  • Joined on 2024-06-03
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-25 22:07:45 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

Added this in-line with the firmware, so the runtime behavior can be somewhat replicated making it simpler when moving lib.rs to artiq-zynq or artiq system. Will replace the exceptions with a…

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-25 22:07:07 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

For now, I have specified the numpy element type in linalg_externfns/src/lib.rs to be f64. We can extend this to support i32 or i64 type as well but will need dedicated functions to handle…

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-25 22:06:43 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

the current implementation is limited to 1D case


When performing dot product on 1D vectors, output is a single float while a 2D matrix needs to be allocated with 2D inputs. The…

abdul124 created branch issue-133 in abdul124/nac3 2024-07-25 17:43:39 +08:00
abdul124 pushed to issue-133 at abdul124/nac3 2024-07-25 17:43:39 +08:00
4c504abd16 core: allow field initialization in function calls
Compare 2 commits »
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-25 12:57:21 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

Adds implementation of:

  1. np_dot: Unlike numpy where dot product can be used for multiplying matrices, the current implementation is limited to 1D case
  2. np_linalg_matmul: Same as…
abdul124 pushed to support_nalgebra at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-25 12:42:14 +08:00
8693cb8f6a standalone: link externfns at runtime
5c38175524 standalone: add runtime implementation for linalg functions
e88495ea52 standalone: add linalg methods and tests
bf916a16aa core: add linalg methods
Compare 4 commits »
abdul124 pushed to support_nalgebra at abdul124/nac3 2024-07-25 00:48:18 +08:00
bc4e3a228b Error Refactored
abdul124 pushed to support_nalgebra at abdul124/nac3 2024-07-24 18:08:11 +08:00
8655a5f0c7 Error Interface Added
7ec36e80f7 standalone: link externfns at runtime
b667b4ade0 core: add runtime implementation for linalg functions
cc2c53f328 standalone: add nalgebra::linalg methods
2dddab1fcf core: add nalgebra::linalg methods
Compare 12 commits »
abdul124 pushed to refactor-composer at abdul124/nac3 2024-07-23 17:58:22 +08:00
7632d6f72a cargo: update dependencies
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-23 09:40:17 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

It is better to write this in Rust than in LLVM IR calls.


abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-23 09:39:44 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

Isn't that already implemented via the @ operator?

Yes it's already implemented. I added this to test the macro calls. Will remove it from the final version.

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-23 09:37:15 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

Again, move this out of nac3core. This is only used by nac3standalone/demo and this is where it should go.

Will move it.

I also doubt that clang xxy.so works to link an executable against…

abdul124 pushed to support_nalgebra at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-23 00:30:27 +08:00
ea5f4fc698 Add np.linalg functions (WIP)
7ec36e80f7 standalone: link externfns at runtime
b667b4ade0 core: add runtime implementation for linalg functions
cc2c53f328 standalone: add nalgebra::linalg methods
2dddab1fcf core: add nalgebra::linalg methods
Compare 7 commits »
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-22 17:20:47 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

Why can't we just follow the numpy API and raise this exception on failure, instead of returning True/False?

The implementation of try_invert_to in nalgebra::linalg returns True/False…

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-22 17:15:54 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods

If the purpose of the DSO is to make the lli tests work, I would just get rid of the latter. The lli tests increase complexity and AFAICT don't really help find bugs.

The DSO provides the…

abdul124 created pull request M-Labs/nac3#478 2024-07-22 14:17:43 +08:00
add nalgebra::linalg methods
abdul124 pushed to support_nalgebra at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-22 14:06:02 +08:00
f30683578d standalone: link externfns at runtime
2c4ce82279 core: add runtime implementation for linalg functions
42f026a653 standalone: add nalgebra::linalg methods
8112d1943e core: add nalgebra::linalg methods
Compare 4 commits »
abdul124 created branch support_nalgebra in M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-22 13:53:32 +08:00
abdul124 pushed to support_nalgebra at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-22 13:53:32 +08:00
702bd2f953 standalone: link externfns at runtime
ca0ec0ee79 core: add runtime implementation for linalg functions
4665a7af84 standalone: add nalgebra::linalg methods
8d522190be core: add nalgebra::linalg methods
Compare 4 commits »