turn .py files into wrpll_simulation package
py files & notebook: update import
docs: update install instructions
2023-12-13 15:51:46 +08:00
git: ignore __pycache__
2023-12-13 15:46:04 +08:00
toolchain: migrate from requirements.txt to poetry
poetry: add deps from requirements.txt
flake: import poetry with poetry2nix
doc: update installation section
2023-12-13 15:46:04 +08:00
flake: remove flake-util and add formatter
2023-12-13 15:46:04 +08:00
docs: update limitation section
2023-12-13 15:45:29 +08:00
add i2c communication delay
wrapper: add default delay and convert to timesteps
sim: add i2c delay before changing DCXOs frequencies
2023-12-13 15:45:29 +08:00
notebook: update examples
refactor into import, simulation and plotting 3 codeblocks
remove extra config for wrapper
add docs string for RNG
change adpll_period & start_up_delay unit
2023-12-13 15:44:11 +08:00
wrapper: QoL improvement
time array is generated inside of wrapper
set default value for RNGs and ddmtd config
adpll_write_period and start_up_delay argument use seconds as their unit
freq_diff_error RNG now used the seed argument and uniform RNG
2023-12-12 13:33:02 +08:00
fix helper PLL glitches
sim: rename collector to phase_collector
sim: add period_collector for gtx tags
sim: trigger helper PLL after period_collector_r
sim: remove cycle slip compensation
sim: generator gtx in time loop
wave_gen: replace square generator with phase accumulator
wave_gen&wrpll: add white_noise generator
docs: remove section & png about cycle slipping and deglitcher failure
2023-12-12 13:32:22 +08:00
sim: improve code style and cleanup
sim & wave_gen: use njit instead of jit(nopython=True)
sim: removing extra == 1
wrapper: remove unused import
2023-12-12 10:27:22 +08:00
add README.md
readme: add quick start and installation docs
readme: add sim limitation with images
2023-12-05 14:58:41 +08:00
add notebook examples with 3 PLL modes
2023-12-05 14:58:20 +08:00
WRPLL simulation wrapper
wrpll: add gtx, base_adpll init
wrpll: config the 3 PLL modes, helper, main & both
wrpll: expose PID terms and sim options
2023-12-05 13:24:22 +08:00
WRPLL time domain simulation
wave_gen: add square wave with jitter generator
sim: add WRPLL gateware and firmware simulation
sim: add PID for main and helper PLL
sim: add options to choose PLL modes
sim: add cycle slip compensation for helper PLL
sim: optimize execution time with numba jit
2023-12-05 13:23:23 +08:00
git: ignore .venv folder
2023-12-05 10:44:16 +08:00
add python dependencies and update flake
py: add requirements.txt
flake: add pip hook & update to 23.11
flake: add flake lock
2023-12-05 10:41:58 +08:00
2023-11-16 11:53:22 +08:00