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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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2023-03-07 14:23:45 +08:00
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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{% for section in section.subsections %}
{% set subsection = get_section(path=section) %}
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
{{ subsection.title }}
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
{% for page in subsection.pages %}
<a class="dropdown-item pt-2 pb-2 pt-sm-3 pb-sm-3" href="{{ page.permalink }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% elif subsection.title != 'Other' %}
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
<h1>Oops, it slipped!</h1>
<img src="{{ get_url(path='images/ion@2x.png', cachebust=true) }}" width="100" align="ion">
2019-07-26 21:18:32 +08:00
<h2>404 Not Found</h2>
<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chRild0fgGU" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">I ain't avin it</a></p>
2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
<!-- ./HERO -->
{% block main %}
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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2021-05-10 15:23:54 +08:00
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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2019-07-24 23:21:55 +08:00
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