openocd connection causes FIQ #27

opened 2020-05-05 20:00:42 +08:00 by sb10q · 8 comments

When the OpenOCD connection is establishing, the CPU is reset and briefly booting. This is very apparent if the board is set up to boot from SD card with a firmware that prints to the UART; but the issue also occurs with other boot modes including JTAG (in which case it is running whatever old code was in OCM). That SD card firmware will be (re)started a few times when OpenOCD connects.

This is a rather minor problem but it leads to confusing behavior.

When the OpenOCD connection is establishing, the CPU is reset and briefly booting. This is very apparent if the board is set up to boot from SD card with a firmware that prints to the UART; but the issue also occurs with other boot modes including JTAG (in which case it is running whatever old code was in OCM). That SD card firmware will be (re)started a few times when OpenOCD connects. This is a rather minor problem but it leads to confusing behavior.

Fixed in c9b48c80a0

Fixed in
sb10q closed this issue 2020-07-05 23:34:17 +08:00

Still happens sometimes.

Still happens sometimes.
sb10q reopened this issue 2020-07-06 01:04:16 +08:00

Seems it's not a reset but a FIQ.

Seems it's not a reset but a FIQ.

should this be closed?

should this be closed?

It's still a problem I think (though a very minor one).

It's still a problem I think (though a very minor one).

It's still a problem I think (though a very minor one).

I don't see reboots?
IIRC it would just print FIQ now, since we have a dedicated FIQ handler which just prints and halts.

> It's still a problem I think (though a very minor one). I don't see reboots? IIRC it would just print FIQ now, since we have a dedicated FIQ handler which just prints and halts.

Indeed, it just prints FIQ now. But why is there a FIQ?

Indeed, it just prints FIQ now. But why is there a FIQ?

Indeed, it just prints FIQ now. But why is there a FIQ?

It seems to me that this is due to gateware in artiq-zynq.

In experiments, no FIQ is triggered when the device is halted.
In SZL, FIQ is still triggered even if the artiq-zynq firmware is not run. And it did not trigger after cancelling the gateware loading.

> Indeed, it just prints FIQ now. But why is there a FIQ? It seems to me that this is due to gateware in artiq-zynq. In experiments, no FIQ is triggered when the device is halted. In SZL, FIQ is still triggered even if the artiq-zynq firmware is not run. And it did not trigger after cancelling the gateware loading.
sb10q changed title from openocd connection reboots the CPU to openocd connection causes FIQ 2022-02-11 12:39:32 +08:00
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Reference: M-Labs/zynq-rs#27
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