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astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

  • d08ee6d501 Revert "artiq-full, artiq-board-generated: link artiq-fast"

2021-02-15 07:07:41 +08:00

astro commented on pull request M-Labs/nix-scripts#41

artiq-full: split code generation into artiq-board-generated jobset

Symlinking seems to break Nix restricted mode in which only /nix/store entries of known inputs are available to a build.

2021-02-15 07:06:50 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-15 07:01:33 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

  • d769be0754 artiq-full, artiq-board-generated: link artiq-fast

2021-02-15 06:54:06 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-15 06:34:08 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

  • 86923b8e40 artiq-full: fix \\\$ before serialization

2021-02-15 04:23:48 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-15 04:04:49 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-13 04:28:31 +08:00

astro commented on pull request M-Labs/nix-scripts#41

artiq-full: split code generation into artiq-board-generated jobset

I was wondering about that. Thank you for spelling it out. That will also result in yet more divergent codepaths between non-beta and beta.

2021-02-13 03:00:01 +08:00

astro pushed to board-generated at astro/nix-scripts

  • a7d9711b54 artiq-full: split code generation into artiq-board-generated jobset
  • 33c33d49df artiq-full: replace variants list with readDir of sinara-systems
  • d1a6c2f5db artiq-full: disable archived variants
  • c6cdf8d0d0 artiq-full: split code generation into artiq-board-generated jobset
  • Compare 4 commits »

2021-02-12 05:44:11 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-12 04:54:59 +08:00

astro pushed to target-list at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-12 04:41:40 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-11 09:50:27 +08:00

astro pushed to master at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-11 09:30:18 +08:00

astro commented on pull request M-Labs/nix-scripts#42

artiq-full: replace variants list with readDir of sinara-systems

Updated with a cleaner way of filtering by min_artiq_version in the first evaluation.

2021-02-11 03:29:23 +08:00

astro pushed to target-list at astro/nix-scripts

2021-02-11 03:04:28 +08:00

astro created pull request M-Labs/nix-scripts#42

artiq-full: replace variants list with readDir of sinara-systems

2021-02-10 08:51:04 +08:00

astro pushed to target-list at astro/nix-scripts

  • 3a70059831 artiq-full: replace variants list with readDir of sinara-systems
  • d1a6c2f5db artiq-full: disable archived variants

2021-02-10 08:47:41 +08:00

astro commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#127

Performance degradation for smoltcp 0.7

It's actually due to TCP delayed ack is now disabled with fcb38fae6cb3d57ec406e83827b2a65558543bb3.

2021-02-08 10:26:31 +08:00

astro pushed to master at M-Labs/artiq-zynq

2021-02-08 10:24:27 +08:00