  • Joined on 2024-06-03
abdul124 deleted branch support_class_attribute_issue102 from M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-19 18:04:21 +08:00
abdul124 deleted branch support_class_objects from M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-19 18:02:16 +08:00
abdul124 closed pull request M-Labs/nac3#417 2024-06-19 18:02:11 +08:00
WIP: nac3artiq: add support for class objects without __init__ method
abdul124 pushed to issue-102 at M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-19 18:02:03 +08:00
5bc76583ef apply cargo fmt
659daf8f75 nac3artiq: allow class attribute access without init function
12374bd158 core: add support for class attributes
05784a5229 core: add attribute field to class definition
Compare 4 commits »
abdul124 created branch issue-102 in M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-19 18:02:01 +08:00
abdul124 pushed to issue-337 at M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-17 14:14:45 +08:00
8cab8f08cb nac3artiq: add support string attributes in classes
32919949e2 Run clippy --tests on pre-commit hook
2abe75d1f4 core: remove code dup with make_exception_fields
Compare 3 commits »
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#416 2024-06-17 13:39:56 +08:00
nac3artiq: add support string attributes in classes

Could you update the commit message? String is already a primitive type, and AFAIK you're just adding support for the str attribute. I will change the commit message to "nac3artiq: support…

abdul124 closed pull request M-Labs/nac3#415 2024-06-14 16:02:04 +08:00
WIP: support_string_class_attr
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#415 2024-06-14 16:02:03 +08:00
WIP: support_string_class_attr

Splitting PR for Clarity I have split the PR into two separate PRs for better clarity and management.

  1. PR #416: This PR focuses on supporting string attributes
  2. PR #417: This PR…
abdul124 created pull request M-Labs/nac3#417 2024-06-14 15:51:09 +08:00
WIP: nac3artiq: add support for class objects without __init__ method
abdul124 pushed to support_class_objects at M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-14 15:42:24 +08:00
919e247bd8 nac3artiq/symbol_resolver: remove redundant declaration
abdul124 created pull request M-Labs/nac3#416 2024-06-14 15:27:58 +08:00
nac3artiq: Add String to Primitive Types
abdul124 pushed to support_class_objects at M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-14 15:19:12 +08:00
d7e51b2b40 nac3artiq: add support for class objects without __init__ method
abdul124 created branch support_class_objects in M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-14 15:19:12 +08:00
abdul124 pushed to issue-337 at M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-14 10:23:51 +08:00
0fa8cd21cd nac3artiq: Add String to Primitive Types
abdul124 created branch issue-337 in M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-14 10:23:51 +08:00
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#415 2024-06-13 19:58:18 +08:00
WIP: support_string_class_attr

From what I have tested, only the last element inside the class definitions was locked. I was unable to see what it corresponded to in the class, but methods including the constructor were already…

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#415 2024-06-13 19:03:33 +08:00
WIP: support_string_class_attr

Added this at the top for clarity in if condition, but yes since it is used only once, will rewrite this and move it with the calling condition.

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#415 2024-06-13 18:58:11 +08:00
WIP: support_string_class_attr

The previous code entered deadlock since the last element inside the def was locked (not sure about the reason for this), so to avoid that, I replaced the read() function with try_read to…

abdul124 pushed to support_string_class_attr at M-Labs/nac3 2024-06-13 16:47:01 +08:00
459be94526 artiq: reformat