/// ADMA library use core::mem::MaybeUninit; use super::SDIO; use libcortex_a9::cache; use libregister::{ register, register_bit, RegisterR, RegisterW, RegisterRW, VolatileCell, }; #[repr(C, align(4))] pub struct Adma2Desc32 { attribute: Desc32Attribute, length: VolatileCell, address: VolatileCell, } const DESC_MAX_LENGTH: u32 = 65536; register!(desc32_attribute, Desc32Attribute, VolatileCell, u16); register_bit!(desc32_attribute, trans, 5); register_bit!(desc32_attribute, int, 2); register_bit!(desc32_attribute, end, 1); register_bit!(desc32_attribute, valid, 0); pub struct Adma2DescTable(MaybeUninit<[Adma2Desc32; 32]>); impl Adma2DescTable { pub fn new() -> Self { Adma2DescTable(MaybeUninit::uninit()) } /// Initialize the table and setup `adma_system_address` pub fn setup(&mut self, sdio: &mut SDIO, blk_cnt: u32, buffer: &[u8]) { let descr_table = unsafe { &mut *self.0.as_mut_ptr() }; let blk_size = sdio .regs .block_size_block_count .read() .transfer_block_size() as u32; let total_desc_lines = if blk_size * blk_cnt < DESC_MAX_LENGTH { 1 } else { blk_size * blk_cnt / DESC_MAX_LENGTH + if (blk_size * blk_cnt) % DESC_MAX_LENGTH == 0 { 0 } else { 1 } } as usize; let ptr = buffer.as_ptr() as u32; for desc_num in 0..total_desc_lines { descr_table[desc_num].address.set(ptr + (desc_num as u32) * DESC_MAX_LENGTH); descr_table[desc_num].attribute.write( Desc32Attribute::zeroed() .trans(true) .valid(true) ); // 0 is the max length (65536) descr_table[desc_num].length.set(0); } descr_table[total_desc_lines - 1].attribute.modify(|_, w| w.end(true)); descr_table[total_desc_lines - 1].length.set( (blk_cnt * blk_size - ((total_desc_lines as u32) - 1) * DESC_MAX_LENGTH) as u16, ); unsafe { sdio.regs .adma_system_address .write(descr_table.as_ptr() as u32); } cache::dcci_slice(descr_table); } }