{ pkgs, baseRtc ? "2020-04-20T14:21:42", cores ? "4", qemuMem ? "4G" }: rec { # qemu_test is a smaller closure only building for a single system arch qemu = pkgs.qemu_test; mkQemuFlags = extraFlags: [ "-enable-kvm" "-cpu host" "-smp ${cores}" "-m ${qemuMem}" "-bios ${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd" "-vga virtio" "-rtc base=${baseRtc}" "-device piix3-usb-uhci" "-device e1000,netdev=n1" ] ++ extraFlags; # Pass empty config file to prevent ssh from failing to create ~/.ssh sshOpts = "-F /dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectTimeout=1"; win-exec = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "win-exec" '' ${pkgs.sshpass}/bin/sshpass -p1234 -- \ ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -np 2022 ${sshOpts} \ wfvm@localhost \ $1 ''; win-wait = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "win-wait" '' # If the machine is not up within 10 minutes it's likely never coming up timeout=600 # Wait for VM to be accessible sleep 20 echo "Waiting for SSH..." while true; do if test "$timeout" -eq 0; then echo "SSH connection timed out" exit 1 fi output=$(${win-exec}/bin/win-exec 'echo|set /p="Ran command"' || echo "") if test "$output" = "Ran command"; then break fi echo "Retrying in 1 second, timing out in $timeout seconds" ((timeout=$timeout-1)) sleep 1 done echo "SSH OK" ''; win-put = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "win-put" '' echo win-put $1 -\> $2 ${pkgs.sshpass}/bin/sshpass -p1234 -- \ ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/scp -P 2022 ${sshOpts} \ $1 wfvm@localhost:$2 ''; win-get = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "win-get" '' echo win-get $1 ${pkgs.sshpass}/bin/sshpass -p1234 -- \ ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/scp -P 2022 ${sshOpts} \ wfvm@localhost:$1 . ''; wfvm-run = { name, image, script, display ? false, isolateNetwork ? true, forwardedPorts ? [] }: let restrict = if isolateNetwork then "on" else "off"; # use socat instead of `tcp:...` to allow multiple connections guestfwds = builtins.concatStringsSep "" (map ({ listenAddr, targetAddr, port }: ",guestfwd=tcp:${listenAddr}:${toString port}-cmd:${pkgs.socat}/bin/socat\\ -\\ tcp:${targetAddr}:${toString port}" ) forwardedPorts); qemuParams = mkQemuFlags (pkgs.lib.optional (!display) "-display none" ++ [ "-drive" "file=${image},index=0,media=disk,cache=unsafe" "-snapshot" "-netdev user,id=n1,net=,restrict=${restrict},hostfwd=tcp::2022-:22${guestfwds}" ]); in pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "wfvm-run-${name}" '' set -m qemu-system-x86_64 ${pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep " " qemuParams} & ${win-wait}/bin/win-wait ${script} echo "Shutting down..." ${win-exec}/bin/win-exec 'shutdown /s' echo "Waiting for VM to terminate..." fg echo "Done" ''; }