• Joined on 2023-07-05
atse created branch GUI-gui_dev-ctrl_panel in atse/thermostat 2024-10-28 12:21:44 +08:00
atse pushed to GUI-gui_dev-ctrl_panel at atse/thermostat 2024-10-28 12:21:44 +08:00
atse created branch dev-gui-rebased in atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 18:28:58 +08:00
atse pushed to dev-gui-rebased at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 18:28:58 +08:00
1bb7d706f3 Finish GUI
d90a279bc2 Remove unused as clause
dc37470acd Add paramtree view, without updates
4e44de7880 Fix bugs, grammar, text, and refactor into class
63e10c1c45 Change title
Compare 10 commits »
atse pushed to GUI-rebased at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 17:00:31 +08:00
fc7289eff7 ctrl_panel: Explain "SPS" in Postfilter tooltip
atse deleted branch refactor-pwm_limits from atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 16:41:18 +08:00
atse deleted branch b-parameter from atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 16:38:01 +08:00
atse deleted branch parser-test-hotfix from atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 16:37:36 +08:00
atse pushed to master at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 16:37:16 +08:00
9848c65de5 Fix command parser failing test due to changes
069d791802 Rename all Steinhart-Hart references to B-param
Compare 2 commits »
atse closed pull request M-Labs/thermostat#123 2024-10-21 16:34:41 +08:00
Move PwmLimits into its own file
atse commented on pull request M-Labs/thermostat#123 2024-10-21 16:34:41 +08:00
Move PwmLimits into its own file

Well, it's also a part of ChannelState. But yes looking at it again now it does fit a pattern together with ChannelConfig, with the new and apply methods. Closing this PR.

atse commented on pull request M-Labs/thermostat#123 2024-10-21 16:18:58 +08:00
Move PwmLimits into its own file

Just thought putting PwmLimit in config.rs was a tad inappropriate for what it does. Perhaps I should move it over to channel_state.rs instead?

atse pushed to refactor-pwm_limits at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 16:05:37 +08:00
a506876995 Move PwmLimits into its own file
9848c65de5 Fix command parser failing test due to changes
069d791802 Rename all Steinhart-Hart references to B-param
Compare 3 commits »
atse pushed to refactor-pwm_limits at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 16:01:22 +08:00
5b29f12a50 Move PwmLimits into its own file
bd9ae997ae PwmLimits: Use uom quantities for fields not f64s
45eb55d36d steinhart_hart: Beta Parameter uom dimensions
eddf05cae7 channels: get_i -> get_i_set
f68ae12c8d TCP command: Rename pwm to output
Compare 5 commits »
atse created pull request M-Labs/thermostat#142 2024-10-21 15:50:30 +08:00
Fix command parser failing test due to changes
atse pushed to b-parameter at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 15:47:47 +08:00
069d791802 Rename all Steinhart-Hart references to B-param
bd9ae997ae PwmLimits: Use uom quantities for fields not f64s
45eb55d36d steinhart_hart: Beta Parameter uom dimensions
eddf05cae7 channels: get_i -> get_i_set
f68ae12c8d TCP command: Rename pwm to output
Compare 5 commits »
atse pushed to parser-test-hotfix at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 15:30:40 +08:00
74465e0408 Fix command parser failing test due to changes
atse created branch parser-test-hotfix in atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 15:30:39 +08:00
atse pushed to correct-clock at atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 12:16:04 +08:00
43c4da084d clock speed changed, pending correponding SPI changes
bd9ae997ae PwmLimits: Use uom quantities for fields not f64s
45eb55d36d steinhart_hart: Beta Parameter uom dimensions
eddf05cae7 channels: get_i -> get_i_set
f68ae12c8d TCP command: Rename pwm to output
Compare 26 commits »
atse deleted branch refactor_pwm_store from atse/thermostat 2024-10-21 12:08:11 +08:00