move some packages to artiq-full

Sebastien Bourdeauducq 2019-07-17 19:21:06 +08:00
parent dfa5b47d9b
commit a7e8319735
2 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -39,13 +39,7 @@ let
inherit pkgs;
artiqPkg = artiqpkgs.conda-artiq;
} // overrides);
jobs = (builtins.mapAttrs (key: value: pkgs.lib.hydraJob value) artiqpkgs) // {
# This is in the example in the ARTIQ manual - precompile it to speed up
# installation for users.
matplotlib-qt = pkgs.lib.hydraJob (pkgs.python3Packages.matplotlib.override { enableQt = true; });
# For Raspberry Pi JTAG servers
openocd-aarch64 = pkgs.lib.hydraJob ((import <nixpkgs> { system = "aarch64-linux"; }).callPackage ./artiq-fast/pkgs/openocd.nix {});
jobs = (builtins.mapAttrs (key: value: pkgs.lib.hydraJob value) artiqpkgs);
jobs // {
generated-nix = pkgs.lib.hydraJob generatedNix; # used by artiq-full

View File

@ -104,7 +104,13 @@ let
jobs = builtins.mapAttrs (key: value: pkgs.lib.hydraJob value) (import generatedNix { inherit pkgs; });
jobs = builtins.mapAttrs (key: value: pkgs.lib.hydraJob value) (import generatedNix { inherit pkgs; }) // {
# This is in the example in the ARTIQ manual - precompile it to speed up
# installation for users.
matplotlib-qt = pkgs.lib.hydraJob (pkgs.python3Packages.matplotlib.override { enableQt = true; });
# For Raspberry Pi JTAG servers
openocd-aarch64 = pkgs.lib.hydraJob ((import <nixpkgs> { system = "aarch64-linux"; }).callPackage ./artiq-fast/pkgs/openocd.nix {});
jobs // {
channel = {