• Joined on 2023-07-05
atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat 2023-09-06 11:28:07 +08:00
5ad6d68f53 Spinner
8dc5723d0c Remove bottom settings group tooltip
de3aff18c6 Correct about thermostat var
8b5cd0b935 Legend names & order
01e447ffad Autotune
Compare 216 commits »
atse pushed to b-parameter-uom at atse/thermostat 2023-08-30 16:09:20 +08:00
f816ddba5e steinhart_hart: Beta Parameter uom dimensions
atse created branch b-parameter-uom in atse/thermostat 2023-08-30 16:07:22 +08:00
atse pushed to b-parameter-uom at atse/thermostat 2023-08-30 16:07:22 +08:00
4592cceac4 steinhart_hart: Beta Parameter uom dimensions
atse created pull request M-Labs/thermostat#89 2023-08-28 11:26:11 +08:00
Cleanup fan control
atse pushed to fan-pwm-cleanup at atse/thermostat 2023-08-28 11:14:08 +08:00
59e0365669 README: Proofread fan control documentation
e344c11562 current_abs_max_tec_i from all channels, not 0 & 1
504fca8757 Refactor current_abs_max_tec_i to use uom
Compare 3 commits »
atse created branch fan-pwm-cleanup in atse/thermostat 2023-08-28 11:14:08 +08:00
atse commented on pull request M-Labs/thermostat#84 2023-08-28 10:46:50 +08:00
Fix i_set, a user-provided value, to stop varying on VREF measurements

The latest force-push adds a member to ChannelState that keeps track of the current setpoint i_set directly, avoiding any calculation just to report the user-provided value.

atse pushed to fix-i_set at atse/thermostat 2023-08-28 10:45:01 +08:00
9ef1d05a42 Save the current setpoint i_set directly
204336aaf3 Make set_i use get_center again
0eb1d492e4 Fix get_center to use calibrated VREF
bb4f43fe1c Remove stale reference to channel_state vref
9df0fe406f Remove VREF in reports
Compare 6 commits »
atse commented on pull request M-Labs/thermostat#88 2023-08-28 10:37:40 +08:00
Rename all Steinhart-Hart references to B-param

I did a double-take about that as well since there is a duplication of vocabulary there that didn't exist before.

With Steinhart-Hart it makes sense to call them coefficients, but for the…

atse created pull request M-Labs/thermostat#88 2023-08-28 10:30:48 +08:00
Rename all Steinhart-Hart references to B-param
atse pushed to b-parameter at atse/thermostat 2023-08-28 10:28:49 +08:00
766c37ab96 Rename all Steinhart-Hart references to B-param
atse pushed to b-parameter at atse/thermostat 2023-08-28 10:25:22 +08:00
27e58adfbf Rename all Steinhart-Hart references to B-param
atse created branch b-parameter in atse/thermostat 2023-08-28 10:25:22 +08:00
atse created pull request M-Labs/thermostat#87 2023-08-25 17:30:14 +08:00
atse created branch remove-vref-reporting in atse/thermostat 2023-08-25 17:29:09 +08:00
atse pushed to remove-vref-reporting at atse/thermostat 2023-08-25 17:29:09 +08:00
495e4ac2e4 README: Remove VREF
atse deleted branch fix-docs-polarity from atse/thermostat 2023-08-23 15:49:55 +08:00
atse pushed to master at atse/thermostat 2023-08-23 15:47:08 +08:00
bb4f43fe1c Remove stale reference to channel_state vref
9df0fe406f Remove VREF in reports
Compare 2 commits »
atse deleted branch reverse-tec-polarity from atse/thermostat 2023-08-23 15:46:16 +08:00