# This file is part of Fast Servo Software Package. # # Copyright (C) 2023 Jakub Matyas # Warsaw University of Technology # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import time import spidev from pyfastservo.common import ( ADC_AFE_CTRL_ADDR, ADC_BITSLIP_ADDR, ADC_CH0_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH0_LOW_ADDR, ADC_CH1_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH1_LOW_ADDR, ADC_DELAY_ADDR, ADC_FRAME_ADDR, AUX_ADC_ADDR, MAP_MASK, PAGESIZE, write_to_memory, read_from_memory ) # /dev/spidev1.0 <=> spidev. MAIN_ADC_BUS = 1 MAIN_ADC_DEVICE = 1 AUX_ADC_BUS = 1 AUX_ADC_PORT_A = 2 AUX_ADC_PORT_B = 3 def spi_write(spi, address, value): spi.xfer2([address, value]) def spi_read(spi, address): rx_buffer = spi.xfer2([0x80 | address, 0x00]) return rx_buffer[1] def main_adc_config(spi, test_pattern): high_word = (test_pattern & 0xFF00) >> 8 low_word = test_pattern & 0xFF spi_write(spi, 0x00, 0x80) # reset spi_write(spi, 0x01, 0x20) # REGISTER A1: set to Two's complement Data Format spi_write(spi, 0x02, 0x15) # REGISTER A2: set to LVDS output, set 4 data lanes and turn on test mode spi_write(spi, 0x03, high_word) # REGISTER A3: test pattern high word spi_write(spi, 0x04, low_word) # REGISTER A4: test pattern low word def main_adc_test_mode(spi, enable): reg_contents = 0x15 if enable else 0x11 # set to LVDS output, set 4 data lanes and turn on or off test mode spi_write(spi, 0x02, reg_contents) def verify_adc_registers(spi, reg_to_check): for register, expected_value in reg_to_check.items(): value = spi_read(spi, register) print(f"Spi readback register 0x{register:02x}: 0x{value:02x}") if value != expected_value: print(f"Different value read than sent in reg 0x{register:02x}") def read_frame(): return read_from_memory(ADC_FRAME_ADDR, 1)[0] def perform_bitslip(): for i in range(4): current_frame = read_frame() if current_frame & 0x0F != 0x0C: print(f"Performing bitslip (iteration: {i}). Current frame: 0x{current_frame:02x}") write_to_memory(ADC_BITSLIP_ADDR, 1) else: print(f"No bitslip required; Current frame: 0x{current_frame:02x}") return def find_edge(): prev_frame = read_frame() for tap_delay in range(32): write_to_memory(ADC_DELAY_ADDR, tap_delay) current_frame = read_frame() print(f"Tap delay: {tap_delay}, Current frame: 0x{current_frame:02x}") print(f"prev_frame: 0x{prev_frame:02x}") if current_frame != prev_frame: final_delay = ((tap_delay+1) // 2) + 2 print(f"Edge detected; setting iDelay to: {final_delay}") write_to_memory(ADC_DELAY_ADDR, final_delay) return prev_frame = current_frame # If no edge detected final_delay = 11 print(f"No edge detected; setting iDelay to: {final_delay}") write_to_memory(ADC_DELAY_ADDR, final_delay) def read_adc_channel(high_addr, low_addr): return (read_from_memory(high_addr, 1)[0] << 8) | read_from_memory(low_addr, 1)[0] def print_adc_channels(): adc_ch0 = read_adc_channel(ADC_CH0_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH0_LOW_ADDR) adc_ch1 = read_adc_channel(ADC_CH1_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH1_LOW_ADDR) print(f"Final ADC_CH0: 0x{adc_ch0:04x}") print(f"Final ADC_CH1: 0x{adc_ch1:04x}") def enable_adc_afe(ch1_x10=False, ch2_x10=False): ctrl_value = (ch2_x10 << 1) | ch1_x10 write_to_memory(ADC_AFE_CTRL_ADDR, ctrl_value) afe_ctrl = read_from_memory(ADC_AFE_CTRL_ADDR, 1)[0] print(f"ADC_AFE_CTRL: 0x{afe_ctrl:02X}") return afe_ctrl def search_edge(): for tap_delay in range(32): print(f"iDelay to: {tap_delay}") write_to_memory(ADC_DELAY_ADDR, tap_delay) time.sleep(1) current_frame = read_frame() print(f"Tap delay: {tap_delay}, Current frame: 0x{current_frame:02x}") print_adc_channels() def print_adc_channel(ch): if ch == 0: adc_ch0 = read_adc_channel(ADC_CH0_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH0_LOW_ADDR) print(f"Final ADC_CH0: 0x{adc_ch0:04x}") if ch == 1: adc_ch1 = read_adc_channel(ADC_CH1_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH1_LOW_ADDR) print(f"Final ADC_CH1: 0x{adc_ch1:04x}") def find_min_max_ch(ch): test = [] for i in range(100): if ch == 0: test.append(read_adc_channel(ADC_CH0_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH0_LOW_ADDR)) else: test.append(read_adc_channel(ADC_CH1_HIGH_ADDR, ADC_CH1_LOW_ADDR)) print("ch", ch, hex(test[-1])) print("Min:", hex(min(test))) print("Max:", hex(max(test))) print("Diff:", hex(max(test)-min(test))) def configure_ltc2195(): spi = spidev.SpiDev() try: spi.open(MAIN_ADC_BUS, MAIN_ADC_DEVICE) spi.max_speed_hz = 50000 spi.mode = 0b00 # CPOL = 0 CPHA = 0 spi.cshigh = False test_pattern = 0x811F main_adc_config(spi, test_pattern) verify_adc_registers(spi, { 0x01: 0x20, 0x02: 0x15, 0x03: (test_pattern & 0xFF00) >> 8, 0x04: test_pattern & 0xFF }) # Performing Word Align perform_bitslip() find_edge() # Printing it once is not enough to check whether the alignment is correct. for i in range(100): print_adc_channels() main_adc_test_mode(spi, False) verify_adc_registers(spi, {0x02: 0x11}) # Verify test mode is off # FIXME: AFE Gain 1x is not functional on that batch of fast servo under development enable_adc_afe(ch1_x10=1, ch2_x10=1) #find_min_max_ch(0) #find_min_max_ch(1) #for i in range(10): # print_adc_channel(0) #for i in range(10): # print_adc_channel(1) finally: spi.close() if __name__ == "__main__": configure_ltc2195()