Only to some, where it is not invasive and can be useful. If the microdata will be successful in SE rankings, it can be expanded more. Signed-off-by: Egor Savkin <>
66 lines
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66 lines
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{% if position == "left" %}
<div class="card mb-3 shadow" style="max-width: 80%;margin-right: 20%;" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="row g-0">
<div class="col-md-4 funding-logo-start d-flex p-1 justify-content-center">
{% if logo %}
{% if logo_link %}<a href="{{ logo_link | safe }}" class="align-self-center" itemprop="url">{% endif %}
<img src="{{ logo | safe }}" class="img-fluid rounded" alt="{{ logo_alt }}" itemprop="image"/>
{% if logo_link %}</a>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="card-body">
{% if title %}<h5 class="card-title" itemprop="sponsor">{{ title | markdown | safe }}</h5>{% endif %}
{% if icon %}
<span class="badge bg-transparent position-absolute top-0 start-100 translate-middle-x">
<img src="{{ icon | safe }}" alt="{{ icon }}" class="rounded"
style="height: 2rem;"/>
{% endif %}
<div class="card-text" itemprop="description">{{ body | markdown | safe }}</div>
{% elif position == "right" %}
<div class="card mb-3 shadow" style="max-width: 80%;margin-left: 20%;" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="row g-0">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="card-body">
{% if title %}<h5 class="card-title text-end" itemprop="sponsor">{{ title | markdown | safe }}</h5>{% endif %}
{% if icon %}
<span class="badge bg-transparent position-absolute top-0 start-0 translate-middle-x">
<img src="{{ icon | safe }}" alt="{{ icon }}" class="rounded"
style="height: 2rem;"/>
{% endif %}
<div class="card-text" itemprop="description">{{ body | markdown | safe }}</div>
<div class="col-md-4 funding-logo-end d-flex p-1 justify-content-center">
{% if logo %}
{% if logo_link %}<a href="{{ logo_link | safe }}" class="align-self-center" itemprop="url">{% endif %}
<img src="{{ logo | safe }}" class="img-fluid rounded" alt="{{ logo_alt }}" itemprop="image" />
{% if logo_link %}</a>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="card mb-3 shadow-sm" style="max-width: 100%;" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="row g-0">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-body">
{% if title %}<h4 class="card-title text-center" itemprop="headline">{{ title | markdown | safe }}</h4>{% endif %}
<div class="card-text" itemprop="description">{{ body | markdown | safe }}</div>
{% endif %} |