ISE Tips

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[edit] Getting USB JTAG cables to work

Always use libusb with the Xilinx programming tools as outlined in The supplied kernel drivers (Jungo windrvr) are abominable.

[edit] Fixing GLIBC version conflicts

ISE comes with its own outdated version of libstdc++. When you use the script, the environment variables are set so that ISE's libstdc++ is always used ; and recent programs that depend on a modern libstdc++ will refuse to start.

To work around this, use the command export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH after you have sourced the settings script. Fortunately enough, ISE will not complain even though it now uses your system libstdc++. You will also gain some RAM as the shared library will now be actually shared ; and RAM is precious when you run ISE tools.

[edit] Getting FPGA Editor to run

See :

These messages are brought to you by a questionable toolkit called Wind/U that is used to port Windows software to operating systems. Most of these messages can be ignored without lasting effect on the quality of your life. The last line, however, is a real problem. As it turns out, the toolkit ports the deficiencies in standard conformance from the Microsoft world to the target system: It cannot handle the standard display coordinates of 0.0. Therefore, we have to simplify matters for it: export DISPLAY=:0

Try also :

in fonts.txt add :



and use command :

xrdb -merge fallback.txt

See also :

On Debian install the following packages : apt-get install libmotif3 libstdc++5 xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi

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