use volatile_register::{RO, WO, RW}; use libregister::{register, register_bit, register_bits}; // With reference to: // // artiq:artiq/gateware/targets/ // self.submodules.i2c = gpio.GPIOTristate([i2c.scl, i2c.sda]) // // misoc:misoc/cores/ // class GPIOTristate(Module, AutoCSR): // def __init__(self, signals, reset_out=0, reset_oe=0): // l = len(signals) // self._in = CSRStatus(l) // self._out = CSRStorage(l, reset=reset_out) // self._oe = CSRStorage(l, reset=reset_oe) // // Hence, using GPIOs as SCL and SDA GPIOs respectively. // // Current compatibility: // zc706: GPIO 50, 51 == SCL, SDA #[repr(C)] pub struct RegisterBlock { pub gpio_output_mask: &'static mut GPIOOutputMask, pub gpio_input: &'static mut GPIOInput, pub gpio_output_enable: &'static mut GPIOOutputEnable, } impl RegisterBlock { pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { Self { gpio_output_mask: GPIOOutputMask::new(), gpio_input: GPIOInput::new(), gpio_output_enable: GPIOOutputEnable::new() } } } impl GPIOOutputMask { #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] pub unsafe fn new() -> &'static mut Self { &mut *(0xE000A00C as *mut _) } } impl GPIOInput { #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] pub unsafe fn new() -> &'static mut Self { &mut *(0xE000A064 as *mut _) } } impl GPIOOutputEnable { #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] pub unsafe fn new() -> &'static mut Self { &mut *(0xE000A248 as *mut _) } } // MASK_DATA_1_MSW: // Maskable output data for MIO[53:48] register!(gpio_output_mask, GPIOOutputMask, RW, u32); // Output for SCL #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_output_mask, scl_o, 2); // Output for SDA #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_output_mask, sda_o, 3); // Mask for SCL; set to 1 to write to output #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_output_mask, scl_m, 18); // Mask for SDA; set to 1 to write to output #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_output_mask, sda_m, 19); // DATA_1_RO: // Input data for MIO[53:32] register!(gpio_input, GPIOInput, RO, u32); // Input for SCL #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_input, scl, 8); // Input for SDA #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_input, sda, 9); // OEN_1: // Output enable for MIO[53:32] register!(gpio_output_enable, GPIOOutputEnable, RW, u32); // Output enable for SCL #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_output_enable, scl, 8); // Output enable for SDA #[cfg(feature = "target_zc706")] register_bit!(gpio_output_enable, sda, 9);