use inkwell::{ types::BasicTypeEnum, values::{BasicValue, BasicValueEnum, IntValue, PointerValue}, FloatPredicate, IntPredicate, OptimizationLevel, }; use itertools::Itertools; use super::{ classes::{ NDArrayValue, ProxyValue, RangeValue, UntypedArrayLikeAccessor, UntypedArrayLikeMutator, }, expr::destructure_range, extern_fns, irrt, irrt::calculate_len_for_slice_range, llvm_intrinsics, macros::codegen_unreachable, model::*, numpy, numpy::ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl, object::{any::AnyObject, list::ListObject, ndarray::NDArrayObject, tuple::TupleObject}, stmt::gen_for_callback_incrementing, CodeGenContext, CodeGenerator, }; use crate::{ toplevel::{helper::PrimDef, numpy::unpack_ndarray_var_tys}, typecheck::typedef::{Type, TypeEnum}, }; /// Shorthand for [`unreachable!()`] when a type of argument is not supported. /// /// The generated message will contain the function name and the name of the unsupported type. fn unsupported_type(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'_, '_>, fn_name: &str, tys: &[Type]) -> ! { codegen_unreachable!( ctx, "{fn_name}() not supported for '{}'", tys.iter().map(|ty| format!("'{}'", ctx.unifier.stringify(*ty))).join(", "), ) } /// Invokes the `len` builtin function. pub fn call_len<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { let (arg_ty, arg) = n; Ok(if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, ctx.primitives.range) { let arg = RangeValue::from_ptr_val(arg.into_pointer_value(), Some("range")); let (start, end, step) = destructure_range(ctx, arg); calculate_len_for_slice_range(generator, ctx, start, end, step) } else { let arg = AnyObject { ty: arg_ty, value: arg }; let len: Instance<'ctx, Int> = match &*ctx.unifier.get_ty(arg_ty) { TypeEnum::TTuple { .. } => { let tuple = TupleObject::from_object(ctx, arg); tuple.len(generator, ctx).truncate_or_bit_cast(generator, ctx, Int32) } TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id, .. } if *obj_id == ctx.primitives.ndarray.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).unwrap() => { let ndarray = NDArrayObject::from_object(generator, ctx, arg); ndarray.len(generator, ctx).truncate_or_bit_cast(generator, ctx, Int32) } TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id, .. } if *obj_id == ctx.primitives.list.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).unwrap() => { let list = ListObject::from_object(generator, ctx, arg); list.len(generator, ctx).truncate_or_bit_cast(generator, ctx, Int32) } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, "len", &[arg_ty]), }; len.value }) } /// Invokes the `int32` builtin function. pub fn call_int32<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { let llvm_i32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if matches!(n.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1 | 8) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.bool)); ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend(n, llvm_i32, "zext").map(Into::into).unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if n.get_type().get_bit_width() == 32 => { debug_assert!([ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32,] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); n.into() } BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if n.get_type().get_bit_width() == 64 => { debug_assert!([ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64,] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(n, llvm_i32, "trunc").map(Into::into).unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); let to_int64 = ctx.builder.build_float_to_signed_int(n, ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "").unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(to_int64, llvm_i32, "conv").map(Into::into).unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ctx.primitives.int32, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_int32(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val)), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, "int32", &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `int64` builtin function. pub fn call_int64<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { let llvm_i64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if matches!(n.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1 | 8 | 32) => { debug_assert!([ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32,] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); if ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.int32) { ctx.builder.build_int_s_extend(n, llvm_i64, "sext").map(Into::into).unwrap() } else { ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend(n, llvm_i64, "zext").map(Into::into).unwrap() } } BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if n.get_type().get_bit_width() == 64 => { debug_assert!([ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64,] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); n.into() } BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(n, ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "fptosi") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ctx.primitives.int64, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_int64(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val)), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, "int64", &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `uint32` builtin function. pub fn call_uint32<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { let llvm_i32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if matches!(n.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1 | 8) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.bool)); ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend(n, llvm_i32, "zext").map(Into::into).unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if n.get_type().get_bit_width() == 32 => { debug_assert!([ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32,] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); n.into() } BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if n.get_type().get_bit_width() == 64 => { debug_assert!( ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.int64) || ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.uint64) ); ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(n, llvm_i32, "trunc").map(Into::into).unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); let n_gez = ctx .builder .build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::OGE, n, n.get_type().const_zero(), "") .unwrap(); let to_int32 = ctx.builder.build_float_to_signed_int(n, llvm_i32, "").unwrap(); let to_uint64 = ctx.builder.build_float_to_unsigned_int(n, ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "").unwrap(); ctx.builder .build_select( n_gez, ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(to_uint64, llvm_i32, "").unwrap(), to_int32, "conv", ) .unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ctx.primitives.uint32, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_uint32(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val)), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, "uint32", &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `uint64` builtin function. pub fn call_uint64<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { let llvm_i64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if matches!(n.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1 | 8 | 32) => { debug_assert!([ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32,] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); if ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.int32) { ctx.builder.build_int_s_extend(n, llvm_i64, "sext").map(Into::into).unwrap() } else { ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend(n, llvm_i64, "zext").map(Into::into).unwrap() } } BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if n.get_type().get_bit_width() == 64 => { debug_assert!([ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64,] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); n.into() } BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); let val_gez = ctx .builder .build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::OGE, n, n.get_type().const_zero(), "") .unwrap(); let to_int64 = ctx.builder.build_float_to_signed_int(n, llvm_i64, "").unwrap(); let to_uint64 = ctx.builder.build_float_to_unsigned_int(n, llvm_i64, "").unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_select(val_gez, to_uint64, to_int64, "conv").unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ctx.primitives.uint64, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_uint64(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val)), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, "uint64", &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `float` builtin function. pub fn call_float<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { let llvm_f64 = ctx.ctx.f64_type(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if matches!(n.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1 | 8 | 32 | 64) => { debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); if [ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.int64] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty)) { ctx.builder .build_signed_int_to_float(n, llvm_f64, "sitofp") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } else { ctx.builder .build_unsigned_int_to_float(n, llvm_f64, "uitofp") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } } BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); n.into() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ctx.primitives.float, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_float(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val)), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, "float", &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `round` builtin function. pub fn call_round<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ret_elem_ty: Type, ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "round"; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; let llvm_ret_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_abi_type(generator, ret_elem_ty).into_int_type(); Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); let val = llvm_intrinsics::call_float_round(ctx, n, None); ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_ret_elem_ty, FN_NAME) .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ret_elem_ty, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_round(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val), ret_elem_ty), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_round` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_round<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_round"; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); llvm_intrinsics::call_float_rint(ctx, n, None).into() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ctx.primitives.float, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_numpy_round(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val)), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `bool` builtin function. pub fn call_bool<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "bool"; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) if matches!(n.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1 | 8) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.bool)); n.into() } BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) => { debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, *ty))); ctx.builder .build_int_compare(IntPredicate::NE, n, n.get_type().const_zero(), FN_NAME) .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); ctx.builder .build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::UNE, n, n.get_type().const_zero(), FN_NAME) .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ctx.primitives.bool, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| { let elem = call_bool(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val))?; Ok(generator.bool_to_i8(ctx, elem.into_int_value()).into()) }, )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `floor` builtin function. pub fn call_floor<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ret_elem_ty: Type, ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "floor"; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; let llvm_ret_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_abi_type(generator, ret_elem_ty); Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); let val = llvm_intrinsics::call_float_floor(ctx, n, None); if let BasicTypeEnum::IntType(llvm_ret_elem_ty) = llvm_ret_elem_ty { ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_ret_elem_ty, FN_NAME) .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } else { val.into() } } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ret_elem_ty, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_floor(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val), ret_elem_ty), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `ceil` builtin function. pub fn call_ceil<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ret_elem_ty: Type, ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "ceil"; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (n_ty, n) = n; let llvm_ret_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_abi_type(generator, ret_elem_ty); Ok(match n { BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); let val = llvm_intrinsics::call_float_ceil(ctx, n, None); if let BasicTypeEnum::IntType(llvm_ret_elem_ty) = llvm_ret_elem_ty { ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_ret_elem_ty, FN_NAME) .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } else { val.into() } } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if n_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, n_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ret_elem_ty, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, val| call_ceil(generator, ctx, (elem_ty, val), ret_elem_ty), )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[n_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `min` builtin function. pub fn call_min<'ctx>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, m: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx> { const FN_NAME: &str = "min"; let (m_ty, m) = m; let (n_ty, n) = n; let common_ty = if ctx.unifier.unioned(m_ty, n_ty) { m_ty } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[m_ty, n_ty]) }; match (m, n) { (BasicValueEnum::IntValue(m), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n)) => { debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty, *ty))); if [ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.int64] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty, *ty)) { llvm_intrinsics::call_int_smin(ctx, m, n, Some(FN_NAME)).into() } else { llvm_intrinsics::call_int_umin(ctx, m, n, Some(FN_NAME)).into() } } (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(m), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); llvm_intrinsics::call_float_minnum(ctx, m, n, Some(FN_NAME)).into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[m_ty, n_ty]), } } /// Invokes the `np_minimum` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_minimum<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_minimum"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; let common_ty = if ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, x2_ty) { Some(x1_ty) } else { None }; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::IntValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ctx.primitives.float, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty.unwrap(), *ty))); call_min(ctx, (x1_ty, x1.into()), (x2_ty, x2.into())) } (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty.unwrap(), ctx.primitives.float)); call_min(ctx, (x1_ty, x1.into()), (x2_ty, x2.into())) } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_minimum(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `max` builtin function. pub fn call_max<'ctx>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, m: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx> { const FN_NAME: &str = "max"; let (m_ty, m) = m; let (n_ty, n) = n; let common_ty = if ctx.unifier.unioned(m_ty, n_ty) { m_ty } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[m_ty, n_ty]) }; match (m, n) { (BasicValueEnum::IntValue(m), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n)) => { debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty, *ty))); if [ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.int64] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty, *ty)) { llvm_intrinsics::call_int_smax(ctx, m, n, Some(FN_NAME)).into() } else { llvm_intrinsics::call_int_umax(ctx, m, n, Some(FN_NAME)).into() } } (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(m), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); llvm_intrinsics::call_float_maxnum(ctx, m, n, Some(FN_NAME)).into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[m_ty, n_ty]), } } /// Invokes the `np_max`, `np_min`, `np_argmax`, `np_argmin` functions /// * `fn_name`: Can be one of `"np_argmin"`, `"np_argmax"`, `"np_max"`, `"np_min"` pub fn call_numpy_max_min<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, a: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), fn_name: &str, ) -> Result, String> { debug_assert!(["np_argmin", "np_argmax", "np_max", "np_min"].iter().any(|f| *f == fn_name)); let llvm_int64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (a_ty, a) = a; Ok(match a { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(_) | BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(_) => { debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ctx.primitives.float, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(a_ty, *ty))); match fn_name { "np_argmin" | "np_argmax" => llvm_int64.const_zero().into(), "np_max" | "np_min" => a, _ => codegen_unreachable!(ctx), } } BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n) if a_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, a_ty); let llvm_ndarray_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let n = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n, llvm_usize, None); let n_sz = irrt::call_ndarray_calc_size(generator, ctx, &n.dim_sizes(), (None, None)); if ctx.registry.llvm_options.opt_level == OptimizationLevel::None { let n_sz_eqz = ctx .builder .build_int_compare(IntPredicate::NE, n_sz, n_sz.get_type().const_zero(), "") .unwrap(); ctx.make_assert( generator, n_sz_eqz, "0:ValueError", format!("zero-size array to reduction operation {fn_name}").as_str(), [None, None, None], ctx.current_loc, ); } let accumulator_addr = generator.gen_var_alloc(ctx, llvm_ndarray_ty, None)?; let res_idx = generator.gen_var_alloc(ctx, llvm_int64.into(), None)?; unsafe { let identity =, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None); ctx.builder.build_store(accumulator_addr, identity).unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_store(res_idx, llvm_int64.const_zero()).unwrap(); } gen_for_callback_incrementing( generator, ctx, None, llvm_int64.const_int(1, false), (n_sz, false), |generator, ctx, _, idx| { let elem = unsafe {, generator, &idx, None) }; let accumulator = ctx.builder.build_load(accumulator_addr, "").unwrap(); let cur_idx = ctx.builder.build_load(res_idx, "").unwrap(); let result = match fn_name { "np_argmin" | "np_min" => { call_min(ctx, (elem_ty, accumulator), (elem_ty, elem)) } "np_argmax" | "np_max" => { call_max(ctx, (elem_ty, accumulator), (elem_ty, elem)) } _ => codegen_unreachable!(ctx), }; let updated_idx = match (accumulator, result) { (BasicValueEnum::IntValue(m), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n)) => ctx .builder .build_select( ctx.builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::NE, m, n, "").unwrap(), idx.into(), cur_idx, "", ) .unwrap(), (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(m), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n)) => ctx .builder .build_select( ctx.builder .build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::ONE, m, n, "") .unwrap(), idx.into(), cur_idx, "", ) .unwrap(), _ => unsupported_type(ctx, fn_name, &[elem_ty, elem_ty]), }; ctx.builder.build_store(res_idx, updated_idx).unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_store(accumulator_addr, result).unwrap(); Ok(()) }, llvm_int64.const_int(1, false), )?; match fn_name { "np_argmin" | "np_argmax" => ctx.builder.build_load(res_idx, "").unwrap(), "np_max" | "np_min" => ctx.builder.build_load(accumulator_addr, "").unwrap(), _ => codegen_unreachable!(ctx), } } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, fn_name, &[a_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_maximum` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_maximum<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_maximum"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; let common_ty = if ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, x2_ty) { Some(x1_ty) } else { None }; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::IntValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ctx.primitives.float, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty.unwrap(), *ty))); call_max(ctx, (x1_ty, x1.into()), (x2_ty, x2.into())) } (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(common_ty.unwrap(), ctx.primitives.float)); call_max(ctx, (x1_ty, x1.into()), (x2_ty, x2.into())) } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_maximum(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Helper function to create a built-in elementwise unary numpy function that takes in either an ndarray or a scalar. /// /// * `(arg_ty, arg_val)`: The [`Type`] and llvm value of the input argument. /// * `fn_name`: The name of the function, only used when throwing an error with [`unsupported_type`] /// * `get_ret_elem_type`: A function that takes in the input scalar [`Type`], and returns the function's return scalar [`Type`]. /// Return a constant [`Type`] here if the return type does not depend on the input type. /// * `on_scalar`: The function that acts on the scalars of the input. Returns [`Option::None`] /// if the scalar type & value are faulty and should panic with [`unsupported_type`]. fn helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise<'ctx, OnScalarFn, RetElemFn, G>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, (arg_ty, arg_val): (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), fn_name: &str, get_ret_elem_type: &RetElemFn, on_scalar: &OnScalarFn, ) -> Result, String> where G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized, OnScalarFn: Fn( &mut G, &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>, ) -> Option>, RetElemFn: Fn(&mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, Type) -> Type, { let result = match arg_val { BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(x) if arg_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == => { let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let (arg_elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, arg_ty); let ret_elem_ty = get_ret_elem_type(ctx, arg_elem_ty); let ndarray = ndarray_elementwise_unaryop_impl( generator, ctx, ret_elem_ty, None, NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(x, llvm_usize, None), |generator, ctx, elem_val| { helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise( generator, ctx, (arg_elem_ty, elem_val), fn_name, get_ret_elem_type, on_scalar, ) }, )?; ndarray.as_base_value().into() } _ => on_scalar(generator, ctx, arg_ty, arg_val) .unwrap_or_else(|| unsupported_type(ctx, fn_name, &[arg_ty])), }; Ok(result) } pub fn call_abs<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, n: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "abs"; helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise( generator, ctx, n, FN_NAME, &|_ctx, elem_ty| elem_ty, &|_generator, ctx, val_ty, val| match val { BasicValueEnum::IntValue(n) => Some({ debug_assert!([ ctx.primitives.bool, ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.uint32, ctx.primitives.int64, ctx.primitives.uint64, ] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(val_ty, *ty))); if [ctx.primitives.int32, ctx.primitives.int64] .iter() .any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(val_ty, *ty)) { llvm_intrinsics::call_int_abs( ctx, n, ctx.ctx.bool_type().const_zero(), Some(FN_NAME), ) .into() } else { n.into() } }), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => Some({ debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(val_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); llvm_intrinsics::call_float_fabs(ctx, n, Some(FN_NAME)).into() }), _ => None, }, ) } /// Macro to conveniently generate numpy functions with [`helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`]. /// /// Arguments: /// * `$name:ident`: The identifier of the rust function to be generated. /// * `$fn_name:literal`: To be passed to the `fn_name` parameter of [`helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`] /// * `$get_ret_elem_type:expr`: To be passed to the `get_ret_elem_type` parameter of [`helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`]. /// But there is no need to make it a reference. /// * `$on_scalar:expr`: To be passed to the `on_scalar` parameter of [`helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`]. /// But there is no need to make it a reference. macro_rules! create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise { ($name:ident, $fn_name:literal, $get_ret_elem_type:expr, $on_scalar:expr) => { #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_call)] pub fn $name<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, arg: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise( generator, ctx, arg, $fn_name, &$get_ret_elem_type, &$on_scalar, ) } }; } /// A specialized version of [`create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`] to generate functions that takes in float and returns boolean (as an `i8`) elementwise. /// /// Arguments: /// * `$name:ident`: The identifier of the rust function to be generated. /// * `$fn_name:literal`: To be passed to the `fn_name` parameter of [`helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`]. /// * `$on_scalar:expr`: The closure (see below for its type) that acts on float scalar values and returns /// the boolean results of LLVM type `i1`. The returned `i1` value will be converted into an `i8`. /// /// ```ignore /// // Type of `$on_scalar:expr` /// fn on_scalar<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( /// generator: &mut G, /// ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, /// arg: FloatValue<'ctx> /// ) -> IntValue<'ctx> // of LLVM type `i1` /// ``` macro_rules! create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_bool { ($name:ident, $fn_name:literal, $on_scalar:expr) => { create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise!( $name, $fn_name, |ctx, _| ctx.primitives.bool, |generator, ctx, n_ty, val| { match val { BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(n_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); let ret = $on_scalar(generator, ctx, n); Some(generator.bool_to_i8(ctx, ret).into()) } _ => None, } } ); }; } /// A specialized version of [`create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`] to generate functions that takes in float and returns float elementwise. /// /// Arguments: /// * `$name:ident`: The identifier of the rust function to be generated. /// * `$fn_name:literal`: To be passed to the `fn_name` parameter of [`helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise`]. /// * `$on_scalar:expr`: The closure (see below for its type) that acts on float scalar values and returns float results. /// /// ```ignore /// // Type of `$on_scalar:expr` /// fn on_scalar<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( /// generator: &mut G, /// ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, /// arg: FloatValue<'ctx> /// ) -> FloatValue<'ctx> /// ``` macro_rules! create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float { ($name:ident, $fn_name:literal, $elem_call:expr) => { create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise!( $name, $fn_name, |ctx, _| ctx.primitives.float, |_generator, ctx, val_ty, val| { match val { BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(val_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); Some($elem_call(ctx, n, Option::<&str>::None).into()) } _ => None, } } ); }; } create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_bool!( call_numpy_isnan, "np_isnan", irrt::call_isnan ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_bool!( call_numpy_isinf, "np_isinf", irrt::call_isinf ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_sin, "np_sin", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_sin ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_cos, "np_cos", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_cos ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_tan, "np_tan", extern_fns::call_tan ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_arcsin, "np_arcsin", extern_fns::call_asin ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_arccos, "np_arccos", extern_fns::call_acos ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_arctan, "np_arctan", extern_fns::call_atan ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_sinh, "np_sinh", extern_fns::call_sinh ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_cosh, "np_cosh", extern_fns::call_cosh ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_tanh, "np_tanh", extern_fns::call_tanh ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_arcsinh, "np_arcsinh", extern_fns::call_asinh ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_arccosh, "np_arccosh", extern_fns::call_acosh ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_arctanh, "np_arctanh", extern_fns::call_atanh ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_exp, "np_exp", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_exp ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_exp2, "np_exp2", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_exp2 ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_expm1, "np_expm1", extern_fns::call_expm1 ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_log, "np_log", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_log ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_log2, "np_log2", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_log2 ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_log10, "np_log10", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_log10 ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_sqrt, "np_sqrt", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_sqrt ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_cbrt, "np_cbrt", extern_fns::call_cbrt ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_fabs, "np_fabs", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_fabs ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_numpy_rint, "np_rint", llvm_intrinsics::call_float_rint ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_scipy_special_erf, "sp_spec_erf", extern_fns::call_erf ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_scipy_special_erfc, "sp_spec_erfc", extern_fns::call_erfc ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_scipy_special_gamma, "sp_spec_gamma", |ctx, val, _| irrt::call_gamma(ctx, val) ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_scipy_special_gammaln, "sp_spec_gammaln", |ctx, val, _| irrt::call_gammaln(ctx, val) ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_scipy_special_j0, "sp_spec_j0", |ctx, val, _| irrt::call_j0(ctx, val) ); create_helper_call_numpy_unary_elementwise_float_to_float!( call_scipy_special_j1, "sp_spec_j1", extern_fns::call_j1 ); /// Invokes the `np_arctan2` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_arctan2<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_arctan2"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x2_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); extern_fns::call_atan2(ctx, x1, x2, None).into() } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_arctan2(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_copysign` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_copysign<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_copysign"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x2_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); llvm_intrinsics::call_float_copysign(ctx, x1, x2, None).into() } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_copysign(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_fmax` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_fmax<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_fmax"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x2_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); llvm_intrinsics::call_float_maxnum(ctx, x1, x2, None).into() } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_fmax(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_fmin` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_fmin<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_fmin"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x2_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); llvm_intrinsics::call_float_minnum(ctx, x1, x2, None).into() } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_fmin(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_ldexp` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_ldexp<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_ldexp"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x2_ty, ctx.primitives.int32)); extern_fns::call_ldexp(ctx, x1, x2, None).into() } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else { x1_ty }; let x1_scalar_ty = dtype; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_ldexp(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_hypot` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_hypot<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_hypot"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x2_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); extern_fns::call_hypot(ctx, x1, x2, None).into() } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_hypot(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Invokes the `np_nextafter` builtin function. pub fn call_numpy_nextafter<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_nextafter"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; Ok(match (x1, x2) { (BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(x2)) => { debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x1_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x2_ty, ctx.primitives.float)); extern_fns::call_nextafter(ctx, x1, x2, None).into() } (x1, x2) if [&x1_ty, &x2_ty].into_iter().any(|ty| { ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id == }) => { let is_ndarray1 = x1_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let is_ndarray2 = x2_ty.obj_id(&ctx.unifier).is_some_and(|id| id ==; let dtype = if is_ndarray1 && is_ndarray2 { let (ndarray_dtype1, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let (ndarray_dtype2, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty); debug_assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(ndarray_dtype1, ndarray_dtype2)); ndarray_dtype1 } else if is_ndarray1 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty).0 } else if is_ndarray2 { unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x2_ty).0 } else { codegen_unreachable!(ctx) }; let x1_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray1 { dtype } else { x1_ty }; let x2_scalar_ty = if is_ndarray2 { dtype } else { x2_ty }; numpy::ndarray_elementwise_binop_impl( generator, ctx, dtype, None, (x1, !is_ndarray1), (x2, !is_ndarray2), |generator, ctx, (lhs, rhs)| { call_numpy_nextafter(generator, ctx, (x1_scalar_ty, lhs), (x2_scalar_ty, rhs)) }, )? .as_base_value() .into() } _ => unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]), }) } /// Allocates a struct with the fields specified by `out_matrices` and returns a pointer to it fn build_output_struct<'ctx>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, out_matrices: Vec>, ) -> PointerValue<'ctx> { let field_ty = out_matrices.iter().map(BasicValueEnum::get_type).collect::>(); let out_ty = ctx.ctx.struct_type(&field_ty, false); let out_ptr = ctx.builder.build_alloca(out_ty, "").unwrap(); for (i, v) in out_matrices.into_iter().enumerate() { unsafe { let ptr = ctx .builder .build_in_bounds_gep( out_ptr, &[ ctx.ctx.i32_type().const_zero(), ctx.ctx.i32_type().const_int(i as u64, false), ], "", ) .unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_store(ptr, v).unwrap(); } } out_ptr } /// Invokes the `np_linalg_cholesky` linalg function pub fn call_np_linalg_cholesky<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_linalg_cholesky"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let dim1 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_int(1, false), None) .into_int_value() }; let out = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, dim1]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_np_linalg_cholesky(ctx, x1, out, None); Ok(out) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `np_linalg_qr` linalg function pub fn call_np_linalg_qr<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_linalg_qr"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unimplemented!("{FN_NAME} operates on float type NdArrays only"); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let dim1 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_int(1, false), None) .into_int_value() }; let k = llvm_intrinsics::call_int_smin(ctx, dim0, dim1, None); let out_q = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, k]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); let out_r = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[k, dim1]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_np_linalg_qr(ctx, x1, out_q, out_r, None); let out_ptr = build_output_struct(ctx, vec![out_q, out_r]); Ok(ctx.builder.build_load(out_ptr, "QR_Factorization_result").map(Into::into).unwrap()) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `np_linalg_svd` linalg function pub fn call_np_linalg_svd<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_linalg_svd"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let dim1 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_int(1, false), None) .into_int_value() }; let k = llvm_intrinsics::call_int_smin(ctx, dim0, dim1, None); let out_u = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, dim0]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); let out_s = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[k]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); let out_vh = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim1, dim1]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_np_linalg_svd(ctx, x1, out_u, out_s, out_vh, None); let out_ptr = build_output_struct(ctx, vec![out_u, out_s, out_vh]); Ok(ctx.builder.build_load(out_ptr, "SVD_Factorization_result").map(Into::into).unwrap()) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `np_linalg_inv` linalg function pub fn call_np_linalg_inv<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_linalg_inv"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let dim1 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_int(1, false), None) .into_int_value() }; let out = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, dim1]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_np_linalg_inv(ctx, x1, out, None); Ok(out) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `np_linalg_pinv` linalg function pub fn call_np_linalg_pinv<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_linalg_pinv"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let dim1 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_int(1, false), None) .into_int_value() }; let out = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim1, dim0]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_np_linalg_pinv(ctx, x1, out, None); Ok(out) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `sp_linalg_lu` linalg function pub fn call_sp_linalg_lu<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "sp_linalg_lu"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let dim1 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_int(1, false), None) .into_int_value() }; let k = llvm_intrinsics::call_int_smin(ctx, dim0, dim1, None); let out_l = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, k]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); let out_u = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[k, dim1]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_sp_linalg_lu(ctx, x1, out_l, out_u, None); let out_ptr = build_output_struct(ctx, vec![out_l, out_u]); Ok(ctx.builder.build_load(out_ptr, "LU_Factorization_result").map(Into::into).unwrap()) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `np_linalg_matrix_power` linalg function pub fn call_np_linalg_matrix_power<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), x2: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_linalg_matrix_power"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let (x2_ty, x2) = x2; let x2 = call_float(generator, ctx, (x2_ty, x2)).unwrap(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let (BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1), BasicValueEnum::FloatValue(n2)) = (x1, x2) { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); // Changing second parameter to a `NDArray` for uniformity in function call let n2_array = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape( generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[llvm_usize.const_int(1, false)], ) .unwrap(); unsafe { ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), n2.as_basic_value_enum(), ); }; let n2_array = n2_array.as_base_value().as_basic_value_enum(); let outdim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let outdim1 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_int(1, false), None) .into_int_value() }; let out = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[outdim0, outdim1]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_np_linalg_matrix_power(ctx, x1, n2_array, out, None); Ok(out) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty, x2_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `np_linalg_det` linalg function pub fn call_np_linalg_det<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "np_linalg_matrix_power"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(_) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; // Changing second parameter to a `NDArray` for uniformity in function call let out = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape( generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[llvm_usize.const_int(1, false)], ) .unwrap(); extern_fns::call_np_linalg_det(ctx, x1, out.as_base_value().as_basic_value_enum(), None); let res = unsafe {, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) }; Ok(res) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `sp_linalg_schur` linalg function pub fn call_sp_linalg_schur<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "sp_linalg_schur"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let out_t = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, dim0]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); let out_z = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, dim0]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_sp_linalg_schur(ctx, x1, out_t, out_z, None); let out_ptr = build_output_struct(ctx, vec![out_t, out_z]); Ok(ctx.builder.build_load(out_ptr, "Schur_Factorization_result").map(Into::into).unwrap()) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } } /// Invokes the `sp_linalg_hessenberg` linalg function pub fn call_sp_linalg_hessenberg<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>( generator: &mut G, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, x1: (Type, BasicValueEnum<'ctx>), ) -> Result, String> { const FN_NAME: &str = "sp_linalg_hessenberg"; let (x1_ty, x1) = x1; let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(n1) = x1 { let (elem_ty, _) = unpack_ndarray_var_tys(&mut ctx.unifier, x1_ty); let n1_elem_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(generator, elem_ty); let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_) = n1_elem_ty else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]); }; let n1 = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val(n1, llvm_usize, None); let dim0 = unsafe { n1.dim_sizes() .get_unchecked(ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None) .into_int_value() }; let out_h = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, dim0]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); let out_q = numpy::create_ndarray_const_shape(generator, ctx, elem_ty, &[dim0, dim0]) .unwrap() .as_base_value() .as_basic_value_enum(); extern_fns::call_sp_linalg_hessenberg(ctx, x1, out_h, out_q, None); let out_ptr = build_output_struct(ctx, vec![out_h, out_q]); Ok(ctx .builder .build_load(out_ptr, "Hessenberg_decomposition_result") .map(Into::into) .unwrap()) } else { unsupported_type(ctx, FN_NAME, &[x1_ty]) } }