from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg from pytec.client import Client rec_len = 1000 refresh_period = 20 class Curves: def __init__(self, legend: str, key: str, channel: int, color: str, buffer_len: int, period: int): self.curveItem = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': color, 'width': 1})) self.legendStr = legend self.keyStr = key = channel self.data_buf = np.zeros(buffer_len) self.time_stamp = np.zeros(buffer_len) self.buffLen = buffer_len self.period = period def update(self, tec_data, cnt): if cnt == 0: np.copyto(self.data_buf, np.full(self.buffLen, tec_data[][self.keyStr])) else: self.data_buf[:-1] = self.data_buf[1:] self.data_buf[-1] = tec_data[][self.keyStr] self.time_stamp[:-1] = self.time_stamp[1:] self.time_stamp[-1] = cnt * self.period / 1000 self.curveItem.setData(x = self.time_stamp, y = self.data_buf) class Graph: def __init__(self, parent: pg.LayoutWidget, title: str, row: int, col: int, curves: list[Curves]): self.plotItem = pg.PlotWidget(title=title) self.legendItem = pg.LegendItem(offset=(75, 30), brush=(50,50,200,150)) self.legendItem.setParentItem(self.plotItem.getPlotItem()) parent.addWidget(self.plotItem, row, col) self.curves = curves for curve in self.curves: self.plotItem.addItem(curve.curveItem) self.legendItem.addItem(curve.curveItem, curve.legendStr) def update(self, tec_data, cnt): for curve in self.curves: curve.update(tec_data, cnt) self.plotItem.setRange(xRange=[(cnt - self.curves[0].buffLen) * self.curves[0].period / 1000, cnt * self.curves[0].period / 1000]) tec = Client() app = pg.mkQApp() mw = QtGui.QMainWindow() mw.setWindowTitle('Thermostat Control Panel') mw.resize(1024,800) cw = QtGui.QWidget() mw.setCentralWidget(cw) l = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout = pg.LayoutWidget() l.addWidget(layout) cw.setLayout(l) pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=True) ch0tempGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 0 Temperature', 1, 1, [Curves('Feedback', 'temperature', 0, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period)]) ch1tempGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 1 Temperature', 2, 1, [Curves('Feedback', 'temperature', 1, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period)]) ch0currentGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 0 Current', 1, 2, [Curves('Feedback', 'tec_i', 0, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period), Curves('Setpoint', 'i_set', 0, 'g', rec_len, refresh_period)]) ch1currentGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 1 Current', 2, 2, [Curves('Feedback', 'tec_i', 1, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period), Curves('Setpoint', 'i_set', 1, 'g', rec_len, refresh_period)]) cnt = 0 def updateData(): global cnt for data in tec.report_mode(): ch0tempGraph.update(data, cnt) ch1tempGraph.update(data, cnt) ch0currentGraph.update(data, cnt) ch1currentGraph.update(data, cnt) if quit: break cnt += 1 ## Start a timer to rapidly update the plot in pw t = QtCore.QTimer() t.timeout.connect(updateData) t.start(refresh_period) if __name__ == '__main__': pg.exec()