
61 lines
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2020-04-11 21:12:16 +08:00
# TCL to allow the Xilinx PS7 Init TCL code to run in OpenOCD.
proc mrd { args } {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
echo "mrd address \[count \[w|h|b\]\]"
echo " Read <count> memory locations starting at <address>. Defaults to one word."
set addr [lindex $args 0]
set count 1
set bits 32
if {[llength $args] > 1} {
set count [lindex $args 1]
if {[llength $args] > 2} {
switch [lindex $args 2] {
w { set bits 32 }
h { set bits 16 }
b { set bits 8 }
default { set bits 32 }
mem2array x $bits $addr $count
set nibbles [expr {$bits / 4}]
set bytes [expr {$bits / 8}]
set result {}
foreach {idx elmt} $x {
append result [format "%08x: %0*x\n" [expr {$addr + $idx * $bytes}] $nibbles $elmt]
return $result
proc mwr { args } {
set addr [lindex $args 1]
set data [lindex $args 2]
mww $addr $data
proc mask_write { addr mask value } {
set curval "0x[string range [mrd $addr] end-8 end]"
set maskedval [expr {$curval & ~$mask}]
#echo "curval = [format 0x%08x $curval] maskedval = [format 0x%08x $maskedval]"
set writeval(0) [expr {$maskedval | $value}]
#echo " $addr <= [format 0x%08x $writeval(0)] ([format 0x%08x $curval]: [format 0x%08x $mask]/[format 0x%08x $value])"
array2mem writeval 32 $addr 1
proc xilinx_ps7_init { } {
poll off
reset init
reset halt
targets zynq.cpu.0
sleep 100
poll on