{ pkgs ? import {}, diskImage ? "/opt/windows/c.img", qemuMem ? "2G", testTimeout ? 120, artiqPkg ? import ../conda-artiq.nix { inherit pkgs; }, }: with pkgs; let artiqSrc = ; artiqVersion = pkgs.runCommand "artiq-version" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.nix pkgs.git ]; } '' REV=`git --git-dir ${artiqSrc}/.git rev-parse HEAD` echo \"5e.`cut -c1-8 <<< $REV`\" > $out ''; generateTestOkHash = pkgs.runCommand "generate-test-ok-hash" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.nix ]; } '' TMPDIR=`mktemp -d` cp ${artiqVersion} $TMPDIR/passed HASH=`nix-hash --type sha256 --base32 $TMPDIR` echo \"$HASH\" > $out ''; qemu = import ./qemu.nix { inherit pkgs qemuMem; diskImage = "c.img"; }; ssh = qemu.ssh; scp = qemu.scp; condaEnv = "artiq-env"; makeTest = name: testCommand: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "windows-test-conda-artiq-${name}"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHash = import generateTestOkHash; __hydraRetry = false; phases = [ "buildPhase" ]; buildInputs = qemu.inputs; buildPhase = '' # +1 day from last modification of the disk image CLOCK=$(date -Is -d @$(expr $(stat -c %Y ${diskImage}) + 86400)) ${qemu.runQemu [ "-boot" "order=c" "-snapshot" "-drive" "file=${diskImage},index=0,media=disk,cache=unsafe" "-rtc" "base=$CLOCK" "-display" "none" ]} & echo "Wait for Windows to boot" sleep 10 ${ssh "ver"} for pkg in ${artiqPkg}/noarch/artiq*.tar.bz2 ; do ${scp "\$pkg" "artiq.tar.bz2"} ${ssh "anaconda\\scripts\\activate ${condaEnv} && conda install artiq.tar.bz2"} done # Allow tests to run for 2 minutes ${ssh "shutdown -s -t ${toString testTimeout}"} ${testCommand} # Abort timeouted shutdown ${ssh "shutdown -a"} # Power off immediately ${ssh "shutdown -p -f"} mkdir $out cp ${artiqVersion} $out/passed ''; }; in { standalone = makeTest "standalone" (ssh "anaconda\\scripts\\activate ${condaEnv} && python -m unittest discover -v artiq.test"); kc705 = makeTest "kc705" # This weirdly mangled syntax is legit for Windows (ssh (builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ "" ] '' anaconda\scripts\activate ${condaEnv} && set ARTIQ_ROOT=%cd%\anaconda\envs\artiq-env\Lib\site-packages\artiq\examples\kc705_nist_clock && set ARTIQ_LOW_LATENCY=1 && python -m unittest discover -v artiq.test.coredevice '')); }