add Phaser gateware

Sebastien Bourdeauducq 2020-10-12 22:49:47 +08:00
parent ee9983728e
commit 4172f745e3
2 changed files with 27 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
let let
artiqpkgs = import ../artiq-fast/pkgs/python-deps.nix { inherit (pkgs) stdenv fetchFromGitHub python3Packages; misoc-new = false; }; artiqpkgs = import ../artiq-fast/pkgs/python-deps.nix { inherit (pkgs) stdenv fetchFromGitHub python3Packages; misoc-new = true; };
ise = import ./ise.nix { inherit pkgs; }; ise = import ./ise.nix { inherit pkgs; };
vivado = import ../artiq-fast/vivado.nix { inherit pkgs; };
buildUrukulCpld = {version, src}: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { buildUrukulCpld = {version, src}: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "urukul-cpld-${version}"; name = "urukul-cpld-${version}";
inherit src; inherit src;
@ -78,4 +79,27 @@ in
echo file binary-dist $out/fastino.bin >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products echo file binary-dist $out/fastino.bin >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
''; '';
}; };
phaser-fpga = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "phaser-fpga";
src = <phaserSrc>;
patchPhase = ''
substituteInPlace \
--replace "Platform(load=True)" \
buildInputs = [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages(ps: [ artiqpkgs.migen artiqpkgs.misoc ])) ] ++ [ vivado ];
buildPhase = "python";
installPhase =
mkdir -p $out $out/nix-support
cp build/phaser.bit $out
echo file binary-dist $out/phaser.bit >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
dontFixup = true;
doCheck = true;
checkInputs = [ pkgs.python3Packages.pytest ];
checkPhase = "pytest";
} }

View File

@ -85,7 +85,8 @@
"nixScripts": { "type": "git", "value": "", "emailresponsible": false }, "nixScripts": { "type": "git", "value": "", "emailresponsible": false },
"urukulSrc": { "type": "git", "value": "git://", "emailresponsible": false }, "urukulSrc": { "type": "git", "value": "git://", "emailresponsible": false },
"mirnySrc": { "type": "git", "value": "git://", "emailresponsible": false }, "mirnySrc": { "type": "git", "value": "git://", "emailresponsible": false },
"fastinoSrc": { "type": "git", "value": "git://", "emailresponsible": false } "fastinoSrc": { "type": "git", "value": "git://", "emailresponsible": false },
"phaserSrc": { "type": "git", "value": "git://", "emailresponsible": false }
} }
}, },
"zynq": { "zynq": {