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    <h5 class="pb-3">Sales inquiries</h5>

      To purchase ARTIQ Sinara hardware, software and gateware development services, or technical support: contact sales@m-***s.hk.


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    <h5 class="pb-3">Technical inquiries</h5>

      Ask on the <a href="https://chat.m-labs.hk/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">live chat room</a> (bridged to the IRC channel #m-labs on Freenode), or go to <a href="https://forum.m-labs.hk/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">forum.m-labs.hk</a>, a place to discuss all things ARTIQ, (n)Migen, MiSoC and HeavyX with the community. If you prefer contacting us privately, use the sales@m-***s.hk email.

