
2.3 KiB


nix-shell --command "cargo xbuild --release -p experiments"

Currently the ELF output is placed at target/armv7-none-eabihf/release/experiments


Using the Xilinx toolchain

Tested with the ZC706 board.

Run the Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger:


Connect to target (given it is connected and you have permissions):

connect arm hw

Leave xmd running.

Start the Xilinx version of the GNU debugger with your latest build:

/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/EDK/gnu/arm/lin/bin/arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gdb zc706

Connect the debugger to xmd over TCP on localhost:

target remote :1234

Proceed using gdb with load, c

Using OpenOCD

Running on the ZC706

nix-shell --command "cargo xbuild --release -p experiments"
cd openocd
openocd -f zc706.cfg

Running on the Cora Z7-10

nix-shell --command "cd experiments && cargo xbuild --release --no-default-features --features=target_cora_z7_10"
cd openocd
openocd -f cora-z7-10.cfg

Loading a bitstream into volatile memory

openocd -f zc706.cfg -c "pld load 0 blinker_migen.bit; exit"

Development Process

Clone this repo onto your development/build machine and the raspberry pi that controls the Xilinx 7000 board

On the dev machine, the below script builds zc706 and secure copies it to the nixbuild.m-labs.hk server:

cd ~/zynq-rs
./build.sh $your_user_or_ssh_id

Alternatively, you may copy the zc706 build to the target pi (in your pi $HOME directory, for example) using:

cd ~/zynq-rs
scp -C target/armv7-none-eabihf/release/experiments your_user_or_ssh_id@pi_hostname:/home/your_user_or_ssh_id/zynq-rs/zc706.elf

On the pi, we need an information rich environment that includes a relatively reliable gdb experience (that includes ctrl-p and ctrl-n command history that persists across cgdb executions), run:

ssh pi4
cd zynq-rs
# For ZC706, run:
./tmux.sh 0
# For Cora Z7, run:

Time to run your code with:


or, for a more succinct experience, (identical to above)


After every build on your dev machine, simply run:


Sometimes you might need to type load after dr.