Florian Agbuya fsagbuya
  • Joined on 2023-09-27
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fsagbuya commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#289

Running nix develop now seems to fail on release-7 branch.

I managed to reproduce this using the latest `nix 2.22.0`. It seems this is related on the changes in [supporting submodules as a nix flake input](https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/7862#issuecomme…

2024-05-08 17:53:09 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to dev at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-29 15:09:08 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to dev at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-29 14:50:38 +08:00

fsagbuya created branch dev in fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-29 14:48:19 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to dev at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-29 14:48:19 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to master at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-29 14:32:14 +08:00

fsagbuya created pull request M-Labs/nix-servo#57

Fix incorrect terminology

2024-04-25 10:37:01 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to refactor at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-25 10:36:35 +08:00

fsagbuya created pull request M-Labs/nix-servo#56

Rename board specific packages

2024-04-23 14:36:20 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to refactor at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-23 14:19:32 +08:00

fsagbuya created branch refactor in fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-23 14:16:06 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to refactor at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-23 14:16:06 +08:00

fsagbuya created pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#290

Rename build derivation to board-package-set

2024-04-23 14:03:35 +08:00

fsagbuya created branch board-pkgset in fsagbuya/artiq-zynq

2024-04-23 13:57:36 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to board-pkgset at fsagbuya/artiq-zynq

2024-04-23 13:57:36 +08:00

fsagbuya commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#289

Running nix develop now seems to fail on release-7 branch.

I tried also a clean checkout of `release-7` branch, but have not encountered the issue. Can you share the the contents of your `flake.lock` file before you update it?

2024-04-23 13:24:43 +08:00

fsagbuya commented on pull request M-Labs/nix-servo#55

Fix adc and dac initialization

> Where is this coming from? Is the elhep code incorrect? This needs to be verify with the current elhep code, since the datasheet indicate this as default setup. Will inquire on it.

2024-04-15 17:48:50 +08:00

fsagbuya created pull request M-Labs/nix-servo#55

Fix adc and dac initialization

2024-04-15 15:44:07 +08:00

fsagbuya created branch adc_dac in fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-15 15:28:46 +08:00

fsagbuya pushed to adc_dac at fsagbuya/nix-servo

2024-04-15 15:28:46 +08:00