  • Joined on 2024-06-03
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 19:26:13 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

The as_slice function on nalgebra Matrix returns a column-major slice. The transpose is done to get it the output in a form compatible (row-by-row) with NDValue.

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 19:15:21 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

Try setting the environment variable RUSTFLAGS="-Z const_fn -Z extended_key_value_attributes -Z array_methods"

While adding -Zextended_key_value_attributes and -Zarray_methods to…

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 16:20:40 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

Does not belong in this PR.

Noted. I will remove it from this PR.

Isn't no_mangle implied by extern C anyway?

I don't think no_mangle is implied by extern C as discussed here: https://git

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 16:05:42 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

Also this is function is poorly named. Add a linalg_ prefix or something, otherwise you have no idea what it can possibly do just looking at the name.

Updated function name and removed…

abdul124 created pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 15:44:08 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api
abdul124 pushed to artiq-zynq at M-Labs/nalgebra 2024-07-18 14:19:18 +08:00
dd00f9b460 src/lib: add features for non-std support
abdul124 created branch artiq-zynq in M-Labs/nalgebra 2024-07-18 14:19:18 +08:00
abdul124 created pull request M-Labs/nac3#456 2024-07-12 18:25:19 +08:00
core: add np_argmax/np_argmin functions
abdul124 pushed to add_math_fns at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-12 18:21:16 +08:00
45e9360c4d standalone: Add np_argmax and np_argmin tests
2e01b77fc8 core: refactor np_max/np_min functions
cea7cade51 core: add np_argmax/np_argmin functions
Compare 3 commits »
abdul124 created branch add_math_fns in M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-12 18:21:16 +08:00
abdul124 pushed to issue-194 at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-10 17:35:31 +08:00
52e5d417ea core: support raise exception short form
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#455 2024-07-10 16:34:55 +08:00
core: support raise exception short form

Sounds fishy to me. The other one would be a variable inside a call, so there shouldn't be that much difference.

The other already has the function signature (the constructor of the exception)…

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#455 2024-07-10 16:29:26 +08:00
core: support raise exception short form

No need to quote issue number.


Why is the code so complicated?

The shorthand exception notation is treated as a variable in the AST. Here I am performing a lookup using the variable…

abdul124 created pull request M-Labs/nac3#455 2024-07-10 14:52:34 +08:00
core: support raise exception short form
abdul124 pushed to issue-194 at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-10 14:49:02 +08:00
16dac8b2c4 core: support raise exception short form
abdul124 created branch issue-194 in M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-10 14:49:01 +08:00
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#453 2024-07-09 12:01:06 +08:00
core: reduce code duplication in codegen/extern_fns

Updated comments.

abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#453 2024-07-09 12:00:46 +08:00
core: reduce code duplication in codegen/extern_fns

Removed helper entirely and merged the macros into generate_extern_fn macro

abdul124 pushed to refactor-extern_fns at M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-09 11:59:28 +08:00
3da5d1a03a core/extern_fns: improve macro definition and comments
abdul124 commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#450 2024-07-09 10:48:39 +08:00
core: reduce code duplication in codegen/llvm_intrinsic

Renamed macros to:

  1. generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn_body: Generates the llvm intrinsic build call (body of the call_llvm_intrinsic functions).
  2. generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn: Generates the…