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2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
description = "A Nix library to create and manage virtual machines running Windows.";
2022-02-21 16:53:52 +08:00
inputs.nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/f8248ab6d9e69ea9c07950d73d48807ec595e923;
2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
lib = pkgs.lib;
2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
# utils
2022-02-21 12:58:24 +08:00
utils = (import wfvm/utils.nix { inherit pkgs; });
# layers
layers = (import wfvm/layers { inherit pkgs; }); # end of layers
2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
2022-02-17 16:49:36 +08:00
# bundle
bundleInstaller = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "win-bundle-installer.exe" {} ''
mkdir bundle
cd bundle
2022-02-21 12:58:24 +08:00
cp ${wfvm/bundle/go.mod} go.mod
cp ${wfvm/bundle/main.go} main.go
2022-02-17 16:49:36 +08:00
env HOME=$(mktemp -d) GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 ${pkgs.go}/bin/go build
mv bundle.exe $out
2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
# makeWindowsImage
2022-02-21 12:58:24 +08:00
makeWindowsImage = attrs: ( import wfvm/win.nix { inherit pkgs bundleInstaller; } // attrs );
2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
build-demo-image = { impureMode ? false }: makeWindowsImage {
2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
# Build install script & skip building iso
# Custom base iso
# windowsImage = pkgs.requireFile rec {
# name = "Win10_21H1_English_x64.iso";
# sha256 = "1sl51lnx4r6ckh5fii7m2hi15zh8fh7cf7rjgjq9kacg8hwyh4b9";
# message = "Get ${name} from";
# };
# impureShellCommands = [
# "powershell.exe echo Hello"
# ];
# User accounts
# users = {
# artiq = {
# password = "1234";
# # description = "Default user";
# # displayName = "Display name";
# groups = [
# "Administrators"
# ];
# };
# };
# Auto login
# defaultUser = "artiq";
# fullName = "M-Labs";
# organization = "m-labs";
# administratorPassword = "12345";
# Imperative installation commands, to be installed incrementally
installCommands = with layers; [
(collapseLayers [
anaconda3 msys2 msvc msvc-ide-unbreak
# services = {
# # Enable remote management
# WinRm = {
# Status = "Running";
# PassThru = true;
# };
# };
# License key (required)
# productKey = throw "Search the f* web"
imageSelection = "Windows 10 Pro";
# Locales
# uiLanguage = "en-US";
# inputLocale = "en-US";
# userLocale = "en-US";
# systemLocale = "en-US";
in {
# bundle dev env
devShell.x86_64-linux = pkgs.mkShell {
name = "wfvm-dev-shell";
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
shellHook = ''
unset GOPATH
inherit utils;
inherit makeWindowsImage;
inherit layers;
demo-ssh = utils.wfvm-run {
name = "demo-ssh";
2022-02-21 12:58:24 +08:00
image = build-demo-image {};
isolateNetwork = false;
script = ''
${pkgs.sshpass}/bin/sshpass -p1234 -- ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -p 2022 wfvm@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
packages.x86_64-linux = {
demo-image = build-demo-image {};
demo-image-impure = build-demo-image { impureMode = true; };
2022-02-16 16:34:11 +08:00
make-msys-packages = utils.wfvm-run {
name = "get-msys-packages";
image = makeWindowsImage { installCommands = [ layers.msys2 ]; };
script = ''
cat > getmsyspackages.bat << EOF
set MSYS=C:\\MSYS64
set TOOLPREF=mingw-w64-x86_64-
set PATH=%MSYS%\usr\bin;%MSYS%\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
pacman -Sp %TOOLPREF%gcc %TOOLPREF%binutils make autoconf automake libtool texinfo > packages.txt
\${}/bin/win-put getmsyspackages.bat
\${}/bin/win-exec getmsyspackages
\${}/bin/win-get packages.txt