR_STATE[1][2],
x0: iir_state[0][0],
y0: iir_state[0][2],
x1: iir_state[1][0],
y1: iir_state[1][2],
reply(socket, &s);
struct Status {
t: u32,
x0: f32,
y0: f32,
x1: f32,
y1: f32
fn HardFault(ef: &cortex_m_rt::ExceptionFrame) -> ! {
panic!("HardFault at {:#?}", ef);