import React, {useEffect} from 'react'; import {DragDropContext} from "@hello-pangea/dnd"; // #!render_count import {useRenderCount} from "@uidotdev/usehooks"; import {Layout} from "./Layout"; import {Backlog} from "./Backlog"; import {OrderPanel} from "./OrderPanel"; import {useShopStore} from "./shop_store"; /** * Component that renders the entire shop */ export function Shop() { // #!render_count const renderCount = useRenderCount(); const addCardFromBacklog = useShopStore((state) => state.addCardFromBacklog); const initExtData = useShopStore((state) => state.initExtData); const moveCard = useShopStore((state) => state.moveCard); const deleteCard = useShopStore((state) => state.deleteCard); const cardIndexById = useShopStore((state) => state.cardIndexById); const handleOnDragEnd = (drop_result, _provided) => { if (!drop_result.destination) { console.warn("No drop destination"); return; } if (drop_result.source.droppableId === "backlog") addCardFromBacklog(drop_result.destination.droppableId, drop_result.source.index, drop_result.destination.index); else if (drop_result.destination.droppableId === "backlog") deleteCard(drop_result.source.droppableId, drop_result.source.index); else moveCard(drop_result.source.droppableId, drop_result.source.index, drop_result.destination.droppableId, drop_result.destination.index) } useEffect(() => { addCardFromBacklog(null, [cardIndexById("eem_pwr_mod"), cardIndexById("kasli")], -1, true); initExtData(); }, []); // #!render_count console.log("Shop renders: ", renderCount) return ( } main={( Drag and drop the cards you want into the crate below to see how the combination would look like. Configure the card settings by tapping on the top of the card; many of the options can be adjusted even after the card has been shipped. If you have any issues with this ordering system, or if you need other configurations, email us directly anytime at The price is estimated and must be confirmed by a quote.

)} /> )}>
); }