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d="M 3.140625 -4.78125 C 2.691406 -4.78125 2.34375 -4.609375 2.09375 -4.265625 C 1.84375 -3.929688 1.71875 -3.457031 1.71875 -2.84375 C 1.71875 -1.570312 2.191406 -0.9375 3.140625 -0.9375 C 3.546875 -0.9375 4.035156 -1.035156 4.609375 -1.234375 L 4.609375 -0.21875 C 4.140625 -0.0195312 3.613281 0.078125 3.03125 0.078125 C 2.195312 0.078125 1.5625 -0.171875 1.125 -0.671875 C 0.6875 -1.179688 0.46875 -1.90625 0.46875 -2.84375 C 0.46875 -3.4375 0.570312 -3.957031 0.78125 -4.40625 C 1 -4.851562 1.3125 -5.195312 1.71875 -5.4375 C 2.125 -5.675781 2.597656 -5.796875 3.140625 -5.796875 C 3.703125 -5.796875 4.257812 -5.660156 4.8125 -5.390625 L 4.421875 -4.40625 C 4.210938 -4.507812 4 -4.597656 3.78125 -4.671875 C 3.5625 -4.742188 3.347656 -4.78125 3.140625 -4.78125 Z M 3.140625 -4.78125 "
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d="M 3.40625 0 L 3.171875 -0.59375 L 3.140625 -0.59375 C 2.941406 -0.34375 2.734375 -0.164062 2.515625 -0.0625 C 2.304688 0.03125 2.03125 0.078125 1.6875 0.078125 C 1.269531 0.078125 0.941406 -0.0390625 0.703125 -0.28125 C 0.460938 -0.519531 0.34375 -0.863281 0.34375 -1.3125 C 0.34375 -1.769531 0.503906 -2.109375 0.828125 -2.328125 C 1.148438 -2.546875 1.640625 -2.671875 2.296875 -2.703125 L 3.046875 -2.71875 L 3.046875 -2.90625 C 3.046875 -3.351562 2.820312 -3.578125 2.375 -3.578125 C 2.019531 -3.578125 1.609375 -3.472656 1.140625 -3.265625 L 0.75 -4.0625 C 1.25 -4.320312 1.804688 -4.453125 2.421875 -4.453125 C 3.003906 -4.453125 3.453125 -4.320312 3.765625 -4.0625 C 4.078125 -3.8125 4.234375 -3.425781 4.234375 -2.90625 L 4.234375 0 Z M 3.046875 -2.03125 L 2.59375 -2.015625 C 2.238281 -2.003906 1.976562 -1.941406 1.8125 -1.828125 C 1.644531 -1.710938 1.5625 -1.535156 1.5625 -1.296875 C 1.5625 -0.960938 1.753906 -0.796875 2.140625 -0.796875 C 2.410156 -0.796875 2.628906 -0.875 2.796875 -1.03125 C 2.960938 -1.1875 3.046875 -1.398438 3.046875 -1.671875 Z M 3.046875 -2.03125 "
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d="M 2.4375 -3.609375 C 2.1875 -3.609375 1.988281 -3.523438 1.84375 -3.359375 C 1.695312 -3.203125 1.613281 -2.976562 1.59375 -2.6875 L 3.265625 -2.6875 C 3.265625 -2.976562 3.1875 -3.203125 3.03125 -3.359375 C 2.882812 -3.523438 2.6875 -3.609375 2.4375 -3.609375 Z M 2.609375 0.078125 C 1.898438 0.078125 1.347656 -0.113281 0.953125 -0.5 C 0.554688 -0.894531 0.359375 -1.445312 0.359375 -2.15625 C 0.359375 -2.882812 0.539062 -3.445312 0.90625 -3.84375 C 1.269531 -4.25 1.773438 -4.453125 2.421875 -4.453125 C 3.046875 -4.453125 3.53125 -4.273438 3.875 -3.921875 C 4.21875 -3.566406 4.390625 -3.082031 4.390625 -2.46875 L 4.390625 -1.890625 L 1.5625 -1.890625 C 1.582031 -1.546875 1.6875 -1.28125 1.875 -1.09375 C 2.0625 -0.90625 2.320312 -0.8125 2.65625 -0.8125 C 2.914062 -0.8125 3.160156 -0.835938 3.390625 -0.890625 C 3.628906 -0.941406 3.878906 -1.03125 4.140625 -1.15625 L 4.140625 -0.234375 C 3.929688 -0.128906 3.707031 -0.0507812 3.46875 0 C 3.226562 0.0507812 2.941406 0.078125 2.609375 0.078125 Z M 2.609375 0.078125 "
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d="M 1.8125 0 L 0.625 0 L 0.625 -6.078125 L 1.8125 -6.078125 Z M 1.8125 0 "
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d="M 0.421875 -1.890625 L 0.421875 -2.875 L 2.515625 -2.875 L 2.515625 -1.890625 Z M 0.421875 -1.890625 "
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d="M 4.09375 -1.59375 C 4.09375 -1.070312 3.90625 -0.660156 3.53125 -0.359375 C 3.164062 -0.0664062 2.648438 0.078125 1.984375 0.078125 C 1.378906 0.078125 0.84375 -0.0351562 0.375 -0.265625 L 0.375 -1.390625 C 0.757812 -1.222656 1.082031 -1.101562 1.34375 -1.03125 C 1.613281 -0.957031 1.859375 -0.921875 2.078125 -0.921875 C 2.347656 -0.921875 2.550781 -0.972656 2.6875 -1.078125 C 2.832031 -1.179688 2.90625 -1.332031 2.90625 -1.53125 C 2.90625 -1.644531 2.875 -1.742188 2.8125 -1.828125 C 2.75 -1.910156 2.65625 -1.992188 2.53125 -2.078125 C 2.414062 -2.160156 2.171875 -2.289062 1.796875 -2.46875 C 1.441406 -2.632812 1.175781 -2.789062 1 -2.9375 C 0.832031 -3.09375 0.695312 -3.269531 0.59375 -3.46875 C 0.488281 -3.664062 0.4375 -3.898438 0.4375 -4.171875 C 0.4375 -4.671875 0.609375 -5.066406 0.953125 -5.359375 C 1.296875 -5.648438 1.769531 -5.796875 2.375 -5.796875 C 2.664062 -5.796875 2.945312 -5.757812 3.21875 -5.6875 C 3.488281 -5.613281 3.769531 -5.515625 4.0625 -5.390625 L 3.671875 -4.453125 C 3.367188 -4.578125 3.117188 -4.660156 2.921875 -4.703125 C 2.722656 -4.753906 2.523438 -4.78125 2.328125 -4.78125 C 2.097656 -4.78125 1.921875 -4.726562 1.796875 -4.625 C 1.679688 -4.519531 1.625 -4.378906 1.625 -4.203125 C 1.625 -4.097656 1.644531 -4.003906 1.6875 -3.921875 C 1.738281 -3.847656 1.816406 -3.773438 1.921875 -3.703125 C 2.035156 -3.628906 2.296875 -3.492188 2.703125 -3.296875 C 3.234375 -3.046875 3.597656 -2.789062 3.796875 -2.53125 C 3.992188 -2.269531 4.09375 -1.957031 4.09375 -1.59375 Z M 4.09375 -1.59375 "
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d="M 1.578125 -2.1875 C 1.578125 -1.757812 1.644531 -1.429688 1.78125 -1.203125 C 1.925781 -0.984375 2.160156 -0.875 2.484375 -0.875 C 2.796875 -0.875 3.019531 -0.984375 3.15625 -1.203125 C 3.300781 -1.429688 3.375 -1.757812 3.375 -2.1875 C 3.375 -2.625 3.300781 -2.945312 3.15625 -3.15625 C 3.019531 -3.375 2.789062 -3.484375 2.46875 -3.484375 C 2.15625 -3.484375 1.925781 -3.375 1.78125 -3.15625 C 1.644531 -2.945312 1.578125 -2.625 1.578125 -2.1875 Z M 4.59375 -2.1875 C 4.59375 -1.476562 4.40625 -0.921875 4.03125 -0.515625 C 3.65625 -0.117188 3.132812 0.078125 2.46875 0.078125 C 2.050781 0.078125 1.679688 -0.0078125 1.359375 -0.1875 C 1.035156 -0.375 0.785156 -0.640625 0.609375 -0.984375 C 0.441406 -1.328125 0.359375 -1.726562 0.359375 -2.1875 C 0.359375 -2.90625 0.546875 -3.460938 0.921875 -3.859375 C 1.296875 -4.253906 1.816406 -4.453125 2.484375 -4.453125 C 2.910156 -4.453125 3.28125 -4.359375 3.59375 -4.171875 C 3.914062 -3.992188 4.160156 -3.734375 4.328125 -3.390625 C 4.503906 -3.046875 4.59375 -2.644531 4.59375 -2.1875 Z M 4.59375 -2.1875 "
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d="M 1.90625 0 L 0.71875 0 L 0.71875 -5.71875 L 4 -5.71875 L 4 -4.71875 L 1.90625 -4.71875 L 1.90625 -3.25 L 3.84375 -3.25 L 3.84375 -2.265625 L 1.90625 -2.265625 Z M 1.90625 0 "
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d="M 1.9375 -3.03125 L 2.328125 -3.03125 C 2.703125 -3.03125 2.976562 -3.101562 3.15625 -3.25 C 3.34375 -3.394531 3.4375 -3.609375 3.4375 -3.890625 C 3.4375 -4.171875 3.359375 -4.378906 3.203125 -4.515625 C 3.054688 -4.648438 2.816406 -4.71875 2.484375 -4.71875 L 1.9375 -4.71875 Z M 4.671875 -3.9375 C 4.671875 -3.320312 4.476562 -2.847656 4.09375 -2.515625 C 3.707031 -2.191406 3.160156 -2.03125 2.453125 -2.03125 L 1.9375 -2.03125 L 1.9375 0 L 0.71875 0 L 0.71875 -5.71875 L 2.546875 -5.71875 C 3.234375 -5.71875 3.757812 -5.566406 4.125 -5.265625 C 4.488281 -4.960938 4.671875 -4.519531 4.671875 -3.9375 Z M 4.671875 -3.9375 "
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d="M 3.9375 -4.4375 C 3.9375 -4.238281 3.898438 -4.0625 3.828125 -3.90625 C 3.765625 -3.75 3.675781 -3.609375 3.5625 -3.484375 C 3.457031 -3.367188 3.328125 -3.269531 3.171875 -3.1875 C 3.023438 -3.113281 2.867188 -3.054688 2.703125 -3.015625 L 2.703125 -2.984375 C 3.160156 -2.929688 3.503906 -2.789062 3.734375 -2.5625 C 3.972656 -2.34375 4.09375 -2.046875 4.09375 -1.671875 C 4.09375 -1.421875 4.046875 -1.1875 3.953125 -0.96875 C 3.867188 -0.757812 3.734375 -0.578125 3.546875 -0.421875 C 3.359375 -0.265625 3.125 -0.140625 2.84375 -0.046875 C 2.5625 0.0351562 2.226562 0.078125 1.84375 0.078125 C 1.539062 0.078125 1.253906 0.0507812 0.984375 0 C 0.710938 -0.0507812 0.457031 -0.128906 0.21875 -0.234375 L 0.21875 -1.265625 C 0.34375 -1.203125 0.46875 -1.144531 0.59375 -1.09375 C 0.726562 -1.050781 0.859375 -1.007812 0.984375 -0.96875 C 1.117188 -0.9375 1.25 -0.910156 1.375 -0.890625 C 1.5 -0.878906 1.617188 -0.875 1.734375 -0.875 C 1.953125 -0.875 2.132812 -0.894531 2.28125 -0.9375 C 2.4375 -0.976562 2.554688 -1.035156 2.640625 -1.109375 C 2.734375 -1.191406 2.796875 -1.285156 2.828125 -1.390625 C 2.867188 -1.492188 2.890625 -1.609375 2.890625 -1.734375 C 2.890625 -1.847656 2.863281 -1.953125 2.8125 -2.046875 C 2.769531 -2.148438 2.691406 -2.234375 2.578125 -2.296875 C 2.472656 -2.359375 2.332031 -2.40625 2.15625 -2.4375 C 1.976562 -2.476562 1.765625 -2.5 1.515625 -2.5 L 1.109375 -2.5 L 1.109375 -3.359375 L 1.5 -3.359375 C 1.738281 -3.359375 1.9375 -3.378906 2.09375 -3.421875 C 2.257812 -3.460938 2.390625 -3.519531 2.484375 -3.59375 C 2.578125 -3.664062 2.644531 -3.75 2.6875 -3.84375 C 2.726562 -3.945312 2.75 -4.054688 2.75 -4.171875 C 2.75 -4.367188 2.679688 -4.523438 2.546875 -4.640625 C 2.421875 -4.753906 2.222656 -4.8125 1.953125 -4.8125 C 1.828125 -4.8125 1.707031 -4.800781 1.59375 -4.78125 C 1.488281 -4.757812 1.390625 -4.726562 1.296875 -4.6875 C 1.210938 -4.644531 1.128906 -4.601562 1.046875 -4.5625 C 0.972656 -4.519531 0.90625 -4.472656 0.84375 -4.421875 L 0.234375 -5.234375 C 0.335938 -5.316406 0.453125 -5.390625 0.578125 -5.453125 C 0.710938 -5.523438 0.851562 -5.582031 1 -5.625 C 1.15625 -5.675781 1.320312 -5.71875 1.5 -5.75 C 1.675781 -5.78125 1.863281 -5.796875 2.0625 -5.796875 C 2.34375 -5.796875 2.597656 -5.765625 2.828125 -5.703125 C 3.054688 -5.640625 3.25 -5.550781 3.40625 -5.4375 C 3.570312 -5.320312 3.703125 -5.179688 3.796875 -5.015625 C 3.890625 -4.847656 3.9375 -4.65625 3.9375 -4.4375 Z M 3.9375 -4.4375 "
style="stroke:none;" />
d="M 4.15625 -2.859375 C 4.15625 -2.398438 4.117188 -1.988281 4.046875 -1.625 C 3.984375 -1.257812 3.867188 -0.953125 3.703125 -0.703125 C 3.546875 -0.453125 3.34375 -0.257812 3.09375 -0.125 C 2.851562 0.0078125 2.554688 0.078125 2.203125 0.078125 C 1.867188 0.078125 1.578125 0.0078125 1.328125 -0.125 C 1.085938 -0.257812 0.882812 -0.453125 0.71875 -0.703125 C 0.5625 -0.953125 0.441406 -1.257812 0.359375 -1.625 C 0.285156 -1.988281 0.25 -2.398438 0.25 -2.859375 C 0.25 -3.316406 0.285156 -3.726562 0.359375 -4.09375 C 0.429688 -4.457031 0.546875 -4.765625 0.703125 -5.015625 C 0.859375 -5.273438 1.054688 -5.46875 1.296875 -5.59375 C 1.546875 -5.726562 1.847656 -5.796875 2.203125 -5.796875 C 2.523438 -5.796875 2.804688 -5.726562 3.046875 -5.59375 C 3.296875 -5.46875 3.503906 -5.273438 3.671875 -5.015625 C 3.835938 -4.765625 3.957031 -4.457031 4.03125 -4.09375 C 4.113281 -3.726562 4.15625 -3.316406 4.15625 -2.859375 Z M 1.453125 -2.859375 C 1.453125 -2.203125 1.503906 -1.707031 1.609375 -1.375 C 1.722656 -1.050781 1.921875 -0.890625 2.203125 -0.890625 C 2.472656 -0.890625 2.664062 -1.050781 2.78125 -1.375 C 2.90625 -1.707031 2.96875 -2.203125 2.96875 -2.859375 C 2.96875 -3.515625 2.90625 -4.003906 2.78125 -4.328125 C 2.664062 -4.660156 2.472656 -4.828125 2.203125 -4.828125 C 2.066406 -4.828125 1.945312 -4.785156 1.84375 -4.703125 C 1.75 -4.617188 1.671875 -4.492188 1.609375 -4.328125 C 1.554688 -4.160156 1.515625 -3.953125 1.484375 -3.703125 C 1.460938 -3.460938 1.453125 -3.179688 1.453125 -2.859375 Z M 1.453125 -2.859375 "
style="stroke:none;" />
d="M 4.015625 0 L 0.71875 0 L 0.71875 -5.71875 L 4.015625 -5.71875 L 4.015625 -4.71875 L 1.9375 -4.71875 L 1.9375 -3.46875 L 3.859375 -3.46875 L 3.859375 -2.46875 L 1.9375 -2.46875 L 1.9375 -1 L 4.015625 -1 Z M 4.015625 0 "
style="stroke:none;" />
d="M 2.921875 0 L 1.71875 0 L 1.71875 -4.703125 L 0.15625 -4.703125 L 0.15625 -5.71875 L 4.46875 -5.71875 L 4.46875 -4.703125 L 2.921875 -4.703125 Z M 2.921875 0 "
style="stroke:none;" />
d="M 5.40625 0 L 4.1875 0 L 4.1875 -2.46875 L 1.9375 -2.46875 L 1.9375 0 L 0.71875 0 L 0.71875 -5.71875 L 1.9375 -5.71875 L 1.9375 -3.46875 L 4.1875 -3.46875 L 4.1875 -5.71875 L 5.40625 -5.71875 Z M 5.40625 0 "
style="stroke:none;" />
x="0" />
d="M 0.996094 498 L 178.007812 498 L 178.007812 0 L 0.996094 0 Z M 0.996094 498 "
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d="M 162 10 C 166.417969 10 170 13.582031 170 18 C 170 22.417969 166.417969 26 162 26 C 157.582031 26 154 22.417969 154 18 C 154 13.582031 157.582031 10 162 10 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 161 14 L 163 14 L 163 22 L 161 22 Z M 161 14 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 166 19 L 158 19 L 158 17 L 166 17 Z M 166 19 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 18 10 C 22.417969 10 26 13.582031 26 18 C 26 22.417969 22.417969 26 18 26 C 13.582031 26 10 22.417969 10 18 C 10 13.582031 13.582031 10 18 10 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 17 14 L 19 14 L 19 22 L 17 22 Z M 17 14 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 22 19 L 14 19 L 14 17 L 22 17 Z M 22 19 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 162 473 C 166.417969 473 170 476.582031 170 481 C 170 485.417969 166.417969 489 162 489 C 157.582031 489 154 485.417969 154 481 C 154 476.582031 157.582031 473 162 473 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 161 477 L 163 477 L 163 485 L 161 485 Z M 161 477 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 166 482 L 158 482 L 158 480 L 166 480 Z M 166 482 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 18 473 C 22.417969 473 26 476.582031 26 481 C 26 485.417969 22.417969 489 18 489 C 13.582031 489 10 485.417969 10 481 C 10 476.582031 13.582031 473 18 473 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 17 477 L 19 477 L 19 485 L 17 485 Z M 17 477 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 22 482 L 14 482 L 14 480 L 22 480 Z M 22 482 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 12.148438 123.824219 L 12.546875 123.824219 C 12.921875 123.824219 13.199219 123.753906 13.382812 123.605469 C 13.566406 123.457031 13.660156 123.242188 13.660156 122.960938 C 13.660156 122.679688 13.582031 122.46875 13.429688 122.332031 C 13.273438 122.195312 13.03125 122.128906 12.699219 122.128906 L 12.148438 122.128906 Z M 14.882812 122.917969 C 14.882812 123.53125 14.691406 124.003906 14.308594 124.328125 C 13.921875 124.652344 13.378906 124.816406 12.667969 124.816406 L 12.148438 124.816406 L 12.148438 126.847656 L 10.9375 126.847656 L 10.9375 121.136719 L 12.761719 121.136719 C 13.457031 121.136719 13.980469 121.289062 14.34375 121.585938 C 14.703125 121.882812 14.882812 122.328125 14.882812 122.917969 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 16.976562 123.984375 C 16.976562 124.625 17.097656 125.101562 17.339844 125.425781 C 17.582031 125.75 17.945312 125.910156 18.425781 125.910156 C 19.390625 125.910156 19.875 125.269531 19.875 123.984375 C 19.875 122.699219 19.394531 122.054688 18.433594 122.054688 C 17.953125 122.054688 17.589844 122.21875 17.34375 122.542969 C 17.097656 122.867188 16.976562 123.347656 16.976562 123.984375 M 21.144531 123.984375 C 21.144531 124.929688 20.910156 125.65625 20.441406 126.164062 C 19.972656 126.671875 19.300781 126.925781 18.425781 126.925781 C 17.550781 126.925781 16.878906 126.671875 16.410156 126.164062 C 15.941406 125.65625 15.707031 124.925781 15.707031 123.976562 C 15.707031 123.027344 15.941406 122.300781 16.414062 121.800781 C 16.882812 121.296875 17.554688 121.046875 18.433594 121.046875 C 19.3125 121.046875 19.984375 121.300781 20.449219 121.804688 C 20.914062 122.308594 21.144531 123.039062 21.144531 123.984375 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 27.851562 126.847656 L 26.472656 126.847656 L 25.699219 123.847656 C 25.671875 123.742188 25.621094 123.523438 25.554688 123.1875 C 25.484375 122.851562 25.445312 122.625 25.433594 122.511719 C 25.417969 122.652344 25.378906 122.878906 25.316406 123.191406 C 25.253906 123.5 25.207031 123.722656 25.171875 123.855469 L 24.402344 126.847656 L 23.027344 126.847656 L 21.570312 121.136719 L 22.761719 121.136719 L 23.492188 124.253906 C 23.621094 124.828125 23.710938 125.328125 23.769531 125.75 C 23.785156 125.601562 23.820312 125.371094 23.878906 125.0625 C 23.933594 124.75 23.984375 124.507812 24.035156 124.335938 L 24.867188 121.136719 L 26.011719 121.136719 L 26.84375 124.335938 C 26.878906 124.480469 26.925781 124.699219 26.980469 124.992188 C 27.035156 125.285156 27.078125 125.539062 27.105469 125.75 C 27.132812 125.546875 27.171875 125.292969 27.230469 124.992188 C 27.289062 124.6875 27.339844 124.441406 27.386719 124.253906 L 28.113281 121.136719 L 29.304688 121.136719 Z M 27.851562 126.847656 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 33.3125 126.847656 L 30.023438 126.847656 L 30.023438 121.136719 L 33.3125 121.136719 L 33.3125 122.128906 L 31.234375 122.128906 L 31.234375 123.382812 L 33.167969 123.382812 L 33.167969 124.375 L 31.234375 124.375 L 31.234375 125.847656 L 33.3125 125.847656 Z M 33.3125 126.847656 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 35.714844 123.671875 L 36.105469 123.671875 C 36.488281 123.671875 36.773438 123.609375 36.953125 123.480469 C 37.136719 123.355469 37.226562 123.152344 37.226562 122.878906 C 37.226562 122.609375 37.132812 122.414062 36.949219 122.300781 C 36.761719 122.1875 36.472656 122.128906 36.082031 122.128906 L 35.714844 122.128906 Z M 35.714844 124.65625 L 35.714844 126.847656 L 34.503906 126.847656 L 34.503906 121.136719 L 36.167969 121.136719 C 36.945312 121.136719 37.519531 121.277344 37.890625 121.5625 C 38.261719 121.84375 38.449219 122.273438 38.449219 122.847656 C 38.449219 123.183594 38.359375 123.484375 38.171875 123.746094 C 37.988281 124.007812 37.726562 124.210938 37.386719 124.359375 L 39.066406 126.847656 L 37.722656 126.847656 L 36.359375 124.65625 Z M 35.714844 124.65625 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 20.828125 137.847656 L 19.621094 137.847656 L 19.621094 134.542969 C 19.621094 134.476562 19.621094 134.394531 19.625 134.300781 C 19.625 134.203125 19.628906 134.105469 19.632812 134.003906 C 19.636719 133.902344 19.640625 133.796875 19.644531 133.691406 C 19.648438 133.585938 19.648438 133.492188 19.652344 133.40625 C 19.640625 133.421875 19.617188 133.445312 19.585938 133.476562 C 19.554688 133.507812 19.519531 133.542969 19.480469 133.582031 C 19.441406 133.621094 19.402344 133.65625 19.359375 133.695312 C 19.316406 133.734375 19.277344 133.769531 19.238281 133.800781 L 18.582031 134.328125 L 17.996094 133.601562 L 19.835938 132.136719 L 20.828125 132.136719 Z M 20.828125 137.847656 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 26.195312 137.847656 L 22.363281 137.847656 L 22.363281 137.007812 L 23.707031 135.558594 C 23.878906 135.375 24.03125 135.207031 24.167969 135.054688 C 24.304688 134.902344 24.425781 134.75 24.523438 134.605469 C 24.625 134.460938 24.699219 134.3125 24.753906 134.160156 C 24.808594 134.007812 24.835938 133.847656 24.835938 133.671875 C 24.835938 133.480469 24.777344 133.328125 24.664062 133.222656 C 24.546875 133.117188 24.390625 133.0625 24.195312 133.0625 C 23.988281 133.0625 23.792969 133.113281 23.601562 133.214844 C 23.410156 133.316406 23.214844 133.460938 23.003906 133.648438 L 22.347656 132.871094 C 22.464844 132.765625 22.589844 132.664062 22.714844 132.566406 C 22.84375 132.46875 22.984375 132.378906 23.136719 132.304688 C 23.292969 132.230469 23.460938 132.167969 23.644531 132.125 C 23.832031 132.078125 24.035156 132.054688 24.265625 132.054688 C 24.539062 132.054688 24.785156 132.09375 25.003906 132.167969 C 25.21875 132.246094 25.40625 132.351562 25.558594 132.492188 C 25.714844 132.628906 25.832031 132.796875 25.914062 132.996094 C 25.996094 133.195312 26.035156 133.417969 26.035156 133.664062 C 26.035156 133.886719 25.996094 134.105469 25.917969 134.308594 C 25.839844 134.511719 25.734375 134.710938 25.597656 134.910156 C 25.464844 135.105469 25.304688 135.300781 25.128906 135.496094 C 24.949219 135.691406 24.757812 135.886719 24.554688 136.085938 L 23.867188 136.777344 L 23.867188 136.832031 L 26.195312 136.832031 Z M 26.195312 137.847656 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 30.425781 132.136719 L 31.648438 132.136719 L 29.707031 137.847656 L 28.386719 137.847656 L 26.449219 132.136719 L 27.671875 132.136719 L 28.746094 135.535156 C 28.804688 135.738281 28.867188 135.96875 28.933594 136.238281 C 28.996094 136.503906 29.035156 136.691406 29.050781 136.792969 C 29.078125 136.554688 29.175781 136.132812 29.34375 135.535156 Z M 30.425781 132.136719 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 22.015625 145.199219 C 22.261719 145.199219 22.488281 145.238281 22.699219 145.3125 C 22.910156 145.386719 23.09375 145.5 23.25 145.644531 C 23.40625 145.792969 23.53125 145.972656 23.617188 146.191406 C 23.707031 146.40625 23.75 146.65625 23.75 146.9375 C 23.75 147.25 23.703125 147.527344 23.605469 147.773438 C 23.507812 148.019531 23.367188 148.226562 23.179688 148.398438 C 22.992188 148.566406 22.761719 148.699219 22.484375 148.789062 C 22.207031 148.882812 21.886719 148.925781 21.527344 148.925781 C 21.382812 148.925781 21.242188 148.921875 21.101562 148.90625 C 20.960938 148.894531 20.828125 148.875 20.699219 148.851562 C 20.570312 148.828125 20.445312 148.792969 20.332031 148.753906 C 20.214844 148.714844 20.109375 148.671875 20.015625 148.617188 L 20.015625 147.574219 C 20.105469 147.628906 20.210938 147.675781 20.332031 147.722656 C 20.453125 147.765625 20.578125 147.804688 20.707031 147.839844 C 20.835938 147.871094 20.964844 147.898438 21.09375 147.917969 C 21.222656 147.9375 21.347656 147.945312 21.464844 147.945312 C 21.8125 147.945312 22.078125 147.875 22.261719 147.730469 C 22.445312 147.585938 22.535156 147.355469 22.535156 147.039062 C 22.535156 146.757812 22.445312 146.546875 22.269531 146.398438 C 22.089844 146.25 21.8125 146.175781 21.441406 146.175781 C 21.375 146.175781 21.300781 146.179688 21.226562 146.1875 C 21.148438 146.195312 21.074219 146.207031 21 146.21875 C 20.925781 146.230469 20.851562 146.246094 20.785156 146.261719 C 20.71875 146.273438 20.660156 146.289062 20.609375 146.304688 L 20.128906 146.046875 L 20.34375 143.136719 L 23.359375 143.136719 L 23.359375 144.160156 L 21.390625 144.160156 L 21.296875 145.28125 C 21.378906 145.261719 21.476562 145.246094 21.589844 145.226562 C 21.699219 145.210938 21.839844 145.199219 22.015625 145.199219 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 27.597656 146.472656 C 27.214844 145.242188 27 144.542969 26.953125 144.382812 C 26.902344 144.222656 26.871094 144.09375 26.847656 144 C 26.761719 144.332031 26.515625 145.160156 26.109375 146.472656 Z M 28.300781 148.847656 L 27.886719 147.488281 L 25.804688 147.488281 L 25.390625 148.847656 L 24.085938 148.847656 L 26.101562 143.113281 L 27.582031 143.113281 L 29.605469 148.847656 Z M 28.300781 148.847656 "
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d="M 21 157.980469 L 27 157.980469 C 28.65625 157.980469 30 159.320312 30 160.980469 L 30 186.980469 C 30 188.636719 28.65625 189.980469 27 189.980469 L 21 189.980469 C 19.34375 189.980469 18 188.636719 18 186.980469 L 18 160.980469 C 18 159.320312 19.34375 157.980469 21 157.980469 "
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d="M 0.0002 -0.00146875 L 6.0002 -0.00146875 C 6.277544 -0.00146875 6.5002 -0.224125 6.5002 -0.501469 L 6.5002 -26.501469 C 6.5002 -26.774906 6.277544 -27.001469 6.0002 -27.001469 L 0.0002 -27.001469 C -0.277144 -27.001469 -0.4998 -26.774906 -0.4998 -26.501469 L -0.4998 -0.501469 C -0.4998 -0.224125 -0.277144 -0.00146875 0.0002 -0.00146875 Z M 0.0002 -0.00146875 "
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d="M 38.121094 168.660156 C 37.847656 168.660156 37.609375 168.632812 37.40625 168.574219 L 37.40625 167.566406 C 37.613281 167.617188 37.804688 167.644531 37.976562 167.644531 C 38.242188 167.644531 38.433594 167.558594 38.546875 167.394531 C 38.660156 167.230469 38.71875 166.972656 38.71875 166.621094 L 38.71875 161.269531 L 39.929688 161.269531 L 39.929688 166.613281 C 39.929688 167.277344 39.777344 167.789062 39.472656 168.136719 C 39.167969 168.484375 38.71875 168.660156 38.121094 168.660156 "
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d="M 43.570312 166.980469 L 42.359375 166.980469 L 42.359375 162.277344 L 40.808594 162.277344 L 40.808594 161.269531 L 45.121094 161.269531 L 45.121094 162.277344 L 43.570312 162.277344 Z M 43.570312 166.980469 "
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d="M 48.519531 164.605469 C 48.136719 163.375 47.921875 162.675781 47.875 162.515625 C 47.824219 162.351562 47.789062 162.226562 47.769531 162.132812 C 47.683594 162.464844 47.4375 163.289062 47.03125 164.605469 Z M 49.222656 166.980469 L 48.808594 165.621094 L 46.726562 165.621094 L 46.3125 166.980469 L 45.007812 166.980469 L 47.023438 161.246094 L 48.503906 161.246094 L 50.527344 166.980469 Z M 49.222656 166.980469 "
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d="M 53.335938 163.773438 L 55.601562 163.773438 L 55.601562 166.734375 C 55.234375 166.851562 54.890625 166.9375 54.566406 166.984375 C 54.238281 167.035156 53.90625 167.058594 53.570312 167.058594 C 52.707031 167.058594 52.050781 166.804688 51.59375 166.296875 C 51.140625 165.792969 50.914062 165.066406 50.914062 164.117188 C 50.914062 163.195312 51.175781 162.476562 51.703125 161.960938 C 52.230469 161.445312 52.960938 161.1875 53.898438 161.1875 C 54.484375 161.1875 55.046875 161.304688 55.59375 161.539062 L 55.191406 162.507812 C 54.773438 162.296875 54.339844 162.195312 53.890625 162.195312 C 53.367188 162.195312 52.945312 162.371094 52.632812 162.722656 C 52.316406 163.074219 52.160156 163.546875 52.160156 164.140625 C 52.160156 164.757812 52.285156 165.234375 52.539062 165.558594 C 52.792969 165.886719 53.164062 166.050781 53.648438 166.050781 C 53.898438 166.050781 54.15625 166.023438 54.417969 165.972656 L 54.417969 164.78125 L 53.335938 164.78125 Z M 53.335938 163.773438 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 43.367188 172.269531 L 43.367188 175.964844 C 43.367188 176.386719 43.273438 176.753906 43.085938 177.074219 C 42.894531 177.390625 42.621094 177.632812 42.265625 177.804688 C 41.90625 177.972656 41.484375 178.058594 41 178.058594 C 40.265625 178.058594 39.695312 177.871094 39.289062 177.492188 C 38.882812 177.117188 38.679688 176.601562 38.679688 175.949219 L 38.679688 172.269531 L 39.886719 172.269531 L 39.886719 175.765625 C 39.886719 176.207031 39.972656 176.527344 40.152344 176.734375 C 40.328125 176.941406 40.621094 177.042969 41.03125 177.042969 C 41.429688 177.042969 41.714844 176.9375 41.890625 176.730469 C 42.070312 176.523438 42.160156 176.199219 42.160156 175.757812 L 42.160156 172.269531 Z M 43.367188 172.269531 "
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d="M 47.519531 175.605469 C 47.136719 174.375 46.921875 173.675781 46.875 173.515625 C 46.824219 173.351562 46.789062 173.226562 46.769531 173.132812 C 46.683594 173.464844 46.4375 174.289062 46.03125 175.605469 Z M 48.222656 177.980469 L 47.808594 176.621094 L 45.726562 176.621094 L 45.3125 177.980469 L 44.007812 177.980469 L 46.023438 172.246094 L 47.503906 172.246094 L 49.527344 177.980469 Z M 48.222656 177.980469 "
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d="M 51.457031 174.804688 L 51.847656 174.804688 C 52.230469 174.804688 52.515625 174.742188 52.695312 174.613281 C 52.875 174.484375 52.96875 174.285156 52.96875 174.011719 C 52.96875 173.742188 52.875 173.546875 52.6875 173.433594 C 52.503906 173.320312 52.214844 173.261719 51.824219 173.261719 L 51.457031 173.261719 Z M 51.457031 175.789062 L 51.457031 177.980469 L 50.246094 177.980469 L 50.246094 172.269531 L 51.910156 172.269531 C 52.6875 172.269531 53.261719 172.410156 53.632812 172.691406 C 54.003906 172.976562 54.191406 173.40625 54.191406 173.980469 C 54.191406 174.316406 54.101562 174.613281 53.914062 174.875 C 53.726562 175.136719 53.46875 175.34375 53.128906 175.492188 L 54.808594 177.980469 L 53.464844 177.980469 L 52.101562 175.789062 Z M 51.457031 175.789062 "
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d="M 57.730469 177.980469 L 56.519531 177.980469 L 56.519531 173.277344 L 54.96875 173.277344 L 54.96875 172.269531 L 59.28125 172.269531 L 59.28125 173.277344 L 57.730469 173.277344 Z M 57.730469 177.980469 "
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d="M 40.855469 188.980469 L 38.257812 188.980469 L 38.257812 188.292969 L 38.953125 187.972656 L 38.953125 184.277344 L 38.257812 183.957031 L 38.257812 183.269531 L 40.855469 183.269531 L 40.855469 183.957031 L 40.160156 184.277344 L 40.160156 187.972656 L 40.855469 188.292969 Z M 40.855469 188.980469 "
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d="M 45.265625 188.980469 L 41.433594 188.980469 L 41.433594 188.140625 L 42.777344 186.691406 C 42.949219 186.507812 43.097656 186.339844 43.238281 186.1875 C 43.375 186.035156 43.496094 185.882812 43.59375 185.738281 C 43.695312 185.589844 43.769531 185.445312 43.824219 185.292969 C 43.878906 185.140625 43.90625 184.976562 43.90625 184.804688 C 43.90625 184.613281 43.847656 184.460938 43.730469 184.355469 C 43.617188 184.25 43.460938 184.195312 43.265625 184.195312 C 43.058594 184.195312 42.863281 184.246094 42.671875 184.347656 C 42.480469 184.449219 42.285156 184.59375 42.074219 184.78125 L 41.417969 184.003906 C 41.535156 183.898438 41.660156 183.792969 41.785156 183.695312 C 41.910156 183.597656 42.050781 183.511719 42.207031 183.4375 C 42.363281 183.363281 42.53125 183.300781 42.714844 183.253906 C 42.902344 183.207031 43.105469 183.1875 43.335938 183.1875 C 43.609375 183.1875 43.855469 183.222656 44.074219 183.300781 C 44.289062 183.375 44.472656 183.484375 44.628906 183.621094 C 44.785156 183.761719 44.902344 183.929688 44.980469 184.128906 C 45.0625 184.328125 45.105469 184.546875 45.105469 184.796875 C 45.105469 185.019531 45.066406 185.234375 44.988281 185.4375 C 44.910156 185.640625 44.800781 185.84375 44.667969 186.039062 C 44.535156 186.238281 44.375 186.429688 44.199219 186.625 C 44.019531 186.820312 43.828125 187.015625 43.625 187.21875 L 42.9375 187.910156 L 42.9375 187.964844 L 45.265625 187.964844 Z M 45.265625 188.980469 "
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d="M 48.664062 184.195312 C 48.207031 184.195312 47.855469 184.367188 47.605469 184.707031 C 47.355469 185.050781 47.230469 185.527344 47.230469 186.140625 C 47.230469 187.414062 47.707031 188.050781 48.664062 188.050781 C 49.0625 188.050781 49.550781 187.949219 50.121094 187.75 L 50.121094 188.765625 C 49.652344 188.960938 49.128906 189.058594 48.550781 189.058594 C 47.722656 189.058594 47.082031 188.804688 46.644531 188.300781 C 46.203125 187.796875 45.984375 187.074219 45.984375 186.132812 C 45.984375 185.539062 46.09375 185.015625 46.308594 184.570312 C 46.523438 184.125 46.835938 183.78125 47.238281 183.542969 C 47.644531 183.304688 48.117188 183.1875 48.664062 183.1875 C 49.21875 183.1875 49.773438 183.320312 50.335938 183.589844 L 49.945312 184.574219 C 49.730469 184.472656 49.519531 184.382812 49.300781 184.308594 C 49.082031 184.230469 48.871094 184.195312 48.664062 184.195312 "
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d="M 55.730469 230.617188 C 55.277344 230.617188 54.921875 230.789062 54.671875 231.132812 C 54.421875 231.472656 54.296875 231.949219 54.296875 232.5625 C 54.296875 233.835938 54.777344 234.472656 55.730469 234.472656 C 56.132812 234.472656 56.621094 234.371094 57.1875 234.171875 L 57.1875 235.1875 C 56.71875 235.382812 56.195312 235.480469 55.621094 235.480469 C 54.789062 235.480469 54.152344 235.226562 53.710938 234.722656 C 53.273438 234.222656 53.050781 233.496094 53.050781 232.554688 C 53.050781 231.960938 53.160156 231.441406 53.378906 230.996094 C 53.59375 230.546875 53.902344 230.207031 54.308594 229.96875 C 54.710938 229.726562 55.1875 229.609375 55.730469 229.609375 C 56.289062 229.609375 56.84375 229.742188 57.402344 230.011719 L 57.011719 230.996094 C 56.800781 230.894531 56.585938 230.804688 56.371094 230.730469 C 56.152344 230.65625 55.941406 230.617188 55.730469 230.617188 "
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d="M 58.402344 235.402344 L 58.402344 229.691406 L 59.613281 229.691406 L 59.613281 234.402344 L 61.929688 234.402344 L 61.929688 235.402344 Z M 58.402344 235.402344 "
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d="M 49.246094 134.765625 C 49.246094 130.164062 52.976562 126.433594 57.578125 126.433594 C 62.183594 126.433594 65.910156 130.164062 65.910156 134.765625 C 65.910156 139.367188 62.183594 143.097656 57.578125 143.097656 C 52.976562 143.097656 49.246094 139.367188 49.246094 134.765625 "
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d="M 56.535156 134.765625 C 56.535156 134.191406 57.003906 133.722656 57.578125 133.722656 C 58.152344 133.722656 58.621094 134.191406 58.621094 134.765625 C 58.621094 135.339844 58.152344 135.808594 57.578125 135.808594 C 57.003906 135.808594 56.535156 135.339844 56.535156 134.765625 "
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d="M 35.414062 249.710938 L 82.226562 249.710938 L 82.226562 195.429688 L 35.414062 195.429688 Z M 35.414062 249.710938 "
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d="M 82.410156 34.84375 L 83.25 35.625 C 83.273438 35.613281 83.292969 35.59375 83.304688 35.585938 C 84.945312 34.148438 86.8125 32.898438 88.867188 31.875 C 91.492188 30.5625 93.730469 29.878906 95.914062 29.71875 C 96.117188 29.710938 96.296875 29.699219 96.476562 29.699219 C 97.207031 29.699219 97.820312 29.828125 98.371094 30.089844 C 98.984375 30.378906 99.285156 30.871094 99.285156 31.542969 C 99.285156 32.074219 99.125 32.597656 98.824219 33.15625 C 98.613281 33.550781 98.371094 33.929688 98.132812 34.300781 C 98.03125 34.460938 97.929688 34.621094 97.832031 34.78125 L 98.640625 35.554688 C 99.285156 34.742188 99.984375 33.738281 100.308594 32.515625 C 100.347656 32.375 100.375 32.226562 100.40625 32.085938 C 100.417969 32.023438 100.4375 31.953125 100.445312 31.894531 L 100.445312 31.171875 C 100.445312 31.164062 100.4375 31.152344 100.4375 31.132812 C 100.429688 31.101562 100.417969 31.074219 100.40625 31.03125 C 100.246094 30.058594 99.695312 29.378906 98.714844 28.9375 C 98.09375 28.65625 97.410156 28.585938 96.839844 28.554688 C 96.65625 28.546875 96.476562 28.535156 96.285156 28.535156 C 95.332031 28.535156 94.34375 28.675781 93.269531 28.957031 C 89.539062 29.9375 86.011719 31.792969 82.789062 34.480469 C 82.699219 34.550781 82.621094 34.632812 82.519531 34.710938 C 82.488281 34.773438 82.449219 34.800781 82.410156 34.84375 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 84.726562 32.105469 C 84.964844 31.945312 85.1875 31.785156 85.425781 31.664062 C 85.707031 31.515625 85.808594 31.292969 85.859375 31.023438 C 86.179688 29.417969 86.621094 28.15625 87.242188 27.042969 C 87.601562 26.398438 87.964844 25.9375 88.394531 25.597656 C 89.117188 25.015625 89.859375 25.015625 90.582031 25.597656 C 91.023438 25.960938 91.394531 26.410156 91.695312 26.980469 C 91.875 27.3125 92.023438 27.644531 92.195312 27.992188 C 92.265625 28.136719 92.335938 28.285156 92.40625 28.425781 L 93.550781 28.136719 C 93.457031 27.945312 93.371094 27.753906 93.277344 27.574219 C 93.066406 27.132812 92.867188 26.710938 92.625 26.300781 C 91.84375 24.945312 90.972656 24.234375 89.808594 24.003906 L 89.148438 24.003906 C 88.183594 24.195312 87.382812 24.757812 86.722656 25.71875 C 86.429688 26.140625 86.179688 26.5625 85.96875 26.992188 C 85.386719 28.164062 84.964844 29.519531 84.636719 31.234375 C 84.585938 31.472656 84.554688 31.722656 84.515625 31.976562 C 84.496094 32.074219 84.484375 32.175781 84.464844 32.273438 C 84.554688 32.226562 84.644531 32.164062 84.726562 32.105469 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 83.703125 42.742188 C 83.441406 42.761719 83.203125 42.792969 82.960938 42.804688 C 82.8125 42.8125 82.671875 42.8125 82.539062 42.8125 C 81.96875 42.8125 81.476562 42.742188 81.027344 42.601562 C 80.96875 42.582031 80.894531 42.5625 80.835938 42.53125 C 79.933594 42.191406 79.554688 41.5 79.742188 40.546875 C 79.914062 39.675781 80.355469 38.953125 80.804688 38.292969 C 80.894531 38.160156 80.984375 38.03125 81.085938 37.910156 C 81.125 37.859375 81.15625 37.808594 81.195312 37.761719 L 80.375 36.957031 C 79.773438 37.699219 79.050781 38.710938 78.710938 39.933594 C 78.460938 40.878906 78.53125 41.730469 78.929688 42.402344 C 79.332031 43.074219 80.042969 43.554688 80.984375 43.777344 C 81.476562 43.894531 81.988281 43.945312 82.558594 43.945312 C 82.859375 43.945312 83.171875 43.925781 83.523438 43.894531 C 83.722656 43.875 83.914062 43.855469 84.125 43.828125 C 84.203125 43.816406 84.285156 43.804688 84.355469 43.796875 L 84.042969 42.691406 C 83.925781 42.722656 83.8125 42.734375 83.703125 42.742188 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 82.539062 42.8125 C 82.671875 42.8125 82.8125 42.8125 82.960938 42.804688 C 82.8125 42.804688 82.671875 42.8125 82.539062 42.8125 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 81.027344 42.601562 C 81.46875 42.742188 81.96875 42.8125 82.542969 42.8125 C 81.96875 42.8125 81.46875 42.742188 81.027344 42.601562 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 82.550781 43.964844 C 81.980469 43.964844 81.457031 43.90625 80.976562 43.796875 C 81.46875 43.90625 81.980469 43.964844 82.550781 43.964844 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 83.511719 43.914062 C 83.160156 43.945312 82.851562 43.964844 82.550781 43.964844 C 82.851562 43.964844 83.160156 43.945312 83.511719 43.914062 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 92.546875 32.917969 C 92.496094 32.585938 92.445312 32.265625 92.398438 31.945312 C 92.367188 31.785156 91.925781 31.441406 91.734375 31.441406 L 91.703125 31.441406 C 91.375 31.5625 91.042969 31.695312 90.703125 31.824219 C 90.589844 31.875 90.472656 31.914062 90.359375 31.964844 L 92.597656 33.246094 Z M 92.546875 32.917969 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 85.316406 34.902344 C 85.289062 34.921875 85.265625 34.941406 85.238281 34.960938 C 85.195312 34.992188 85.167969 35.023438 85.128906 35.050781 C 84.894531 35.234375 84.6875 35.402344 84.464844 35.5625 C 84.246094 35.714844 84.164062 35.894531 84.195312 36.125 C 84.207031 36.175781 84.207031 36.234375 84.207031 36.296875 C 84.207031 36.394531 84.207031 36.496094 84.246094 36.527344 C 84.515625 36.765625 84.796875 37 85.097656 37.226562 C 85.148438 37.269531 85.195312 37.308594 85.25 37.347656 C 85.277344 37.371094 85.296875 37.390625 85.328125 37.410156 C 85.339844 37.417969 85.359375 37.429688 85.367188 37.4375 L 85.367188 34.863281 C 85.347656 34.882812 85.328125 34.890625 85.316406 34.902344 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 87.421875 30.492188 C 87.703125 30.351562 87.972656 30.210938 88.265625 30.058594 L 88.585938 29.898438 L 87.210938 29.386719 L 86.890625 30.492188 C 87.03125 30.550781 87.101562 30.582031 87.164062 30.582031 C 87.210938 30.582031 87.253906 30.5625 87.324219 30.53125 C 87.355469 30.53125 87.382812 30.511719 87.421875 30.492188 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 87.324219 30.539062 C 87.351562 30.53125 87.382812 30.511719 87.414062 30.492188 L 87.425781 30.492188 L 87.414062 30.492188 C 87.382812 30.511719 87.351562 30.53125 87.324219 30.539062 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 96.585938 37.679688 L 95.765625 36.90625 C 95.695312 37.109375 95.605469 38.050781 95.644531 38.480469 Z M 96.585938 37.679688 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 86.972656 41.980469 C 86.941406 41.980469 86.929688 41.992188 86.921875 41.992188 C 86.910156 42 86.902344 42.050781 86.910156 42.101562 C 86.980469 42.351562 87.050781 42.613281 87.132812 42.882812 L 87.191406 43.113281 L 88.367188 42.691406 L 88.125 42.574219 C 87.742188 42.371094 87.382812 42.183594 87.023438 42 C 87.023438 41.980469 86.992188 41.980469 86.972656 41.980469 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 89.5 36.996094 C 89.910156 36.996094 90.230469 36.65625 90.230469 36.257812 C 90.230469 35.855469 89.890625 35.515625 89.488281 35.523438 C 89.085938 35.523438 88.746094 35.863281 88.757812 36.265625 C 88.757812 36.667969 89.097656 36.996094 89.5 36.996094 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 89.546875 33.398438 C 90.378906 33.398438 91.203125 33.75 91.773438 34.441406 C 92.316406 35.101562 92.527344 35.925781 92.40625 36.71875 C 92.457031 37.089844 92.726562 37.808594 93.738281 39.023438 C 93.738281 39.023438 96.90625 43.085938 99.132812 45.941406 C 99.242188 46.0625 99.65625 46.492188 100.085938 46.644531 C 100.476562 46.722656 100.847656 46.921875 101.128906 47.265625 C 101.773438 48.039062 101.660156 49.179688 100.886719 49.8125 C 100.546875 50.09375 100.136719 50.230469 99.734375 50.230469 C 99.214844 50.230469 98.703125 50.011719 98.339844 49.582031 C 98.089844 49.28125 97.960938 48.917969 97.929688 48.558594 L 97.929688 48.46875 C 97.890625 48.046875 97.507812 47.515625 97.367188 47.316406 L 91.464844 40.917969 C 90.449219 39.695312 89.789062 39.304688 89.417969 39.183594 C 88.636719 39.144531 87.863281 38.792969 87.324219 38.140625 C 86.300781 36.917969 86.46875 35.09375 87.703125 34.082031 C 88.246094 33.621094 88.898438 33.398438 89.546875 33.398438 M 88.875 37.96875 L 90.691406 37.660156 L 91.332031 35.933594 L 90.160156 34.519531 L 88.34375 34.832031 L 87.703125 36.554688 L 88.875 37.96875 M 99.355469 49.550781 L 100.519531 49.351562 L 100.917969 48.246094 L 100.167969 47.34375 L 99.003906 47.546875 L 98.601562 48.648438 L 99.355469 49.550781 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 91.304688 41.710938 C 89.359375 40.96875 87.453125 39.976562 85.636719 38.730469 C 83.671875 37.390625 82.230469 36.085938 81.097656 34.613281 C 80.40625 33.710938 79.992188 32.957031 79.792969 32.164062 C 79.550781 31.230469 79.804688 30.519531 80.527344 30.128906 C 80.707031 30.03125 80.90625 29.949219 81.125 29.890625 C 81.726562 29.71875 82.378906 29.667969 83.140625 29.730469 C 83.242188 29.738281 83.34375 29.75 83.445312 29.757812 C 83.550781 29.769531 83.664062 29.777344 83.785156 29.789062 L 84.035156 29.808594 L 84.34375 28.695312 C 84.265625 28.6875 84.195312 28.675781 84.113281 28.667969 C 83.914062 28.636719 83.722656 28.617188 83.53125 28.59375 C 83.160156 28.566406 82.832031 28.546875 82.53125 28.546875 C 81.828125 28.546875 81.226562 28.636719 80.675781 28.804688 C 79.511719 29.175781 78.832031 29.871094 78.609375 30.902344 C 78.449219 31.613281 78.558594 32.375 78.949219 33.289062 C 79.441406 34.429688 80.195312 35.496094 81.347656 36.65625 C 83.875 39.222656 86.921875 41.199219 90.660156 42.691406 C 90.910156 42.792969 91.171875 42.882812 91.445312 42.984375 C 91.554688 43.023438 91.675781 43.0625 91.792969 43.105469 L 91.984375 42.433594 Z M 91.304688 41.710938 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 100.445312 40.617188 C 100.4375 40.597656 100.417969 40.578125 100.417969 40.546875 C 100.335938 39.90625 100.105469 39.253906 99.726562 38.5625 C 99.09375 37.417969 98.222656 36.355469 96.988281 35.203125 C 96.6875 34.921875 96.367188 34.652344 96.046875 34.359375 C 95.914062 34.242188 95.773438 34.128906 95.636719 34.011719 L 95.636719 34.019531 C 95.636719 34.050781 95.625 34.058594 95.625 34.078125 L 95.636719 34.378906 C 95.644531 34.742188 95.664062 35.121094 95.683594 35.492188 C 95.683594 35.554688 95.734375 35.625 95.804688 35.703125 C 95.976562 35.875 96.15625 36.046875 96.328125 36.214844 C 96.628906 36.507812 96.949219 36.816406 97.238281 37.128906 C 98.160156 38.140625 98.761719 39.0625 99.113281 40.046875 C 99.273438 40.496094 99.335938 40.910156 99.273438 41.289062 C 99.183594 41.921875 98.78125 42.339844 98.050781 42.59375 C 97.851562 42.664062 97.648438 42.710938 97.4375 42.753906 L 98.222656 43.753906 C 98.34375 43.714844 98.472656 43.675781 98.582031 43.636719 C 99.574219 43.242188 100.15625 42.601562 100.378906 41.660156 L 100.445312 41.371094 Z M 100.445312 40.617188 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 93.167969 31.183594 C 93.21875 31.574219 93.269531 31.972656 93.320312 32.367188 C 93.429688 33.246094 93.550781 34.160156 93.621094 35.0625 C 93.679688 35.933594 93.691406 36.835938 93.628906 37.789062 L 94.671875 39.132812 C 94.703125 38.863281 94.722656 38.59375 94.742188 38.3125 C 94.894531 36.296875 94.824219 34.3125 94.550781 32.40625 C 94.492188 32.003906 94.433594 31.625 94.359375 31.210938 C 94.332031 31.042969 94.300781 30.863281 94.273438 30.679688 L 93.140625 30.960938 C 93.140625 30.980469 93.148438 31.003906 93.148438 31.023438 C 93.148438 31.082031 93.15625 31.132812 93.167969 31.183594 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 92.695312 43.214844 C 92.515625 43.804688 92.296875 44.347656 92.054688 44.867188 C 91.734375 45.539062 91.324219 46.300781 90.632812 46.882812 C 89.890625 47.503906 89.105469 47.496094 88.367188 46.875 C 87.894531 46.472656 87.492188 45.941406 87.113281 45.199219 C 86.582031 44.167969 86.199219 43.023438 85.859375 41.480469 L 85.847656 41.449219 C 85.839844 41.378906 85.820312 41.289062 85.777344 41.269531 C 85.449219 41.046875 85.105469 40.839844 84.757812 40.605469 C 84.675781 40.558594 84.585938 40.496094 84.496094 40.449219 C 84.507812 40.527344 84.523438 40.597656 84.535156 40.675781 C 84.566406 40.886719 84.605469 41.078125 84.636719 41.28125 C 85.007812 43.253906 85.488281 44.6875 86.191406 45.953125 C 86.792969 47.035156 87.613281 48.1875 89.15625 48.507812 L 89.820312 48.507812 C 91.253906 48.21875 92.046875 47.183594 92.636719 46.210938 C 92.796875 45.953125 92.9375 45.691406 93.058594 45.441406 C 93.25 45.039062 93.417969 44.617188 93.578125 44.1875 Z M 92.695312 43.214844 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(10.198975%,42.698669%,57.598877%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 76.949219 66.40625 C 76.316406 66.40625 75.75 66.199219 75.394531 65.839844 C 75.140625 65.582031 75.007812 65.257812 75 64.882812 L 76.121094 64.882812 C 76.160156 65.210938 76.585938 65.363281 76.976562 65.363281 C 77.179688 65.363281 77.371094 65.324219 77.515625 65.25 C 77.683594 65.164062 77.773438 65.039062 77.773438 64.886719 C 77.773438 64.488281 77.316406 64.40625 76.816406 64.378906 C 75.621094 64.292969 75.082031 63.839844 75.070312 62.910156 C 75.0625 62.507812 75.191406 62.167969 75.457031 61.898438 C 75.792969 61.554688 76.320312 61.359375 76.902344 61.359375 C 77.484375 61.359375 78.011719 61.554688 78.351562 61.898438 C 78.605469 62.15625 78.738281 62.480469 78.742188 62.859375 L 77.644531 62.859375 C 77.609375 62.53125 77.273438 62.382812 76.941406 62.382812 C 76.574219 62.382812 76.191406 62.558594 76.167969 62.890625 C 76.132812 63.355469 76.65625 63.414062 77 63.453125 C 78.078125 63.566406 78.898438 63.746094 78.898438 64.890625 C 78.898438 65.355469 78.691406 65.746094 78.296875 66.019531 C 77.941406 66.269531 77.460938 66.40625 76.949219 66.40625 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 79.945312 66.289062 L 79.945312 65.285156 L 80.578125 65.285156 L 80.578125 62.441406 L 79.996094 62.441406 L 79.996094 61.441406 L 82.304688 61.441406 L 82.304688 62.441406 L 81.722656 62.441406 L 81.722656 65.285156 L 82.351562 65.285156 L 82.351562 66.289062 Z M 79.945312 66.289062 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 87.488281 66.296875 L 84.917969 63.785156 L 84.917969 66.289062 L 83.710938 66.289062 L 83.710938 61.421875 L 84.097656 61.421875 L 86.675781 63.941406 L 86.675781 61.441406 L 87.867188 61.441406 L 87.867188 66.296875 Z M 87.488281 66.296875 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 90.839844 64.691406 L 92.132812 64.691406 L 91.480469 63.203125 Z M 92.785156 66.289062 L 92.496094 65.667969 L 90.476562 65.667969 L 90.1875 66.289062 L 89.035156 66.289062 L 89.035156 66.171875 L 91.242188 61.378906 L 91.722656 61.378906 L 93.9375 66.171875 L 93.9375 66.289062 Z M 92.785156 66.289062 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 96.273438 63.8125 L 97.234375 63.8125 C 97.613281 63.8125 97.8125 63.472656 97.8125 63.136719 C 97.816406 62.816406 97.632812 62.472656 97.234375 62.46875 C 97.144531 62.464844 97.046875 62.464844 96.929688 62.464844 C 96.832031 62.464844 96.726562 62.464844 96.625 62.46875 C 96.523438 62.46875 96.425781 62.46875 96.328125 62.46875 L 96.273438 62.46875 Z M 97.863281 66.289062 L 97.015625 64.832031 L 96.273438 64.832031 L 96.273438 66.289062 L 95.113281 66.289062 L 95.113281 61.441406 L 97.234375 61.441406 C 98.046875 61.445312 98.660156 61.878906 98.882812 62.601562 C 99.105469 63.339844 98.847656 64.140625 98.25 64.542969 L 98.210938 64.574219 L 99.195312 66.171875 L 99.195312 66.289062 Z M 97.863281 66.289062 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 101.902344 64.691406 L 103.195312 64.691406 L 102.539062 63.203125 Z M 103.847656 66.289062 L 103.558594 65.667969 L 101.535156 65.667969 L 101.246094 66.289062 L 100.09375 66.289062 L 100.09375 66.171875 L 102.304688 61.378906 L 102.78125 61.378906 L 105 66.171875 L 105 66.289062 Z M 103.847656 66.289062 "
style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.099487%,20.799255%,27.799988%);fill-opacity:1;" />
d="M 80.363281 53.460938 L 78.117188 58.324219 L 78.117188 58.414062 L 79.253906 58.414062 L 79.582031 57.703125 L 81.597656 57.703125 L 81.929688 58.414062 L 83.0625 58.414062 L 83.0625 58.324219 L 80.816406 53.460938 Z M 79.925781 56.75 L 80.574219 55.226562 L 81.246094 56.75 Z M 79.925781 56.75 "
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d="M 87.324219 56.640625 C 87.925781 56.238281 88.183594 55.4375 87.953125 54.695312 C 87.734375 53.972656 87.113281 53.53125 86.300781 53.53125 L 84.164062 53.53125 L 84.164062 58.414062 L 85.296875 58.414062 L 85.296875 56.929688 L 86.089844 56.929688 L 86.953125 58.414062 L 88.273438 58.414062 L 88.273438 58.332031 L 87.261719 56.691406 Z M 86.300781 55.9375 L 85.296875 55.9375 L 85.296875 54.515625 L 86.300781 54.515625 C 86.722656 54.515625 86.921875 54.882812 86.910156 55.214844 C 86.910156 55.578125 86.699219 55.9375 86.300781 55.9375 "
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 91 KiB |
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const shop_data = {
specs: [
'FPGA core device, runs ARTIQ kernels, controls the EEMs.',
'4 SFP 6Gb/s slots for Ethernet or DRTIO.',
'12 EEM connectors on board.',
'12 EEM connectors.',
'4 MMCX clock outputs.',
'Price includes bitstream generation, flashing, testing, and firmware updates for 1 year (USD 1,400.00).',
@ -97,6 +97,68 @@ const shop_data = {
'kaslisoc': {
id: 'kaslisoc',
name: 'Carrier',
name_number: '1125',
name_codename: 'Kasli-SoC',
price: 5100,
image: '/shop/graphic-03_kaslisoc.svg',
specs: [
'Core device based on Zynq-7000 CPU+FPGA system-on-chip.',
'Runs ARTIQ kernels on 1GHz Cortex-A9 CPU with hardware FPU.',
'Enables high-speed matrix math on the core device.',
'Lower RTIO latency.',
'Higher network transfer speeds.',
'Dedicated RJ45 port for Gigabit Ethernet.',
'4 SFP 12Gb/s slots for DRTIO.',
'12 EEM connectors.',
'4 MMCX clock outputs.',
'WARNING: early access card. Price and specifications may be subject to change. Long lead time.',
size: 'big',
type: 'kasli',
hp: 8,
nbrSlotMin: 0,
nbrSlotMax: 12,
nbrCurrentSlot: 0,
nbrClockMax: 4,
nbrCurrentClock: 0,
slotOccupied: 1,
clockOccupied: 0,
rules: {
maxSlot: {
type: 'kaslisoc-max-slot',
icon: '/shop/icon-reminder.svg',
name: 'Kasli-SoC',
message: 'Insufficient EEM connectors.',
maxSlotWarning: {
type: 'kaslisoc-max-slot-warning',
icon: '/shop/icon-warning.svg',
name: 'Kasli-SoC',
message: 'Insufficient EEM connectors',
maxClock: {
type: 'kaslisoc-max-clock',
icon: '/shop/icon-reminder.svg',
name: 'Kasli-SoC',
message: 'Insufficient clock connectors. Kasli-SoC has at most 4 clock connections.',
maxClockWarning: {
type: 'kaslisoc-max-clock-warning',
icon: '/shop/icon-warning.svg',
name: 'Kasli-SoC',
message: 'Insufficient clock connectors.',
follow: {
type: 'kaslisoc-follow',
icon: '/shop/icon-reminder.svg',
name: 'Kasli-SoC',
message: 'Due to wiring constraints, a Kasli-SoC can only connect to EEM cards immediately at its right, without crossing another carrier.',
'vhdcicarrier': {
id: 'vhdcicarrier',
name: 'VHDCI Carrier',
@ -721,6 +783,7 @@ const shop_data = {
/* itemIds define items order - change order to suit your need */
itemIds: [
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