![source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wafer_2_Zoll_bis_8_Zoll_2.jpg](wafers.jpg)
Milkymist-ng improves on the existing Milkymist SoC by introducing two key innovations:
- Built on the powerful Migen VLSI logic design system.
- Much increased system memory performance thanks to a new architecture (ASMI) containing a transaction-reordering controller also capable of issuing multiple DRAM commands in a single system clock cycle.
This will translate to better video resolution and quality, ease of designing complex hardware accelerators for novel effects, and much more flexibility in hardware designs.
The repository is hosted by GitHub and is available here.
Milkymist-ng will support both the Milkymist One and M3 boards and, after it has matured enough, will replace the legacy Milkymist SoC.