// Enables ITM pub unsafe fn enable_itm( dbgmcu: &stm32h7xx_hal::stm32::DBGMCU, dcb: &mut cortex_m::peripheral::DCB, itm: &mut cortex_m::peripheral::ITM ) { // ARMv7-M DEMCR: Set TRCENA. Enables DWT and ITM units //unsafe { *(0xE000_EDFC as *mut u32) |= 1 << 24 }; dcb.enable_trace(); // Ensure debug blocks are clocked before interacting with them dbgmcu.cr.modify(|_, w| { w.d1dbgcken() .set_bit() .d3dbgcken() .set_bit() .traceclken() .set_bit() .dbgsleep_d1() .set_bit() }); // SWO: Unlock *(0x5c00_3fb0 as *mut u32) = 0xC5ACCE55; // SWTF: Unlock *(0x5c00_4fb0 as *mut u32) = 0xC5ACCE55; // SWO CODR Register: Set SWO speed *(0x5c00_3010 as *mut _) = 200; // SWO SPPR Register: // 1 = Manchester // 2 = NRZ *(0x5c00_30f0 as *mut _) = 2; // SWTF Trace Funnel: Enable for CM7 *(0x5c00_4000 as *mut u32) |= 1; // ITM: Unlock itm.lar.write(0xC5ACCE55); // ITM Trace Enable Register: Enable lower 8 stimulus ports itm.ter[0].write(1); // ITM Trace Control Register: Enable ITM itm.tcr.write( (0b000001 << 16) | // TraceBusID (1 << 3) | // enable SWO output (1 << 0), // enable the ITM ); } // use panic_itm as _; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::LevelFilter; pub use cortex_m_log::log::Logger; use cortex_m_log::{ destination::Itm as ItmDest, printer::itm::InterruptSync, modes::InterruptFree, printer::itm::ItmSync }; lazy_static! { static ref LOGGER: Logger<ItmSync<InterruptFree>> = Logger { level: LevelFilter::Trace, inner: unsafe { InterruptSync::new( ItmDest::new(cortex_m::Peripherals::steal().ITM) ) }, }; } pub fn init() { cortex_m_log::log::init(&LOGGER).unwrap(); } // use panic_semihosting as _; use cortex_m_log::printer::semihosting; use cortex_m_log::printer::semihosting::Semihosting; use cortex_m_log::modes::InterruptOk; use cortex_m_semihosting::hio::HStdout; lazy_static! { static ref HLOGGER: Logger<Semihosting<InterruptOk, HStdout>> = Logger { level: LevelFilter::Trace, inner: semihosting::InterruptOk::<_>::stdout().expect("Get Semihosting stdout"), }; } pub fn semihosting_init() { cortex_m_log::log::init(&HLOGGER).unwrap(); }