use rtfm [wip]

This commit is contained in:
Robert Jördens 2019-05-30 16:03:48 +00:00
parent f0ec1e37fc
commit 7501ea1963
3 changed files with 271 additions and 184 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
name = "aligned"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "aligned"
version = "0.3.1"
@ -40,6 +45,17 @@ name = "cfg-if"
version = "0.1.9"
source = "registry+"
name = "cortex-m"
version = "0.5.10"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"aligned 0.2.0 (registry+",
"bare-metal 0.2.4 (registry+",
"cortex-m 0.6.0 (registry+",
"volatile-register 0.2.0 (registry+",
name = "cortex-m"
version = "0.6.0"
@ -80,6 +96,27 @@ dependencies = [
"syn 0.15.34 (registry+",
name = "cortex-m-rtfm"
version = "0.5.0-alpha.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"cortex-m 0.5.10 (registry+",
"cortex-m-rt 0.6.8 (registry+",
"cortex-m-rtfm-macros 0.5.0-alpha.1 (git+",
"heapless 0.5.0-alpha.2 (registry+",
name = "cortex-m-rtfm-macros"
version = "0.5.0-alpha.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.12 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.34 (registry+",
name = "cortex-m-semihosting"
version = "0.3.3"
@ -104,6 +141,14 @@ dependencies = [
"typenum 1.10.0 (registry+",
name = "generic-array"
version = "0.13.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"typenum 1.10.0 (registry+",
name = "hash32"
version = "0.1.0"
@ -122,6 +167,16 @@ dependencies = [
"hash32 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "heapless"
version = "0.5.0-alpha.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"as-slice 0.1.0 (registry+",
"generic-array 0.13.0 (registry+",
"hash32 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "log"
version = "0.4.6"
@ -256,6 +311,7 @@ dependencies = [
"cortex-m 0.6.0 (registry+",
"cortex-m-log 0.5.0 (registry+",
"cortex-m-rt 0.6.8 (registry+",
"cortex-m-rtfm 0.5.0-alpha.1 (git+",
"heapless 0.4.4 (registry+",
"log 0.4.6 (registry+",
"panic-abort 0.3.1 (registry+",
@ -315,21 +371,27 @@ dependencies = [
"checksum aligned 0.2.0 (registry+" = "d39da9b88ae1a81c03c9c082b8db83f1d0e93914126041962af61034ab44c4a5"
"checksum aligned 0.3.1 (registry+" = "d3a316c7ea8e1e9ece54862c992def5a7ac14de9f5832b69d71760680efeeefa"
"checksum as-slice 0.1.0 (registry+" = "293dac66b274fab06f95e7efb05ec439a6b70136081ea522d270bc351ae5bb27"
"checksum bare-metal 0.2.4 (registry+" = "a3caf393d93b2d453e80638d0674597020cef3382ada454faacd43d1a55a735a"
"checksum bitflags 1.0.4 (registry+" = "228047a76f468627ca71776ecdebd732a3423081fcf5125585bcd7c49886ce12"
"checksum byteorder 1.3.1 (registry+" = "a019b10a2a7cdeb292db131fc8113e57ea2a908f6e7894b0c3c671893b65dbeb"
"checksum cfg-if 0.1.9 (registry+" = "b486ce3ccf7ffd79fdeb678eac06a9e6c09fc88d33836340becb8fffe87c5e33"
"checksum cortex-m 0.5.10 (registry+" = "3c0b159a1e8306949579de3698c841dba58058197b65c60807194e4fa1e7a554"
"checksum cortex-m 0.6.0 (registry+" = "f3c18719fdc57db65668bfc977db9a0fa1a41d718c5d9cd4f652c9d4b0e0956a"
"checksum cortex-m-log 0.5.0 (registry+" = "584a62cf37ddd834b8bfc21317bf3396915844298bf346dd1f4ca0572180ac7f"
"checksum cortex-m-rt 0.6.8 (registry+" = "7e1ccc9052352415ec4e3f762f4541098d012016f9354a1a5b2dede39b67f426"
"checksum cortex-m-rt-macros 0.1.5 (registry+" = "d7ae692573e0acccb1579fef1abf5a5bf1d2f3f0149a22b16870ec9309aee25f"
"checksum cortex-m-rtfm 0.5.0-alpha.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum cortex-m-rtfm-macros 0.5.0-alpha.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum cortex-m-semihosting 0.3.3 (registry+" = "165f3f86f4d1031351a6c9dc8d5a3f8fae2050f9dd6ef925e3d675c232cc0e46"
"checksum generic-array 0.11.1 (registry+" = "8107dafa78c80c848b71b60133954b4a58609a3a1a5f9af037ecc7f67280f369"
"checksum generic-array 0.12.0 (registry+" = "3c0f28c2f5bfb5960175af447a2da7c18900693738343dc896ffbcabd9839592"
"checksum generic-array 0.13.0 (registry+" = "1d3904420fad470d07ec9e4dbac00c2dc46765d3c4eb6cd1d9bb4d9c8a09c5f6"
"checksum hash32 0.1.0 (registry+" = "12d790435639c06a7b798af9e1e331ae245b7ef915b92f70a39b4cf8c00686af"
"checksum heapless 0.4.4 (registry+" = "e1ae80bbc62401ae8096976857172507cadbd2200f36670e5144634360a05959"
"checksum heapless 0.5.0-alpha.2 (registry+" = "c50e9f50ed4098bca126410960080738c3dd4cbea45812c15cf8aa02a9cfded1"
"checksum log 0.4.6 (registry+" = "c84ec4b527950aa83a329754b01dbe3f58361d1c5efacd1f6d68c494d08a17c6"
"checksum managed 0.7.1 (registry+" = "fdcec5e97041c7f0f1c5b7d93f12e57293c831c646f4cc7a5db59460c7ea8de6"
"checksum panic-abort 0.3.1 (registry+" = "2c14a66511ed17b6a8b4256b868d7fd207836d891db15eea5195dbcaf87e630f"

View File

@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ version = "0.5"
features = ["proto-ipv4", "socket-tcp"]
default-features = false
git = ""
features = ["timer-queue"]
semihosting = ["panic-semihosting", "cortex-m-log/semihosting"]
bkpt = [ ]

View File

@ -13,12 +13,10 @@ extern crate panic_semihosting;
extern crate log;
use core::ptr;
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, AtomicBool, Ordering};
use core::fmt::Write;
use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception};
use stm32h7::stm32h7x3::{self as stm32, Peripherals, CorePeripherals, interrupt};
use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex;
use cortex_m_rt::{exception};
use stm32h7::stm32h7x3::{self as stm32, interrupt};
use heapless::{String, Vec, consts::*};
use smoltcp as net;
@ -37,7 +35,7 @@ fn init_log() {}
#[cfg(feature = "semihosting")]
fn init_log() {
use log::LevelFilter;
use cortex_m_log::log::{Logger, init};
use cortex_m_log::log::{Logger, init as init_log};
use cortex_m_log::printer::semihosting::{InterruptOk, hio::HStdout};
static mut LOGGER: Option<Logger<InterruptOk<HStdout>>> = None;
let logger = Logger {
@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ fn init_log() {
// Pull in build information (from `built` crate)
@ -492,8 +490,7 @@ fn dma1_setup(dma1: &stm32::DMA1, dmamux1: &stm32::DMAMUX1, ma: usize, pa0: usiz[1].cr.modify(|_, w| w.en().set_bit());
type SpiPs = Option<(stm32::SPI1, stm32::SPI2, stm32::SPI4, stm32::SPI5)>;
static SPIP: Mutex<RefCell<SpiPs>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None));
const SCALE: f32 = ((1 << 15) - 1) as f32;
#[link_section = ".sram1.datspi"]
static mut DAT: u32 = 0x201; // EN | CSTART
@ -518,11 +515,26 @@ macro_rules! create_socket {
#[rtfm::app(device = stm32h7::stm32h7x3)]
const APP: () = {
static SPI: (stm32::SPI1, stm32::SPI2, stm32::SPI4, stm32::SPI5) = ();
fn main() -> ! {
let mut cp = CorePeripherals::take().unwrap();
let dp = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
static mut IIR_STATE: [IIRState; 2] = [[0.; 5]; 2];
static mut IIR_CH: [IIR; 2] = [
ba: [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
y_offset: 0.,
y_min: -SCALE - 1.,
y_max: SCALE
// static IFACE: net::iface::EthernetInterface<'static, 'static, 'static, eth::Device> = ();
// static SOCKETS: net::socket::SocketSet<'static, 'static, 'static> = ();
fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
let dp = c.device;
let cp = c.core;
let rcc = dp.RCC;
@ -538,16 +550,18 @@ fn main() -> ! {
// 100 MHz
unsafe { cp.SCB.shpr[11].write(128); } // systick exception priority
// TODO: ETH DMA coherence issues
// cp.SCB.enable_dcache(&mut cp.CPUID);
// cp.DWT.enable_cycle_counter();
rcc.ahb4enr.modify(|_, w|
@ -622,17 +636,79 @@ fn main() -> ! {
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage0, tcp_tx_storage0, tcp_handle1);
unsafe { eth::enable_interrupt(&dp.ETHERNET_DMA); }
unsafe { cp.NVIC.set_priority(stm32::Interrupt::ETH, 196); } // mid prio
unsafe { cp.NVIC.set_priority(stm32::Interrupt::SPI1, 0); } // highest prio
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
SPIP.borrow(cs).replace(Some((spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5)));
init::LateResources {
SPI: (spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5),
// IFACE: iface,
// SOCKETS: sockets,
fn idle(_: idle::Context) -> ! {
loop {
// seems to slow it down
// #[link_section = ".data.spi1"]
#[interrupt(resources = [SPI, IIR_STATE, IIR_CH], priority = 1)]
fn SPI1(c: SPI1::Context) {
#[cfg(feature = "bkpt")]
let (spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5) = c.resources.SPI;
let iir_ch = c.resources.IIR_CH;
let iir_state = c.resources.IIR_STATE;
let sr =;
if sr.eot().bit_is_set() {
spi1.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
if sr.rxp().bit_is_set() {
let rxdr = &spi1.rxdr as *const _ as *const u16;
let a = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(rxdr) };
let x0 = f32::from(a as i16);
let y0 = unsafe { iir_ch[0].update(&mut iir_state[0], x0) };
let d = y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000;
let txdr = &spi2.txdr as *const _ as *mut u16;
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(txdr, d) };
let sr =;
if sr.eot().bit_is_set() {
spi5.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
if sr.rxp().bit_is_set() {
let rxdr = &spi5.rxdr as *const _ as *const u16;
let a = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(rxdr) };
let x0 = f32::from(a as i16);
let y0 = unsafe { iir_ch[1].update(&mut iir_state[1], x0) };
let d = y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000;
let txdr = &spi4.txdr as *const _ as *mut u16;
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(txdr, d) };
#[cfg(feature = "bkpt")]
#[interrupt(resources = [], priority = 7)]
fn ETH(_: ETH::Context) {
let dma = unsafe { &stm32::Peripherals::steal().ETHERNET_DMA };, Ordering::Relaxed);
unsafe { eth::interrupt_handler(dma) }
extern "C" {
fn DCMI();
fn JPEG();
fn SDMMC();
let mut last = 0;
let mut server = Server::new();
loop {
@ -664,7 +740,6 @@ fn main() -> ! {
struct Request {
@ -760,65 +835,11 @@ struct Status {
y1: f32
const SCALE: f32 = ((1 << 15) - 1) as f32;
static mut IIR_STATE: [IIRState; 2] = [[0.; 5]; 2];
static mut IIR_CH: [IIR; 2] = [
IIR{ ba: [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], y_offset: 0.,
y_min: -SCALE - 1., y_max: SCALE }; 2];
// seems to slow it down
// #[link_section = ".data.spi1"]
fn SPI1() {
#[cfg(feature = "bkpt")]
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
let spip = SPIP.borrow(cs).borrow();
let (spi1, spi2, spi4, spi5) = spip.as_ref().unwrap();
let sr =;
if sr.eot().bit_is_set() {
spi1.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
if sr.rxp().bit_is_set() {
let rxdr = &spi1.rxdr as *const _ as *const u16;
let a = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(rxdr) };
let x0 = f32::from(a as i16);
let y0 = unsafe { IIR_CH[0].update(&mut IIR_STATE[0], x0) };
let d = y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000;
let txdr = &spi2.txdr as *const _ as *mut u16;
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(txdr, d) };
let sr =;
if sr.eot().bit_is_set() {
spi5.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
if sr.rxp().bit_is_set() {
let rxdr = &spi5.rxdr as *const _ as *const u16;
let a = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(rxdr) };
let x0 = f32::from(a as i16);
let y0 = unsafe { IIR_CH[1].update(&mut IIR_STATE[1], x0) };
let d = y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000;
let txdr = &spi4.txdr as *const _ as *mut u16;
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(txdr, d) };
#[cfg(feature = "bkpt")]
fn ETH() {
let dma = unsafe { &stm32::Peripherals::steal().ETHERNET_DMA };, Ordering::Relaxed);
unsafe { eth::interrupt_handler(dma) }
fn SysTick() {
TIME.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
fn HardFault(ef: &cortex_m_rt::ExceptionFrame) -> ! {