use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fs; use std::process::Command; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use inkwell::{ memory_buffer::MemoryBuffer, passes::{PassManager, PassManagerBuilder}, targets::*, OptimizationLevel, }; use nac3core::typecheck::typedef::{Unifier, TypeEnum}; use nac3parser::{ ast::{self, ExprKind, Stmt, StmtKind, StrRef}, parser::{self, parse_program}, }; use pyo3::prelude::*; use pyo3::{exceptions, types::PyBytes, types::PyDict, types::PySet}; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock}; use nac3core::{ codegen::{concrete_type::ConcreteTypeStore, CodeGenTask, WithCall, WorkerRegistry}, codegen::irrt::load_irrt, symbol_resolver::SymbolResolver, toplevel::{ composer::{ComposerConfig, TopLevelComposer}, DefinitionId, GenCall, TopLevelDef, }, typecheck::typedef::{FunSignature, FuncArg}, typecheck::{type_inferencer::PrimitiveStore, typedef::Type}, }; use tempfile::{self, TempDir}; use crate::{ codegen::{rpc_codegen_callback, ArtiqCodeGenerator}, symbol_resolver::{InnerResolver, PythonHelper, Resolver}, }; mod codegen; mod symbol_resolver; mod timeline; use timeline::TimeFns; #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)] enum Isa { Host, RiscV32G, RiscV32IMA, CortexA9, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PrimitivePythonId { int: u64, int32: u64, int64: u64, float: u64, bool: u64, list: u64, tuple: u64, typevar: u64, none: u64, exception: u64, generic_alias: (u64, u64), virtual_id: u64, } type TopLevelComponent = (Stmt, String, PyObject); // TopLevelComposer is unsendable as it holds the unification table, which is // unsendable due to Rc. Arc would cause a performance hit. #[pyclass(unsendable, name = "NAC3")] struct Nac3 { isa: Isa, time_fns: &'static (dyn TimeFns + Sync), primitive: PrimitiveStore, builtins: Vec<(StrRef, FunSignature, Arc)>, builtins_ty: HashMap, builtins_def: HashMap, pyid_to_def: Arc>>, primitive_ids: PrimitivePythonId, working_directory: TempDir, top_levels: Vec, string_store: Arc>>, } impl Nac3 { fn register_module( &mut self, module: PyObject, registered_class_ids: &HashSet, ) -> PyResult<()> { let (module_name, source_file) = Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<(String, String)> { let module: &PyAny = module.extract(py)?; Ok(( module.getattr("__name__")?.extract()?, module.getattr("__file__")?.extract()?, )) })?; let source = fs::read_to_string(&source_file).map_err(|e| { exceptions::PyIOError::new_err(format!("failed to read input file: {}", e)) })?; let parser_result = parser::parse_program(&source, source_file.into()) .map_err(|e| exceptions::PySyntaxError::new_err(format!("parse error: {}", e)))?; for mut stmt in parser_result.into_iter() { let include = match stmt.node { ast::StmtKind::ClassDef { ref decorator_list, ref mut body, ref mut bases, .. } => { let nac3_class = decorator_list.iter().any(|decorator| { if let ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } = decorator.node { id.to_string() == "nac3" } else { false } }); if !nac3_class { continue; } // Drop unregistered (i.e. host-only) base classes. bases.retain(|base| { Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult { let id_fn = PyModule::import(py, "builtins")?.getattr("id")?; match &base.node { ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } => { if *id == "Exception".into() { Ok(true) } else { let base_obj = module.getattr(py, id.to_string())?; let base_id = id_fn.call1((base_obj,))?.extract()?; Ok(registered_class_ids.contains(&base_id)) } } _ => Ok(true), } }) .unwrap() }); body.retain(|stmt| { if let ast::StmtKind::FunctionDef { ref decorator_list, .. } = stmt.node { decorator_list.iter().any(|decorator| { if let ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } = decorator.node { id.to_string() == "kernel" || id.to_string() == "portable" || id.to_string() == "rpc" } else { false } }) } else { true } }); true } ast::StmtKind::FunctionDef { ref decorator_list, .. } => decorator_list.iter().any(|decorator| { if let ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } = decorator.node { let id = id.to_string(); id == "extern" || id == "portable" || id == "kernel" || id == "rpc" } else { false } }), _ => false, }; if include { self.top_levels .push((stmt, module_name.clone(), module.clone())); } } Ok(()) } fn report_modinit( arg_names: &[String], method_name: &str, resolver: Arc, top_level_defs: &[Arc>], unifier: &mut Unifier, primitives: &PrimitiveStore, ) -> Option { let base_ty = match resolver.get_symbol_type(unifier, top_level_defs, primitives, "base".into()) { Ok(ty) => ty, Err(e) => return Some(format!("type error inside object launching kernel: {}", e)) }; let fun_ty = if method_name.is_empty() { base_ty } else if let TypeEnum::TObj { fields, .. } = &*unifier.get_ty(base_ty) { match fields.borrow().get(&(*method_name).into()) { Some(t) => t.0, None => return Some( format!("object launching kernel does not have method `{}`", method_name) ) } } else { return Some("cannot launch kernel by calling a non-callable".into()) }; if let TypeEnum::TFunc(sig) = &*unifier.get_ty(fun_ty) { let FunSignature { args, .. } = &*sig.borrow(); if arg_names.len() > args.len() { return Some(format!( "launching kernel function with too many arguments (expect {}, found {})", args.len(), arg_names.len(), )) } for (i, FuncArg { ty, default_value, name }) in args.iter().enumerate() { let in_name = match arg_names.get(i) { Some(n) => n, None if default_value.is_none() => return Some(format!( "argument `{}` not provided when launching kernel function", name )), _ => break, }; let in_ty = match resolver.get_symbol_type( unifier, top_level_defs, primitives, in_name.clone().into() ) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => return Some(format!( "type error ({}) at parameter #{} when calling kernel function", e, i )) }; if let Err(e) = unifier.unify(in_ty, *ty) { return Some(format!( "type error ({}) at parameter #{} when calling kernel function", e, i )); } } } else { return Some("cannot launch kernel by calling a non-callable".into()) } None } } #[pymethods] impl Nac3 { #[new] fn new(isa: &str, py: Python) -> PyResult { let isa = match isa { "host" => Isa::Host, "rv32g" => Isa::RiscV32G, "rv32ima" => Isa::RiscV32IMA, "cortexa9" => Isa::CortexA9, _ => return Err(exceptions::PyValueError::new_err("invalid ISA")), }; let time_fns: &(dyn TimeFns + Sync) = match isa { Isa::Host => &timeline::EXTERN_TIME_FNS, Isa::RiscV32G => &timeline::NOW_PINNING_TIME_FNS_64, Isa::RiscV32IMA => &timeline::NOW_PINNING_TIME_FNS, Isa::CortexA9 => &timeline::EXTERN_TIME_FNS, }; let primitive: PrimitiveStore = TopLevelComposer::make_primitives().0; let builtins = vec![ ( "now_mu".into(), FunSignature { args: vec![], ret: primitive.int64, vars: HashMap::new(), }, Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new(move |ctx, _, _, _, _| { Some(time_fns.emit_now_mu(ctx)) }))), ), ( "at_mu".into(), FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "t".into(), ty: primitive.int64, default_value: None, }], ret: primitive.none, vars: HashMap::new(), }, Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new(move |ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator); time_fns.emit_at_mu(ctx, arg); None }))), ), ( "delay_mu".into(), FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "dt".into(), ty: primitive.int64, default_value: None, }], ret: primitive.none, vars: HashMap::new(), }, Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new(move |ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator); time_fns.emit_delay_mu(ctx, arg); None }))), ), ]; let (_, builtins_def, builtins_ty) = TopLevelComposer::new( builtins.clone(), ComposerConfig { kernel_ann: Some("Kernel"), kernel_invariant_ann: "KernelInvariant", }, ); let builtins_mod = PyModule::import(py, "builtins").unwrap(); let id_fn = builtins_mod.getattr("id").unwrap(); let numpy_mod = PyModule::import(py, "numpy").unwrap(); let typing_mod = PyModule::import(py, "typing").unwrap(); let types_mod = PyModule::import(py, "types").unwrap(); let primitive_ids = PrimitivePythonId { virtual_id: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod .getattr("globals") .unwrap() .call0() .unwrap() .get_item("virtual") .unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), generic_alias: ( id_fn .call1((typing_mod.getattr("_GenericAlias").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), id_fn .call1((types_mod.getattr("GenericAlias").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), ), none: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod.getattr("None").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), typevar: id_fn .call1((typing_mod.getattr("TypeVar").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), int: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod.getattr("int").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), int32: id_fn .call1((numpy_mod.getattr("int32").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), int64: id_fn .call1((numpy_mod.getattr("int64").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), bool: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod.getattr("bool").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), float: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod.getattr("float").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), list: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod.getattr("list").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), tuple: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod.getattr("tuple").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), exception: id_fn .call1((builtins_mod.getattr("tuple").unwrap(),)) .unwrap() .extract() .unwrap(), }; let working_directory = tempfile::Builder::new().prefix("nac3-").tempdir().unwrap(); fs::write( working_directory.path().join("kernel.ld"), include_bytes!("kernel.ld"), ) .unwrap(); Ok(Nac3 { isa, time_fns, primitive, builtins, builtins_ty, builtins_def, primitive_ids, top_levels: Default::default(), pyid_to_def: Default::default(), working_directory, string_store: Default::default() }) } fn analyze(&mut self, functions: &PySet, classes: &PySet) -> PyResult<()> { let (modules, class_ids) = Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<(HashMap, HashSet)> { let mut modules: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut class_ids: HashSet = HashSet::new(); let id_fn = PyModule::import(py, "builtins")?.getattr("id")?; let getmodule_fn = PyModule::import(py, "inspect")?.getattr("getmodule")?; for function in functions.iter() { let module = getmodule_fn.call1((function,))?.extract()?; modules.insert(id_fn.call1((&module,))?.extract()?, module); } for class in classes.iter() { let module = getmodule_fn.call1((class,))?.extract()?; modules.insert(id_fn.call1((&module,))?.extract()?, module); class_ids.insert(id_fn.call1((class,))?.extract()?); } Ok((modules, class_ids)) })?; for module in modules.into_values() { self.register_module(module, &class_ids)?; } Ok(()) } fn compile_method_to_file( &mut self, obj: &PyAny, method_name: &str, args: Vec<&PyAny>, filename: &str, embedding_map: &PyAny, py: Python, ) -> PyResult<()> { let (mut composer, _, _) = TopLevelComposer::new(self.builtins.clone(), ComposerConfig { kernel_ann: Some("Kernel"), kernel_invariant_ann: "KernelInvariant" }); let builtins = PyModule::import(py, "builtins")?; let typings = PyModule::import(py, "typing")?; let id_fn = builtins.getattr("id")?; let store_obj = embedding_map.getattr("store_object").unwrap().to_object(py); let store_str = embedding_map.getattr("store_str").unwrap().to_object(py); let store_fun = embedding_map .getattr("store_function") .unwrap() .to_object(py); let helper = PythonHelper { id_fn: builtins.getattr("id").unwrap().to_object(py), len_fn: builtins.getattr("len").unwrap().to_object(py), type_fn: builtins.getattr("type").unwrap().to_object(py), origin_ty_fn: typings.getattr("get_origin").unwrap().to_object(py), args_ty_fn: typings.getattr("get_args").unwrap().to_object(py), store_obj, store_str }; let mut module_to_resolver_cache: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let pyid_to_type = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::::new())); let global_value_ids = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashSet::::new())); let mut rpc_ids = vec![]; for (stmt, path, module) in self.top_levels.iter() { let py_module: &PyAny = module.extract(py)?; let module_id: u64 = id_fn.call1((py_module,))?.extract()?; let helper = helper.clone(); let (name_to_pyid, resolver) = module_to_resolver_cache .get(&module_id) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| { let mut name_to_pyid: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let members: &PyDict = py_module.getattr("__dict__").unwrap().cast_as().unwrap(); for (key, val) in members.iter() { let key: &str = key.extract().unwrap(); let val = id_fn.call1((val,)).unwrap().extract().unwrap(); name_to_pyid.insert(key.into(), val); } let resolver = Arc::new(Resolver(Arc::new(InnerResolver { id_to_type: self.builtins_ty.clone().into(), id_to_def: self.builtins_def.clone().into(), pyid_to_def: self.pyid_to_def.clone(), pyid_to_type: pyid_to_type.clone(), primitive_ids: self.primitive_ids.clone(), global_value_ids: global_value_ids.clone(), class_names: Default::default(), name_to_pyid: name_to_pyid.clone(), module: module.clone(), id_to_pyval: Default::default(), id_to_primitive: Default::default(), field_to_val: Default::default(), helper, string_store: self.string_store.clone(), }))) as Arc; let name_to_pyid = Rc::new(name_to_pyid); module_to_resolver_cache .insert(module_id, (name_to_pyid.clone(), resolver.clone())); (name_to_pyid, resolver) }); let (name, def_id, ty) = composer .register_top_level(stmt.clone(), Some(resolver.clone()), path.clone()) .map_err(|e| { exceptions::PyRuntimeError::new_err(format!("nac3 compilation failure: {}", e)) })?; match &stmt.node { StmtKind::FunctionDef { decorator_list, .. } => { if decorator_list.iter().any(|decorator| matches!(decorator.node, ExprKind::Name { id, .. } if id == "rpc".into())) { store_fun.call1(py, (def_id.0.into_py(py), module.getattr(py, name.to_string()).unwrap())).unwrap(); rpc_ids.push((None, def_id)); } } StmtKind::ClassDef { name, body, .. } => { let class_obj = module.getattr(py, name.to_string()).unwrap(); for stmt in body.iter() { if let StmtKind::FunctionDef { name, decorator_list, .. } = &stmt.node { if decorator_list.iter().any(|decorator| matches!(decorator.node, ExprKind::Name { id, .. } if id == "rpc".into())) { rpc_ids.push((Some((class_obj.clone(), *name)), def_id)); } } } } _ => () } let id = *name_to_pyid.get(&name).unwrap(); self.pyid_to_def.write().insert(id, def_id); { let mut pyid_to_ty = pyid_to_type.write(); if let Some(ty) = ty { pyid_to_ty.insert(id, ty); } } } let id_fun = PyModule::import(py, "builtins")?.getattr("id")?; let mut name_to_pyid: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let module = PyModule::new(py, "tmp")?; module.add("base", obj)?; name_to_pyid.insert("base".into(), id_fun.call1((obj,))?.extract()?); let mut arg_names = vec![]; for (i, arg) in args.into_iter().enumerate() { let name = format!("tmp{}", i); module.add(&name, arg)?; name_to_pyid.insert(name.clone().into(), id_fun.call1((arg,))?.extract()?); arg_names.push(name); } let synthesized = if method_name.is_empty() { format!("def __modinit__():\n base({})", arg_names.join(", ")) } else { format!( "def __modinit__():\n base.{}({})", method_name, arg_names.join(", ") ) }; let mut synthesized = parse_program( &synthesized, "__nac3_synthesized_modinit__".to_string().into(), ).unwrap(); let resolver = Arc::new(Resolver(Arc::new(InnerResolver { id_to_type: self.builtins_ty.clone().into(), id_to_def: self.builtins_def.clone().into(), pyid_to_def: self.pyid_to_def.clone(), pyid_to_type: pyid_to_type.clone(), primitive_ids: self.primitive_ids.clone(), global_value_ids: global_value_ids.clone(), class_names: Default::default(), id_to_pyval: Default::default(), id_to_primitive: Default::default(), field_to_val: Default::default(), name_to_pyid, module: module.to_object(py), helper, string_store: self.string_store.clone(), }))) as Arc; let (_, def_id, _) = composer .register_top_level( synthesized.pop().unwrap(), Some(resolver.clone()), "".into(), ) .unwrap(); let signature = FunSignature { args: vec![], ret: self.primitive.none, vars: HashMap::new(), }; let mut store = ConcreteTypeStore::new(); let mut cache = HashMap::new(); let signature = store.from_signature( &mut composer.unifier, &self.primitive, &signature, &mut cache, ); let signature = store.add_cty(signature); if let Err(e) = composer.start_analysis(true) { // report error of __modinit__ separately if !e.contains("__nac3_synthesized_modinit__") { return Err(exceptions::PyRuntimeError::new_err( format!("nac3 compilation failure: {}", e) )); } else { let msg = Self::report_modinit( &arg_names, method_name, resolver.clone(), &composer.extract_def_list(), &mut composer.unifier, &self.primitive ); return Err(exceptions::PyRuntimeError::new_err(msg.unwrap())); } } let top_level = Arc::new(composer.make_top_level_context()); { let rpc_codegen = rpc_codegen_callback(); let defs =; for (class_data, id) in rpc_ids.iter() { let mut def = defs[id.0].write(); match &mut *def { TopLevelDef::Function { codegen_callback, .. } => { *codegen_callback = Some(rpc_codegen.clone()); } TopLevelDef::Class { methods, .. } => { let (class_def, method_name) = class_data.as_ref().unwrap(); for (name, _, id) in methods.iter() { if name != method_name { continue; } if let TopLevelDef::Function { codegen_callback, .. } = &mut *defs[id.0].write() { *codegen_callback = Some(rpc_codegen.clone()); store_fun .call1( py, ( id.0.into_py(py), class_def.getattr(py, name.to_string()).unwrap(), ), ) .unwrap(); } } } } } } let instance = { let defs =; let mut definition = defs[def_id.0].write(); if let TopLevelDef::Function { instance_to_stmt, instance_to_symbol, .. } = &mut *definition { instance_to_symbol.insert("".to_string(), "__modinit__".into()); instance_to_stmt[""].clone() } else { unreachable!() } }; let task = CodeGenTask { subst: Default::default(), symbol_name: "__modinit__".to_string(), body: instance.body, signature, resolver, store, unifier_index: instance.unifier_id, calls: instance.calls, id: 0, }; let isa = self.isa; let working_directory = self.working_directory.path().to_owned(); let membuffers: Arc>>> = Default::default(); let membuffer = membuffers.clone(); let f = Arc::new(WithCall::new(Box::new(move |module| { let buffer = module.write_bitcode_to_memory(); let buffer = buffer.as_slice().into(); membuffer.lock().push(buffer); }))); let size_t = if self.isa == Isa::Host { 64 } else { 32 }; let thread_names: Vec = (0..4).map(|_| "main".to_string()).collect(); let threads: Vec<_> = thread_names .iter() .map(|s| { Box::new(ArtiqCodeGenerator::new( s.to_string(), size_t, self.time_fns, )) }) .collect(); py.allow_threads(|| { let (registry, handles) = WorkerRegistry::create_workers(threads, top_level.clone(), f); registry.add_task(task); registry.wait_tasks_complete(handles); }); let buffers = membuffers.lock(); let context = inkwell::context::Context::create(); let main = context .create_module_from_ir(MemoryBuffer::create_from_memory_range(&buffers[0], "main")) .unwrap(); for buffer in buffers.iter().skip(1) { let other = context .create_module_from_ir(MemoryBuffer::create_from_memory_range(buffer, "main")) .unwrap(); main.link_in_module(other) .map_err(|err| exceptions::PyRuntimeError::new_err(err.to_string()))?; } main.link_in_module(load_irrt(&context)) .map_err(|err| exceptions::PyRuntimeError::new_err(err.to_string()))?; let mut function_iter = main.get_first_function(); while let Some(func) = function_iter { if func.count_basic_blocks() > 0 && func.get_name().to_str().unwrap() != "__modinit__" { func.set_linkage(inkwell::module::Linkage::Private); } function_iter = func.get_next_function(); } let builder = PassManagerBuilder::create(); builder.set_optimization_level(OptimizationLevel::Aggressive); let passes = PassManager::create(()); builder.set_inliner_with_threshold(255); builder.populate_module_pass_manager(&passes); passes.run_on(&main); let (triple, features) = match isa { Isa::Host => ( TargetMachine::get_default_triple(), TargetMachine::get_host_cpu_features().to_string(), ), Isa::RiscV32G => ( TargetTriple::create("riscv32-unknown-linux"), "+a,+m,+f,+d".to_string(), ), Isa::RiscV32IMA => ( TargetTriple::create("riscv32-unknown-linux"), "+a,+m".to_string(), ), Isa::CortexA9 => ( TargetTriple::create("armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf"), "+dsp,+fp16,+neon,+vfp3".to_string(), ), }; let target = Target::from_triple(&triple).expect("couldn't create target from target triple"); let target_machine = target .create_target_machine( &triple, "", &features, OptimizationLevel::Default, RelocMode::PIC, CodeModel::Default, ) .expect("couldn't create target machine"); target_machine .write_to_file(&main, FileType::Object, &working_directory.join("module.o")) .expect("couldn't write module to file"); let mut linker_args = vec![ "-shared".to_string(), "--eh-frame-hdr".to_string(), "-x".to_string(), "-o".to_string(), filename.to_string(), working_directory .join("module.o") .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), ]; if isa != Isa::Host { linker_args.push( "-T".to_string() + self .working_directory .path() .join("kernel.ld") .to_str() .unwrap(), ); } if let Ok(linker_status) = Command::new("ld.lld").args(linker_args).status() { if !linker_status.success() { return Err(exceptions::PyRuntimeError::new_err( "failed to start linker", )); } } else { return Err(exceptions::PyRuntimeError::new_err( "linker returned non-zero status code", )); } Ok(()) } fn compile_method_to_mem( &mut self, obj: &PyAny, method_name: &str, args: Vec<&PyAny>, embedding_map: &PyAny, py: Python, ) -> PyResult { let filename_path = self.working_directory.path().join("module.elf"); let filename = filename_path.to_str().unwrap(); self.compile_method_to_file(obj, method_name, args, filename, embedding_map, py)?; Ok(PyBytes::new(py, &fs::read(filename).unwrap()).into()) } } #[cfg(feature = "init-llvm-profile")] extern "C" { fn __llvm_profile_initialize(); } #[pymodule] fn nac3artiq(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> { #[cfg(feature = "init-llvm-profile")] unsafe { __llvm_profile_initialize(); } Target::initialize_all(&InitializationConfig::default()); m.add_class::()?; Ok(()) }