use core::fmt; use core::num::ParseIntError; use core::str::{from_utf8, Utf8Error}; use nom::{ IResult, branch::alt, bytes::complete::{is_a, tag, take_while1}, character::{is_digit, complete::{char, one_of}}, combinator::{complete, map, opt, value}, sequence::preceded, multi::{fold_many0, fold_many1}, error::ErrorKind, }; use num_traits::{Num, ParseFloatError}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Error { Parser(ErrorKind), Incomplete, UnexpectedInput(u8), Utf8(Utf8Error), ParseInt(ParseIntError), // `num_traits::ParseFloatError` does not impl Clone ParseFloat, } impl<'t> From> for Error { fn from(e: nom::Err<(&'t [u8], ErrorKind)>) -> Self { match e { nom::Err::Incomplete(_) => Error::Incomplete, nom::Err::Error((_, e)) => Error::Parser(e), nom::Err::Failure((_, e)) => Error::Parser(e), } } } impl From for Error { fn from(e: Utf8Error) -> Self { Error::Utf8(e) } } impl From for Error { fn from(e: ParseIntError) -> Self { Error::ParseInt(e) } } impl From for Error { fn from(_: ParseFloatError) -> Self { Error::ParseFloat } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { match self { Error::Incomplete => "incomplete input".fmt(fmt), Error::UnexpectedInput(c) => { "unexpected input: ".fmt(fmt)?; c.fmt(fmt) } Error::Parser(e) => { "parser: ".fmt(fmt)?; (e as &dyn core::fmt::Debug).fmt(fmt) } Error::Utf8(e) => { "utf8: ".fmt(fmt)?; (e as &dyn core::fmt::Debug).fmt(fmt) } Error::ParseInt(e) => { "parsing int: ".fmt(fmt)?; (e as &dyn core::fmt::Debug).fmt(fmt) } Error::ParseFloat => { "parsing float".fmt(fmt) } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ShowCommand { Input, Reporting, Pwm, Pid, SteinhartHart, PostFilter, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum PidParameter { Target, KP, KI, KD, OutputMin, OutputMax, IntegralMin, IntegralMax, } /// Steinhart-Hart equation parameter #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ShParameter { T0, B, R0, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum PwmPin { ISet, MaxIPos, MaxINeg, MaxV, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum Command { Quit, Show(ShowCommand), Reporting(bool), /// PWM parameter setting Pwm { channel: usize, pin: PwmPin, value: f64, }, /// Enable PID control for `i_set` PwmPid { channel: usize, }, /// PID parameter setting Pid { channel: usize, parameter: PidParameter, value: f64, }, SteinhartHart { channel: usize, parameter: ShParameter, value: f64, }, PostFilter { channel: usize, rate: f32, }, } fn end(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], ()> { complete( fold_many0( one_of("\r\n\t "), (), |(), _| () ) )(input) } fn whitespace(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], ()> { fold_many1(char(' '), (), |(), _| ())(input) } fn float(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { let (input, sign) = opt(is_a("-"))(input)?; let negative = sign.is_some(); let (input, digits) = take_while1(|c| is_digit(c) || c == '.' as u8)(input)?; let result = from_utf8(digits) .map_err(|e| e.into()) .and_then(|digits| f64::from_str_radix(digits, 10) .map_err(|e| e.into()) ) .map(|result: f64| if negative { -result } else { result }); Ok((input, result)) } fn off_on(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], bool> { alt((value(false, tag("off")), value(true, tag("on")) ))(input) } fn channel(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], usize> { map(one_of("01"), |c| (c as usize) - ('0' as usize))(input) } fn report(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Command> { preceded( tag("report"), alt(( preceded( whitespace, preceded( tag("mode"), alt(( preceded( whitespace, // `report mode ` - Switch repoting mode map(off_on, Command::Reporting) ), // `report mode` - Show current reporting state value(Command::Show(ShowCommand::Reporting), end) )) )), // `report` - Report once value(Command::Show(ShowCommand::Input), end) )) )(input) } fn pwm_setup(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result<(PwmPin, f64), Error>> { let result_with_pin = |pin: PwmPin| move |result: Result||value| (pin, value)); alt(( map( preceded( tag("max_i_pos"), preceded( whitespace, float ) ), result_with_pin(PwmPin::MaxIPos) ), map( preceded( tag("max_i_neg"), preceded( whitespace, float ) ), result_with_pin(PwmPin::MaxINeg) ), map( preceded( tag("max_v"), preceded( whitespace, float ) ), result_with_pin(PwmPin::MaxV) ), map(float, result_with_pin(PwmPin::ISet) )) )(input) } /// `pwm <0-1> pid` - Set PWM to be controlled by PID fn pwm_pid(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], ()> { value((), tag("pid"))(input) } fn pwm(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { let (input, _) = tag("pwm")(input)?; alt(( |input| { let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, channel) = channel(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, result) = alt(( |input| { let (input, ()) = pwm_pid(input)?; Ok((input, Ok(Command::PwmPid { channel }))) }, |input| { let (input, config) = pwm_setup(input)?; match config { Ok((pin, value)) => Ok((input, Ok(Command::Pwm { channel, pin, value }))), Err(e) => Ok((input, Err(e))), } }, ))(input)?; end(input)?; Ok((input, result)) }, value(Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::Pwm)), end) ))(input) } /// `pid <0-1> ` fn pid_parameter(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { let (input, channel) = channel(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, parameter) = alt((value(PidParameter::Target, tag("target")), value(PidParameter::KP, tag("kp")), value(PidParameter::KI, tag("ki")), value(PidParameter::KD, tag("kd")), value(PidParameter::OutputMin, tag("output_min")), value(PidParameter::OutputMax, tag("output_max")), value(PidParameter::IntegralMin, tag("integral_min")), value(PidParameter::IntegralMax, tag("integral_max")) ))(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, value) = float(input)?; let result = value .map(|value| Command::Pid { channel, parameter, value }); Ok((input, result)) } /// `pid` | `pid ` fn pid(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { let (input, _) = tag("pid")(input)?; alt(( preceded( whitespace, pid_parameter ), value(Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::Pid)), end) ))(input) } /// `s-h <0-1> ` fn steinhart_hart_parameter(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { let (input, channel) = channel(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, parameter) = alt((value(ShParameter::T0, tag("t0")), value(ShParameter::B, tag("b")), value(ShParameter::R0, tag("r0")) ))(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, value) = float(input)?; let result = value .map(|value| Command::SteinhartHart { channel, parameter, value }); Ok((input, result)) } /// `s-h` | `s-h ` fn steinhart_hart(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { let (input, _) = tag("s-h")(input)?; alt(( preceded( whitespace, steinhart_hart_parameter ), value(Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::SteinhartHart)), end) ))(input) } fn postfilter(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { let (input, _) = tag("postfilter")(input)?; alt(( preceded( whitespace, |input| { let (input, channel) = channel(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, _) = tag("rate")(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace(input)?; let (input, rate) = float(input)?; let result = rate .map(|rate| Command::PostFilter { channel, rate: rate as f32, }); Ok((input, result)) } ), value(Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::PostFilter)), end) ))(input) } fn command(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Result> { alt((value(Ok(Command::Quit), tag("quit")), map(report, Ok), pwm, pid, steinhart_hart, postfilter, ))(input) } impl Command { pub fn parse(input: &[u8]) -> Result { match command(input) { Ok((b"", result)) => result, Ok((input_remain, _)) => Err(Error::UnexpectedInput(input_remain[0])), Err(e) => Err(e.into()), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn parse_quit() { let command = Command::parse(b"quit"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Quit)); } #[test] fn parse_report() { let command = Command::parse(b"report"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::Input))); } #[test] fn parse_report_mode() { let command = Command::parse(b"report mode"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::Reporting))); } #[test] fn parse_report_mode_on() { let command = Command::parse(b"report mode on"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Reporting(true))); } #[test] fn parse_report_mode_off() { let command = Command::parse(b"report mode off"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Reporting(false))); } #[test] fn parse_pwm_manual() { let command = Command::parse(b"pwm 1 16383"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Pwm { channel: 1, pin: PwmPin::ISet, value: 16383.0, })); } #[test] fn parse_pwm_pid() { let command = Command::parse(b"pwm 0 pid"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::PwmPid { channel: 0, })); } #[test] fn parse_pwm_max_i_pos() { let command = Command::parse(b"pwm 0 max_i_pos 7"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Pwm { channel: 0, pin: PwmPin::MaxIPos, value: 7.0, })); } #[test] fn parse_pwm_max_i_neg() { let command = Command::parse(b"pwm 0 max_i_neg 128"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Pwm { channel: 0, pin: PwmPin::MaxINeg, value: 128.0, })); } #[test] fn parse_pwm_max_v() { let command = Command::parse(b"pwm 0 max_v 32768"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Pwm { channel: 0, pin: PwmPin::MaxV, value: 32768.0, })); } #[test] fn parse_pid() { let command = Command::parse(b"pid"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::Pid))); } #[test] fn parse_pid_target() { let command = Command::parse(b"pid 0 target 36.5"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Pid { channel: 0, parameter: PidParameter::Target, value: 36.5, })); } #[test] fn parse_pid_integral_max() { let command = Command::parse(b"pid 1 integral_max 2000"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Pid { channel: 1, parameter: PidParameter::IntegralMax, value: 2000.0, })); } #[test] fn parse_steinhart_hart() { let command = Command::parse(b"s-h"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::Show(ShowCommand::SteinhartHart))); } #[test] fn parse_steinhart_hart_parallel_r() { let command = Command::parse(b"s-h 1 t0 23.05"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::SteinhartHart { channel: 1, parameter: ShParameter::T0, value: 23.05, })); } #[test] fn parse_postfilter_rate() { let command = Command::parse(b"postfilter 0 rate 21"); assert_eq!(command, Ok(Command::PostFilter { channel: 0, rate: 21.0, })); } }