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+++ title = "Resources" weight = 4 template = "page.html"

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{% layout_card(title="ARTIQ manual", sameheight=100) %} Stable version

PDF | HTML {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="SiPyCo manual", sameheight=100) %} Starting with ARTIQ-5, this library replaces artiq.protocols.

PDF | HTML {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="ARTIQ manual", sameheight=100) %} Beta (development) version

PDF | HTML {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="ARTIQ manual", sameheight=100) %} Legacy version

PDF | HTML {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="Slideshow", sameheight=100) %} The ARTIQ experiment control system

View slides {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="Slideshow", sameheight=100) %} Timing control in ARTIQ

View slides {% end %}

{{ layout_separator_empty(style="margin-top: -100px;") }}

{{ layout_separator(separator_title="Announcements, support and discussions") }}

{% layout_card(src="images/mattermost@2x.png", css="col-12 col-md-4 text-center") %} Mattermost live chat

(bridged to IRC) {% end %}

{% layout_card(src="images/forum@2x.png", css="col-12 col-md-4 text-center") %} Forum

  {% end %}

{% layout_card(src="images/irc@2x.png", css="col-12 col-md-4 text-center") %} IRC: #m-labs

on Freenode {% end %}

{% layout_card(src="images/press@2x.png", css="col-12 col-md-4 text-center") %} NIST ARTIQ press release

  {% end %}

{% layout_card(src="images/git@2x.png", css="col-12 col-md-4 text-center") %} ARTIQ source code repository

on GitHub {% end %}

{% layout_card(src="images/git@2x.png", css="col-12 col-md-4 text-center") %} Gitea

  {% end %}

{% layout_div(css="col-12 text-center") %}

Commercial support available

Sinara hardware purchases, ports to your hardware, feature development, technical support, bugfixing

contact sales@m-***s.hk

We welcome inquiries from research groups of all sizes.
Proposed extensions

{% end %}

{{ layout_separator(separator_title="Community code") }}

{% layout_card(title="Entangler core", sameheight=120) %} A FPGA core written in Migen with ARTIQ interface, for controlling remote quantum entanglement of trapped ions.

Repository | Paper {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="ndscan", sameheight=120) %} N-dimensional scans for ARTIQ

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="Oxford routines", sameheight=120) %} Oxford Ion-Trap Group routines

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="Terminal interface", sameheight=120) %} A terminal interface for the Advanced Real-Time Infrastructure for Quantum physics (ARTIQ).

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="ARTIQ-suservo", sameheight=120) %} A set of scripts for the ARTIQ suservo device.

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="nvOS", sameheight=120) %} A quantum operating system built around ARTIQ and NV centers in diamond.

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="Haeffner Lab routines", sameheight=120) %} Haeffner Lab (Berkeley) routines

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="WIPM routines", sameheight=120) %} WIPM (CAS Wuhan) routines

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="Birmingham examples", sameheight=120) %} A repository of simple examples of ARTIQ code

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="Deltaflow-on-ARTIQ", sameheight=120) %} Run programs in the Deltaflow language from Riverlane on simulated ARTIQ

Product page {% end %}

{% layout_card(title="flake8-artiq", sameheight=120) %} A Flake8 plugin for checking ARTIQ code

Repository {% end %}

{% layout_div(css="col-12 text-center") %} Want your project listed here? Write to sb@m-l***.hk.

{% end %}