
255 lines
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//! Kernel prologue/epilogue that runs on the 2nd CPU core
use alloc::borrow::ToOwned;
use core::{cell::UnsafeCell, mem, ptr};
use cslice::CSlice;
use dyld::{self, elf::EXIDX_Entry, Library};
use libboard_zynq::{gic, mpcore};
use libcortex_a9::{asm::{dsb, isb},
cache::{bpiall, dcci_slice, iciallu},
enable_fpu, sync_channel};
use libsupport_zynq::ram;
use log::{debug, error, info};
use super::{api::resolve, dma, rpc::rpc_send_async, Message, CHANNEL_0TO1, CHANNEL_1TO0, CHANNEL_SEM, INIT_LOCK,
use crate::{eh_artiq, get_async_errors, rtio};
// linker symbols
extern "C" {
static __text_start: u32;
static __text_end: u32;
2022-06-01 18:35:50 +08:00
static __exidx_start: EXIDX_Entry;
static __exidx_end: EXIDX_Entry;
unsafe fn attribute_writeback(typeinfo: *const ()) {
struct Attr {
offset: usize,
tag: CSlice<'static, u8>,
name: CSlice<'static, u8>,
struct Type {
attributes: *const *const Attr,
objects: *const *const (),
let mut tys = typeinfo as *const *const Type;
while !(*tys).is_null() {
let ty = *tys;
tys = tys.offset(1);
let mut objects = (*ty).objects;
while !(*objects).is_null() {
let object = *objects;
objects = objects.offset(1);
let mut attributes = (*ty).attributes;
while !(*attributes).is_null() {
let attribute = *attributes;
attributes = attributes.offset(1);
if (*attribute).tag.len() > 0 {
&object as *const _ as *const (),
&(*attribute).name as *const _ as *const (),
(object as usize + (*attribute).offset) as *const (),
pub struct KernelImage {
library: UnsafeCell<Library>,
__modinit__: u32,
typeinfo: Option<u32>,
impl KernelImage {
pub fn new(library: Library) -> Result<Self, dyld::Error> {
let __modinit__ = library
let typeinfo = library.lookup(b"typeinfo");
// clear .bss
let bss_start = library.lookup(b"__bss_start");
let end = library.lookup(b"_end");
if let Some(bss_start) = bss_start {
let end = end.ok_or(dyld::Error::Lookup("_end".to_owned()))?;
unsafe {
ptr::write_bytes(bss_start as *mut u8, 0, (end - bss_start) as usize);
Ok(KernelImage {
library: UnsafeCell::new(library),
pub unsafe fn rebind(&self, name: &[u8], addr: *const ()) -> Result<(), dyld::Error> {
let library = self.library.get().as_mut().unwrap();
library.rebind(name, addr)
pub unsafe fn exec(&self) {
// Flush data cache entries for the image in DDR, including
2020-07-10 16:36:45 +08:00
// Memory/Instruction Synchronization Barriers
2020-07-14 10:53:35 +08:00
2021-01-18 16:43:30 +08:00
(mem::transmute::<u32, extern "C" fn()>(self.__modinit__))();
if let Some(typeinfo) = self.typeinfo {
attribute_writeback(typeinfo as *const ());
pub fn get_load_addr(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { self.library.get().as_ref().unwrap().image.as_ptr() as usize }
2021-01-18 16:43:30 +08:00
pub extern "C" fn main_core1() {
debug!("Core1 started");
2020-08-18 01:17:15 +08:00
let (mut core0_tx, mut core1_rx) = sync_channel!(Message, 4);
let (mut core1_tx, core0_rx) = sync_channel!(Message, 4);
unsafe {
if !KERNEL_IMAGE.is_null() {
// indicates forceful termination of previous kernel
KERNEL_IMAGE = core::ptr::null();
debug!("rtio init");
*CHANNEL_0TO1.lock() = Some(core0_tx);
*CHANNEL_1TO0.lock() = Some(core0_rx);
// set on load, cleared on start
let mut loaded_kernel = None;
loop {
let message = core1_rx.recv();
match message {
Message::LoadRequest(data) => {
let result = dyld::load(&data, &resolve).and_then(KernelImage::new);
match result {
Ok(kernel) => {
loaded_kernel = Some(kernel);
debug!("kernel loaded");
Err(error) => {
error!("failed to load shared library: {}", error);
Message::StartRequest => {
info!("kernel starting");
if let Some(kernel) = loaded_kernel.take() {
unsafe {
KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1 = Some(core1_rx);
KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0 = Some(core1_tx);
KERNEL_IMAGE = &kernel as *const KernelImage;
KERNEL_IMAGE = ptr::null();
core1_rx = KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1.take().unwrap();
core1_tx = KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.take().unwrap();
info!("kernel finished");
let async_errors = unsafe { get_async_errors() };
_ => error!("Core1 received unexpected message: {:?}", message),
/// Called by eh_artiq
pub fn terminate(
exceptions: &'static [Option<eh_artiq::Exception<'static>>],
stack_pointers: &'static [eh_artiq::StackPointerBacktrace],
backtrace: &'static mut [(usize, usize)],
) -> ! {
let core1_tx = unsafe { KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.as_mut().unwrap() };
let errors = unsafe { get_async_errors() };
core1_tx.send(Message::KernelException(exceptions, stack_pointers, backtrace, errors));
loop {}
/// Called by llvm_libunwind
extern "C" fn dl_unwind_find_exidx(pc: *const u32, len_ptr: *mut u32) -> *const u32 {
let length;
2022-06-01 18:35:50 +08:00
let start: *const EXIDX_Entry;
unsafe {
if &__text_start as *const u32 <= pc && pc < &__text_end as *const u32 {
2022-06-01 18:35:50 +08:00
length = (&__exidx_end as *const EXIDX_Entry).offset_from(&__exidx_start) as u32;
start = &__exidx_start;
enable network and mgmt during Rust panic, make RTIO PLL lock failure a panic Closes #198 #200 Making it a soft panic makes it more involved with a bit of code duplication - setting up mgmt requires setting up the interface and sockets. Maybe can be done a bit cleaner. ``` [spaqin@hera:~/m-labs/artiq-zynq]$ artiq_sinara_tester ****** Sinara system tester ****** [...] ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused [spaqin@hera:~/m-labs/artiq-zynq]$ artiq_coremgmt -D log [ 0.000067s] INFO(runtime): NAR3/Zynq7000 starting... [ 0.005238s] INFO(runtime): detected gateware: GenericMaster [ 0.016152s] INFO(libboard_zynq::i2c): PCA9548 detected [ 0.023004s] WARN(runtime): config initialization failed: SD error: Card initialization error: No card inserted, check if the card is inserted properly. [ 0.036730s] WARN(runtime::rtio_clocking): error reading configuration. Falling back to default. [ 0.213000s] ERROR(runtime::rtio_clocking): RTIO PLL failed to lock [ 0.224443s] INFO(libboard_zynq::i2c): PCA9548 detected [ 0.256197s] INFO(runtime::comms): network addresses: MAC=e8-eb-1b-13-49-8b IPv4= IPv6-LL=fe80::eaeb:1bff:fe13:498b IPv6: no configured address [ 0.270183s] ERROR(runtime::comms): There has been an error configuring the device: RTIO PLL failed to lock. Only mgmt interface will be available. [ 4.000095s] INFO(libboard_zynq::eth): eth: got Link { speed: S1000, duplex: Full } [ 33.148521s] INFO(runtime::mgmt): received connection ``` Reviewed-on: Co-authored-by: mwojcik <> Co-committed-by: mwojcik <>
2022-10-21 17:56:34 +08:00
} else if KERNEL_IMAGE != ptr::null() {
let exidx = KERNEL_IMAGE
.expect("dl_unwind_find_exidx kernel image")
length = exidx.len() as u32;
start = exidx.as_ptr();
enable network and mgmt during Rust panic, make RTIO PLL lock failure a panic Closes #198 #200 Making it a soft panic makes it more involved with a bit of code duplication - setting up mgmt requires setting up the interface and sockets. Maybe can be done a bit cleaner. ``` [spaqin@hera:~/m-labs/artiq-zynq]$ artiq_sinara_tester ****** Sinara system tester ****** [...] ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused [spaqin@hera:~/m-labs/artiq-zynq]$ artiq_coremgmt -D log [ 0.000067s] INFO(runtime): NAR3/Zynq7000 starting... [ 0.005238s] INFO(runtime): detected gateware: GenericMaster [ 0.016152s] INFO(libboard_zynq::i2c): PCA9548 detected [ 0.023004s] WARN(runtime): config initialization failed: SD error: Card initialization error: No card inserted, check if the card is inserted properly. [ 0.036730s] WARN(runtime::rtio_clocking): error reading configuration. Falling back to default. [ 0.213000s] ERROR(runtime::rtio_clocking): RTIO PLL failed to lock [ 0.224443s] INFO(libboard_zynq::i2c): PCA9548 detected [ 0.256197s] INFO(runtime::comms): network addresses: MAC=e8-eb-1b-13-49-8b IPv4= IPv6-LL=fe80::eaeb:1bff:fe13:498b IPv6: no configured address [ 0.270183s] ERROR(runtime::comms): There has been an error configuring the device: RTIO PLL failed to lock. Only mgmt interface will be available. [ 4.000095s] INFO(libboard_zynq::eth): eth: got Link { speed: S1000, duplex: Full } [ 33.148521s] INFO(runtime::mgmt): received connection ``` Reviewed-on: Co-authored-by: mwojcik <> Co-committed-by: mwojcik <>
2022-10-21 17:56:34 +08:00
} else {
length = 0;
start = ptr::null();
*len_ptr = length;
2022-06-01 18:35:50 +08:00
start as *const u32
pub extern "C" fn rtio_get_destination_status(destination: i32) -> bool {
if destination > 0 && destination < 255 {
let reply = unsafe {
let core1_rx = KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1.as_mut().unwrap();
let core1_tx = KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.as_mut().unwrap();
return match reply {
Message::UpDestinationsReply(x) => x,
_ => panic!("received unexpected reply to UpDestinationsRequest: {:?}", reply),
destination == 0