• Joined on 2023-07-05
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atse created branch disable-current-readout-pre-rev3 in atse/thermostat

2024-01-31 12:14:45 +08:00

atse pushed to disable-current-readout-pre-rev3 at atse/thermostat

  • ae3d8b51d4 Disable feedback current readout on flawed HW Revs

2024-01-31 12:14:45 +08:00

atse pushed to fan-pwm-cleanup at atse/thermostat

2024-01-30 12:44:05 +08:00

atse pushed to update-nix at atse/thermostat

2024-01-29 17:30:09 +08:00

atse pushed to update-nix at atse/thermostat

2024-01-29 16:50:51 +08:00

atse pushed to dev at atse/thermostat

2024-01-29 16:47:46 +08:00

atse pushed to dev at atse/thermostat

2024-01-29 16:40:40 +08:00

atse deleted branch remove-vref-reporting from atse/thermostat

2024-01-29 12:47:40 +08:00

atse pushed to dev at atse/thermostat

2024-01-29 10:53:17 +08:00

atse pushed to master at atse/thermostat

2024-01-29 10:51:33 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-01-26 17:46:38 +08:00

atse commented on pull request M-Labs/thermostat#89

Cleanup fan control

> > Usually those Rust functions like max_by have type parameters and will work if used correctly and the right traits are implemented. > > Yes, this is exactly what I had done initially in…

2024-01-26 17:28:29 +08:00

atse pushed to b-parameter at atse/thermostat

2024-01-26 17:21:59 +08:00

atse commented on pull request M-Labs/thermostat#84

Fix i_set, a user-provided value, to stop varying on VREF measurements

> It's not a "refactor" if it changes functionality. Yes, agreed. The plottable tec_i values should now be avoiding VREF fluctuations. Also to be honest I'm still struggling with tuning the…

2024-01-26 17:06:58 +08:00

atse pushed to fix-i_set at atse/thermostat

2024-01-26 16:59:17 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-01-24 15:22:13 +08:00

atse pushed to update-nix at atse/thermostat

2024-01-24 13:33:00 +08:00

atse created pull request M-Labs/thermostat#95

Use arm-none-eabi-objcopy instead of llvm-objcopy

2024-01-24 10:53:23 +08:00

atse pushed to workaround-llvm-bug at atse/thermostat

  • 8c8ac71a6f Use arm-none-eabi-objcopy instead of llvm-objcopy

2024-01-24 10:52:12 +08:00

atse pushed to workaround-llvm-bug at atse/thermostat

  • 06afd8fe26 Use arm-none-eabi-objcopy instead of llvm-objcopy

2024-01-24 10:51:35 +08:00