# Install Vivado in /opt and add to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix: # nix.sandboxPaths = ["/opt"]; { pkgs }: { target , variant , buildCommand ? "python -m artiq.gateware.targets.${target} -V ${variant}" , extraInstallCommands ? ""}: let name = "artiq-board-${target}-${variant}-${version}"; version = import ./pkgs/artiq-version.nix (with pkgs; { inherit stdenv fetchgit git; }); installPath = "${pkgs.python3Packages.python.sitePackages}/artiq/board-support/${target}-${variant}"; artiqSrc = import ./pkgs/artiq-src.nix { fetchgit = pkgs.fetchgit; }; fetchcargo = import ./fetchcargo.nix { inherit (pkgs) stdenv cacert git cargo cargo-vendor; }; cargoDeps = fetchcargo rec { name = "artiq-firmware-cargo-deps"; src = "${artiqSrc}/artiq/firmware"; sha256 = (import "${artiqSrc}/artiq/firmware/cargosha256.nix"); }; cargoVendored = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "artiq-firmware-cargo-vendored"; src = cargoDeps; phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" ]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/registry cat << EOF > $out/config [source.crates-io] registry = "https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" replace-with = "vendored-sources" [source."https://github.com/m-labs/libfringe"] git = "https://github.com/m-labs/libfringe" rev = "b8a6d8f" replace-with = "vendored-sources" [source.vendored-sources] directory = "$out/registry" EOF cp -R * $out/registry ''; }; vivado = import ./vivado.nix { inherit pkgs; }; artiqpkgs = import ./default.nix { inherit pkgs; }; # Board packages are Python modules so that they get added to the ARTIQ Python # environment, and artiq_flash finds them. boardModule = pkgs.python3Packages.toPythonModule (pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "${name}-firmware"; inherit version; phases = [ "buildPhase" "installCheckPhase" "installPhase" ]; buildInputs = [ vivado pkgs.gnumake pkgs.which (pkgs.python3.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ jinja2 numpy artiqpkgs.migen artiqpkgs.microscope artiqpkgs.misoc artiqpkgs.jesd204b artiqpkgs.artiq ])) pkgs.cargo artiqpkgs.rustc artiqpkgs.binutils-or1k artiqpkgs.llvm-or1k ]; buildPhase = '' export CARGO_HOME=${cargoVendored} export TARGET_AR=or1k-linux-ar ${buildCommand} --no-compile-gateware ''; installPhase = '' TARGET_DIR=$out/${installPath} mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR $out/src cp -ar artiq_${target}/${variant}/gateware $out/src/ pushd $out/src/gateware LIB_PATH=$(dirname $(dirname $(which python)))/${pkgs.python3Packages.python.sitePackages} ( set -e cd $LIB_PATH for EXT in v vh do find misoc/ -name "*.$EXT" -type f done ) | while read V do SRC=$LIB_PATH/$V mkdir -p $(dirname $V) cp $SRC $V substituteInPlace top.tcl --replace $SRC $V \ 2> /dev/null done popd if [ -e artiq_${target}/${variant}/software/bootloader/bootloader.bin ] then cp artiq_${target}/${variant}/software/bootloader/bootloader.bin $TARGET_DIR fi if [ -e artiq_${target}/${variant}/software/runtime ] then cp artiq_${target}/${variant}/software/runtime/runtime.{elf,fbi} $TARGET_DIR else cp artiq_${target}/${variant}/software/satman/satman.{elf,fbi} $TARGET_DIR fi ${extraInstallCommands} ''; }); gatewareSourceArchive = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "${name}-gateware-source.nar.base64"; buildInputs = [ pkgs.nix ]; phases = [ "installPhase" ]; installPhase = "nix-store --dump ${boardModule}/src/gateware | base64 -w0 > $out"; }; # Funnelling the source code through a Nix string allows dropping # all dependencies via `unsafeDiscardStringContext`. The gateware # will then be rebuilt only when these contents have changed. pureGatewareSourceArchive = builtins.toFile "${name}-gateware-source.nar.base64" ( builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext ( builtins.readFile gatewareSourceArchive )); # Depends on just Vivado and the generated Bitstream source gateware = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation { name = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext "${name}-gateware"; unpackPhase = "base64 -d < ${pureGatewareSourceArchive} | nix-store --restore gateware"; buildInputs = [ vivado pkgs.nix ]; buildPhase = '' cd gateware vivado -mode batch -source top.tcl ''; installPhase = '' TARGET_DIR=$out/${builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext installPath} mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR chmod a+r top.bit cp top.bit $TARGET_DIR ''; doCheck = true; checkPhase = '' # Search for PCREs in the Vivado output to check for errors check_log() { set +e grep -Pe "$1" vivado.log FOUND=$? set -e if [ $FOUND != 1 ]; then exit 1 fi } check_log "\d+ constraint not met\." check_log "Timing constraints are not met\." ''; }; in pkgs.buildEnv rec { inherit name; paths = [ boardModule gateware ]; pathsToLink = [ "/${installPath}" ]; }