#![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(asm)] #![feature(global_asm)] #![feature(naked_functions)] #![feature(compiler_builtins_lib)] use core::fmt::Write; use r0::zero_bss; use compiler_builtins as _; mod regs; mod cortex_a9; mod slcr; mod uart; use uart::Uart; mod eth; use crate::cortex_a9::{asm, regs::*}; extern "C" { static mut __bss_start: u32; static mut __bss_end: u32; static mut __stack_start: u32; } #[link_section = ".text.boot"] #[no_mangle] #[naked] pub unsafe extern "C" fn _boot_cores() -> ! { const CORE_MASK: u32 = 0x3; match MPIDR.get() & CORE_MASK { 0 => { SP.set(&mut __stack_start as *mut _ as u32); boot_core0(); } _ => loop { // if not core0, infinitely wait for events asm::wfe(); }, } } #[naked] #[inline(never)] unsafe fn boot_core0() -> ! { l1_cache_init(); zero_bss(&mut __bss_start, &mut __bss_end); main(); panic!("return from main"); } fn l1_cache_init() { // Invalidate TLBs tlbiall(); // Invalidate I-Cache iciallu(); // Invalidate Branch Predictor Array bpiall(); // Invalidate D-Cache dccisw(); // (Initialize MMU) // Enable I-Cache and D-Cache sctlr(); // Synchronization barriers // Allows MMU to start asm::dsb(); // Flushes pre-fetch buffer asm::isb(); } const UART_RATE: u32 = 115_200; fn main() { let mut uart = Uart::serial(UART_RATE); writeln!(uart, "\r\nHello World!\r"); let mut eth = eth::Eth::default([0x0, 0x17, 0xde, 0xea, 0xbe, 0xef]); writeln!(uart, "Eth on\r"); use eth::phy::PhyAccess; for addr in 1..=31 { let detect = eth.read_phy(addr, 1); let id1 = eth.read_phy(addr, 2); let id2 = eth.read_phy(addr, 3); writeln!(uart, "phy {}: {:04X} {:04X} {:04X}\r", addr, detect, id1, id2); } while !uart.tx_fifo_empty() {} loop {} panic!("End"); } #[panic_handler] fn panic(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! { let mut uart = Uart::serial(UART_RATE); writeln!(uart, "\r\nPanic: {}\r", info); while !uart.tx_fifo_empty() {} slcr::RegisterBlock::unlocked(|slcr| slcr.soft_reset()); loop {} } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn PrefetchAbort() { panic!("PrefetchAbort"); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn DataAbort() { panic!("DataAbort"); }