• Joined on 2023-07-05
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atse created pull request M-Labs/thermostat#101


2024-03-27 12:04:59 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-03-27 11:58:12 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-03-20 17:49:06 +08:00

atse deleted branch update-dependencies from atse/thermostat

2024-03-20 17:37:11 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-03-20 17:35:03 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-03-18 11:04:54 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-03-18 10:41:18 +08:00

atse commented on issue M-Labs/thermostat#99

wrong current reports

Ahh, this is a bug from #84, where the firmware just saves whatever the user inputs and displays it, even if the input was invalid and the current doesn't actually gets set. Need to implement…

2024-03-18 10:20:49 +08:00

atse pushed to swap_tec_polarity at atse/thermostat

2024-03-13 16:10:47 +08:00

atse pushed to swap_tec_polarity at atse/thermostat

2024-03-06 15:55:03 +08:00

atse pushed to swap_tec_polarity at atse/thermostat

2024-03-06 15:52:48 +08:00

atse pushed to GUI at atse/thermostat

2024-03-06 15:20:06 +08:00

atse pushed to swap_tec_polarity at atse/thermostat

2024-03-06 14:52:43 +08:00

atse created branch swap_tec_polarity in atse/thermostat

2024-03-06 13:41:38 +08:00

atse pushed to swap_tec_polarity at atse/thermostat

2024-03-06 13:41:38 +08:00

atse pushed to hwrev-dependant-vref-pin at atse/thermostat

2024-02-28 17:02:07 +08:00

atse created branch hwrev-dependant-vref-pin in atse/thermostat

2024-02-28 17:01:30 +08:00

atse pushed to hwrev-dependant-vref-pin at atse/thermostat

2024-02-28 17:01:30 +08:00

atse created branch no-tec_i-reads-pre-3.0 in atse/thermostat

2024-02-28 17:00:51 +08:00

atse pushed to no-tec_i-reads-pre-3.0 at atse/thermostat

  • 40fee0d51c fan: Avoid reading tec_i every cycle pre v3.0

2024-02-28 17:00:51 +08:00