
218 lines
6.9 KiB

use core::{ptr, mem};
use log::{debug, error};
use alloc::{vec::Vec, sync::Arc};
use cslice::CSlice;
use libcortex_a9::{mutex::Mutex, sync_channel::{self, sync_channel}};
use libsupport_zynq::boot::Core1;
use dyld;
use crate::rpc;
use crate::rtio;
pub enum Message {
RpcSend { is_async: bool, data: Arc<Vec<u8>> },
RpcRecvRequest(*mut ()),
RpcRecvReply(Result<usize, ()>),
static CHANNEL_0TO1: Mutex<Option<sync_channel::Receiver<Message>>> = Mutex::new(None);
static CHANNEL_1TO0: Mutex<Option<sync_channel::Sender<Message>>> = Mutex::new(None);
pub struct Control {
core1: Core1,
pub tx: sync_channel::Sender<Message>,
pub rx: sync_channel::Receiver<Message>,
impl Control {
pub fn start() -> Self {
let core1 = Core1::start(true);
let (core0_tx, core1_rx) = sync_channel(4);
let (core1_tx, core0_rx) = sync_channel(4);
*CHANNEL_0TO1.lock() = Some(core1_rx);
*CHANNEL_1TO0.lock() = Some(core1_tx);
Control {
tx: core0_tx,
rx: core0_rx,
pub fn restart(&mut self) {
*CHANNEL_0TO1.lock() = None;
*CHANNEL_1TO0.lock() = None;
let (core0_tx, core1_rx) = sync_channel(4);
let (core1_tx, core0_rx) = sync_channel(4);
*CHANNEL_0TO1.lock() = Some(core1_rx);
*CHANNEL_1TO0.lock() = Some(core1_tx);
self.tx = core0_tx;
self.rx = core0_rx;
static mut KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1: *mut () = ptr::null_mut();
static mut KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0: *mut () = ptr::null_mut();
fn rpc_send_common(is_async: bool, service: u32, tag: &CSlice<u8>, data: *const *const ()) {
let core1_tx: &mut sync_channel::Sender<Message> = unsafe { mem::transmute(KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0) };
let mut buffer = Vec::<u8>::new();
rpc::send_args(&mut buffer, service, tag.as_ref(), data).expect("RPC encoding failed");
core1_tx.send(Message::RpcSend { is_async: is_async, data: Arc::new(buffer) });
extern fn rpc_send(service: u32, tag: &CSlice<u8>, data: *const *const ()) {
rpc_send_common(false, service, tag, data);
extern fn rpc_send_async(service: u32, tag: &CSlice<u8>, data: *const *const ()) {
rpc_send_common(true, service, tag, data);
extern fn rpc_recv(slot: *mut ()) -> usize {
let core1_rx: &mut sync_channel::Receiver<Message> = unsafe { mem::transmute(KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1) };
let core1_tx: &mut sync_channel::Sender<Message> = unsafe { mem::transmute(KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0) };
let reply = core1_rx.recv();
match *reply {
Message::RpcRecvReply(Ok(alloc_size)) => alloc_size,
Message::RpcRecvReply(Err(_)) => unimplemented!(),
_ => panic!("received unexpected reply to RpcRecvRequest: {:?}", reply)
extern fn exception_unimplemented() {
macro_rules! api {
($i:ident) => ({
extern { static $i: u8; }
api!($i = &$i as *const _)
($i:ident, $d:item) => ({
api!($i = $i)
($i:ident = $e:expr) => {
(stringify!($i), $e as *const ())
fn resolve(required: &[u8]) -> Option<u32> {
let api = &[
api!(now_mu = rtio::now_mu),
api!(at_mu = rtio::at_mu),
api!(delay_mu = rtio::delay_mu),
api!(rpc_send = rpc_send),
api!(rpc_send_async = rpc_send_async),
api!(rpc_recv = rpc_recv),
api!(rtio_init = rtio::init),
api!(rtio_get_destination_status = rtio::get_destination_status),
api!(rtio_get_counter = rtio::get_counter),
api!(rtio_output = rtio::output),
api!(rtio_output_wide = rtio::output_wide),
api!(rtio_input_timestamp = rtio::input_timestamp),
api!(rtio_input_data = rtio::input_data),
api!(rtio_input_timestamped_data = rtio::input_timestamped_data),
api!(_Unwind_Resume = exception_unimplemented),
api!(__artiq_personality = exception_unimplemented),
api!(__artiq_raise = exception_unimplemented),
api!(__artiq_reraise = exception_unimplemented),
.find(|&&(exported, _)| exported.as_bytes() == required)
.map(|&(_, ptr)| ptr as u32)
pub fn main_core1() {
debug!("Core1 started");
unsafe {
mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 2
orr r1, r1, (0b1111<<20)
mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 2
vmrs r1, fpexc
orr r1, r1, (1<<30)
vmsr fpexc, r1
debug!("FPU enabled on Core1");
let mut core1_tx = None;
while core1_tx.is_none() {
core1_tx = CHANNEL_1TO0.lock().take();
let mut core1_tx = core1_tx.unwrap();
let mut core1_rx = None;
while core1_rx.is_none() {
core1_rx = CHANNEL_0TO1.lock().take();
let mut core1_rx = core1_rx.unwrap();
let mut current_modinit: Option<u32> = None;
loop {
let message = core1_rx.recv();
match *message {
Message::LoadRequest(data) => {
match dyld::load(&data, &resolve) {
Ok(library) => {
let bss_start = library.lookup(b"__bss_start");
let end = library.lookup(b"_end");
if let Some(bss_start) = bss_start {
let end = end.unwrap();
unsafe {
ptr::write_bytes(bss_start as *mut u8, 0, (end - bss_start) as usize);
let __modinit__ = library.lookup(b"__modinit__").unwrap();
current_modinit = Some(__modinit__);
debug!("kernel loaded");
Err(error) => {
error!("failed to load shared library: {}", error);
Message::StartRequest => {
debug!("kernel starting");
if let Some(__modinit__) = current_modinit {
unsafe {
KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1 = mem::transmute(&mut core1_rx);
KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0 = mem::transmute(&mut core1_tx);
(mem::transmute::<u32, fn()>(__modinit__))();
KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1 = ptr::null_mut();
KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0 = ptr::null_mut();
debug!("kernel finished");
_ => error!("Core1 received unexpected message: {:?}", message),