eth leds:

* break led0 from led1 - similar, but not the same settings (led2 not implemented)
* fix values, make it compilable
* set default behavior (one led for link, other for activity)
mwojcik 2022-03-10 15:58:53 +08:00
parent 84d6d391ce
commit 2b3c7e4b2f
3 changed files with 115 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ impl<GEM: Gem> Eth<GEM, (), ()> {
let phy = Phy::find(&mut inner).expect("phy");
phy.reset(&mut inner);
phy.restart_autoneg(&mut inner);
phy.set_leds(&mut inner);
Eth {
rx: (),

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@ -1,55 +1,58 @@
use bit_field::BitField;
use super::{PhyRegister, Link, LinkDuplex, LinkSpeed};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum LedControl {
OnLinkOffNoLink = 0b0000,
OnLinkBlinkActivityOffNoLink = 0b0001,
OnFullDuplexBlinkCollisionOffHalfDuplex = 0b0010,
OnActivityOffNoActivity = 0b0011,
BlinkActivityOffNoActivity = 0b0100,
OnTransmitOffNoTransmit = 0b0101,
On101000LinkOffElse = 0b0110,
On10LinkOffElse = 0b0111,
ForceOff = 0b1000,
ForceOn = 0b1001,
ForceHiZ = 0b1010,
ForceBlink = 0b1011,
//LED[0] only
Mode1 = 0b1100,
Mode2 = 0b1101,
Mode3 = 0b1110,
Mode4 = 0b1111
use super::{PhyRegister, Led0Control, Led1Control};
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
/// LED Control Register
pub struct Leds(pub u16);
impl Leds {
pub fn led(led_no: u8) -> LedControl {
match self.0.get_bits((led_no*4)..=(led_no*4+3)) {
0b0000 => LedControl::OnLinkOffNoLink,
0b0001 => LedControl::OnLinkBlinkActivityOffNoLink,
0b0010 => LedControl::OnFullDuplexBlinkCollisionOffHalfDuplex,
0b0011 => LedControl::OnActivityOffNoActivity,
0b0100 => LedControl::BlinkActivityOffNoActivity,
0b0101 => LedControl::OnTransmitOffNoTransmit,
0b0110 => LedControl::On101000LinkOffElse,
0b0111 => LedControl::On10LinkOffElse,
0b1000 => LedControl::ForceOff,
0b1001 => LedControl::ForceOn,
0b1010 => LedControl::ForceHiZ,
0b1011 => LedControl::ForceBlink,
0b1100 => LedControl::Mode1,
0b1101 => LedControl::Mode2,
0b1110 => LedControl::Mode3,
0b1111 => LedControl::Mode4,
pub fn led0(&self) -> Led0Control {
match self.0.get_bits(0..=3) {
0b0000 => Led0Control::OnLinkOffNoLink,
0b0001 => Led0Control::OnLinkBlinkActivityOffNoLink,
0b0010 => Led0Control::BlinkDependingOnLink,
0b0011 => Led0Control::OnActivityOffNoActivity,
0b0100 => Led0Control::BlinkActivityOffNoActivity,
0b0101 => Led0Control::OnTransmitOffNoTransmit,
0b0110 => Led0Control::OnCopperLinkOffElse,
0b0111 => Led0Control::On1000LinkOffElse,
0b1000 => Led0Control::ForceOff,
0b1001 => Led0Control::ForceOn,
0b1010 => Led0Control::ForceHiZ,
0b1011 => Led0Control::ForceBlink,
0b1100 => Led0Control::Mode1,
0b1101 => Led0Control::Mode2,
0b1110 => Led0Control::Mode3,
0b1111 => Led0Control::Mode4,
_ => Led0Control::OnLinkOffNoLink, //impossible, but Rust compiler requires it
pub fn led1(&self) -> Led1Control {
match self.0.get_bits(4..=7) {
0b0000 => Led1Control::OnReceiveOffNoReceive,
0b0001 => Led1Control::OnLinkBlinkActivityOffNoLink,
0b0010 => Led1Control::OnLinkBlinkReceiveOffNoLink,
0b0011 => Led1Control::OnActivityOffNoActivity,
0b0100 => Led1Control::BlinkActivityOffNoActivity,
0b0101 => Led1Control::On100OrFiberOffElse,
0b0110 => Led1Control::On1001000LinkOffElse,
0b0111 => Led1Control::On100LinkOffElse,
0b1000 => Led1Control::ForceOff,
0b1001 => Led1Control::ForceOn,
0b1010 => Led1Control::ForceHiZ,
0b1011 => Led1Control::ForceBlink,
_ => Led1Control::Invalid, //impossible, but Rust compiler requires it
pub fn set_led(led_no: u8, setting: LedControl) -> Self {
self.0.set_bits((led_no*4)..=(led_no*4+3), setting as u8)
pub fn set_led0(mut self, setting: Led0Control) -> Self {
self.0.set_bits(0..=3, setting as u16);
pub fn set_led1(mut self, setting: Led1Control) -> Self {
self.0.set_bits(4..=7, setting as u16);
@ -61,4 +64,16 @@ impl PhyRegister for Leds {
fn page() -> u8 {
impl From<u16> for Leds {
fn from(value: u16) -> Self {
impl Into<u16> for Leds {
fn into(self) -> u16 {

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ mod control;
pub use control::Control;
mod pssr;
pub use pssr::PSSR;
mod leds;
pub use leds::Leds;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Link {
@ -26,6 +28,43 @@ pub enum LinkDuplex {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Led0Control {
OnLinkOffNoLink = 0b0000,
OnLinkBlinkActivityOffNoLink = 0b0001,
BlinkDependingOnLink = 0b0010,
OnActivityOffNoActivity = 0b0011,
BlinkActivityOffNoActivity = 0b0100,
OnTransmitOffNoTransmit = 0b0101,
OnCopperLinkOffElse = 0b0110,
On1000LinkOffElse = 0b0111,
ForceOff = 0b1000,
ForceOn = 0b1001,
ForceHiZ = 0b1010,
ForceBlink = 0b1011,
Mode1 = 0b1100,
Mode2 = 0b1101,
Mode3 = 0b1110,
Mode4 = 0b1111
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Led1Control {
OnReceiveOffNoReceive = 0b0000,
OnLinkBlinkActivityOffNoLink = 0b0001,
OnLinkBlinkReceiveOffNoLink = 0b0010,
OnActivityOffNoActivity = 0b0011,
BlinkActivityOffNoActivity = 0b0100,
On100OrFiberOffElse = 0b0101,
On1001000LinkOffElse = 0b0110,
On100LinkOffElse = 0b0111,
ForceOff = 0b1000,
ForceOn = 0b1001,
ForceHiZ = 0b1010,
ForceBlink = 0b1011,
pub trait PhyAccess {
fn read_phy(&mut self, addr: u8, reg: u8) -> u16;
fn write_phy(&mut self, addr: u8, reg: u8, data: u16);
@ -87,7 +126,7 @@ impl Phy {
PA: PhyAccess,
PR: PhyRegister + From<u16>,
pa.write_phy(self.addr, PAGE_REGISTER, PR::page());
pa.write_phy(self.addr, PAGE_REGISTER, PR::page().into());
pa.read_phy(self.addr, PR::addr()).into()
@ -97,7 +136,7 @@ impl Phy {
PR: PhyRegister + From<u16> + Into<u16>,
F: FnMut(PR) -> PR,
pa.write_phy(self.addr, PAGE_REGISTER, PR::page());
pa.write_phy(self.addr, PAGE_REGISTER, PR::page().into());
let reg = pa.read_phy(self.addr, PR::addr()).into();
let reg = f(reg);
pa.write_phy(self.addr, PR::addr(), reg.into())
@ -111,6 +150,14 @@ impl Phy {
self.modify_reg(pa, f)
pub fn modify_leds<PA, F>(&self, pa: &mut PA, f: F)
PA: PhyAccess,
F: FnMut(Leds) -> Leds,
self.modify_reg(pa, f)
pub fn get_control<PA: PhyAccess>(&self, pa: &mut PA) -> Control {
@ -144,4 +191,11 @@ impl Phy {
pub fn set_leds<PA: PhyAccess>(&self, pa: &mut PA) {
self.modify_leds(pa, |leds|