\input{preamble.tex} \graphicspath{{images/1008}{images}} \title{1008 VHDCI Carrier} \author{M-Labs Limited} \date{January 2025} \revision{Revision 1} \companylogo{\includegraphics[height=0.73in]{artiq_sinara.pdf}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Features} \begin{itemize} \item{8 channels} \item{8 internal EEM connectors} \item{2 external VHDCI connectors} \end{itemize} \section{Applications} \begin{itemize} \item{Break out VHDCI to extension boards} \item{Carry signals over VHDCI between crates \begin{itemize} \item{With one for each of two crates, serves as a low-cost and low-latency alternative to \mbox{DRTIO} for some applications} \end{itemize}} \item{Adapter for certain KC705 ARTIQ systems} \end{itemize} \section{General Description} The 1008 VHDCI Carrier is a 4hp EEM module, part of the ARTIQ/Sinara family. It is a passive adapter card which converts VHDCI connects to or from EEM connections. The 1008 VHDCI Carrier is bidirectional; it can be driven by a core device carrier board, or can drive other cards. A pair of VHDCI Carrier cards can be paired with VHDCI SCSI-3 cables to carry EEM signals over short distances between crates. Depending on the application, this can serve as a simple, low-cost, low-latency alternative to multiple core devices and ARTIQ DRTIO. % Switch to next column \vfill\break %\begin{figure}[h] % \centering % \scalebox{1.15}{ % \begin{circuitikz}[european, every label/.append style={align=center}] % \begin{scope}[] % % if applicable % \end{scope} % \end{circuitikz} % } % \caption{Simplified Block Diagram} %\end{figure} \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \includegraphics[height=2.5in]{photo1008.jpg} \caption{VHDCI Carrier card} \includegraphics[height=2.5in, angle=90]{fp1008.pdf} \caption{VHDCI Carrier front panel} \end{figure} % For wide tables, a single column layout is better. It can be switched % page-by-page. \onecolumn \sourcesection{1008 VHDCI Carrier}{https://github.com/sinara-hw/VHDCI_Carrier} \section{Electrical Specifications} \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{threeparttable} \caption{Electrical Specifications} \begin{tabularx}{0.65\textwidth}{l | c | c | X} \thickhline \textbf{Parameter} & \textbf{Max. Value} & \textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Conditions} \\ \thickhline \end{tabularx} \end{threeparttable} \end{table} 12-V power should be supplied through the barrel jack in the front panel (2.50 mm ID, 5.50 mm OD). \section{Specifications} \ordersection{1008 VHDCI Carrier} \finalfootnote \end{document}