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<ul><li> 2013-01-28/31, Cape Town, Migen at <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Workshop on High Performance Signal Processing</a>
</li><li> 2012-05-18, Berlin, Freitagsrunde TechTalk at TU-Berlin
</li><li> 2012-05-12, Paris, Vision-R VJ Festival (TBC)
</li><li> 2012-04-13, Cleveland, <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Notacon</a>
</li><li> 2012-03-17, Shanghai, <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Workshop at Jue Festival</a>
</li><li> 2012-01-11, Shanghai, <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">presentation at XinCheJian</a>
</li><li> 2011-11-17/20, Bergen, Using the Milkymist One, workshop at the <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Piksel</a> festival
</li><li> 2011-11-10, Berlin, Presentation at <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Scope Session #8</a>
</li><li> 2011-11-05, Utrecht, Performance by Alejandra Perez Nunez (sound) and Christopher Adams (video using M1) at <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">IMPAKT Festival</a>
</li><li> 2011-11-4/6, London, VJ installation with Milkymist One at the <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Mozilla Festival</a>
</li><li> 2011-10-15, Berne, Software development workshop on the Milkymist SoC platform at <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">0sec</a>
</li><li> 2011-10-09, Grenoble, <a href="wiki/index.php%3Ftitle=How_to_design_logic_synthesis_and_place-and-route_tools.html" title="How to design logic synthesis and place-and-route tools">How to design logic synthesis and place-and-route tools</a>
</li><li> 2011-10-01, Berlin, <a href="wiki/index.php%3Ftitle=Interactive_visuals_workshop_with_Milkymist_One_and_Arduino.html" title="Interactive visuals workshop with Milkymist One and Arduino">Interactive visuals workshop with Milkymist One and Arduino</a>
</li><li> 2011-09-22, Minsk, Milkymist One showcase at <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Live Performers Meeting</a>
</li><li> 2011-09-17, Warsaw, VJ installation with Milkymist One at the <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Creative Commons Summit</a> party
</li><li> 2011-09-15, New York, Milkymist One demonstration at <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">ohsummit</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
diff --git a/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/rtl/system.v b/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/rtl/system.v
index 33e7b26..178cfb1 100644
--- a/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/rtl/system.v
+++ b/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/rtl/system.v
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ module system(
input [2:0] btn, // 3
- output [3:0] led, // 2 (2 LEDs for UART activity)
- input count
+ output [3:0] led // 2 (2 LEDs for UART activity)
@@ -309,8 +308,7 @@ wire [13:0] csr_a;
wire csr_we;
wire [31:0] csr_dw;
wire [31:0] csr_dr_uart,
- csr_dr_sysctl,
- csr_dr_counter;
+ csr_dr_sysctl;
// WISHBONE to CSR bridge
@@ -334,7 +332,6 @@ csrbrg csrbrg(
- |csr_dr_counter
@@ -519,30 +516,4 @@ sysctl #(
-// Counter
-//wire [13:0] gpio_output
-counter #(
- .csr_addr(4'h2)
-) counter (
- .sys_clk(sys_clk),
- .sys_rst(sys_rst),
- //.gpio_irq(gpio_irq),
- //.timer0_irq(timer0_irq),
- //.timer1_irq(timer1_irq),
- .csr_a(csr_a),
- .csr_we(csr_we),
- .csr_di(csr_dw),
- .csr_do(csr_dr_counter), //with CSR remenber add it there too
- .count_input(count) //count is fot the pin
-// .hard_reset(hard_reset)
diff --git a/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/sources.mak b/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/sources.mak
index 47ea9e8..797628a 100644
--- a/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/sources.mak
+++ b/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/sources.mak
@@ -22,6 +22,5 @@ NORFLASH_SRC=$(wildcard $(CORES_DIR)/norflash8/rtl/*.v)
BRAM_SRC=$(wildcard $(CORES_DIR)/bram/rtl/*.v)
UART_SRC=$(wildcard $(CORES_DIR)/uart/rtl/*.v)
SYSCTL_SRC=$(wildcard $(CORES_DIR)/sysctl/rtl/*.v)
-COUNTER_SRC=$(wildcard $(CORES_DIR)/counter/rtl/*.v)
diff --git a/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/synthesis/common.ucf b/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/synthesis/common.ucf
index 97fe532..60f9568 100644
--- a/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/synthesis/common.ucf
+++ b/boards/avnet-sp3aevl/synthesis/common.ucf
@@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ NET "led(1)" LOC = C16 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led(2)" LOC = C15 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led(3)" LOC = B15 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
-# ==== Counter ====
-NET "count" LOC = E13 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# ==== Prohibit Special Pins ====
diff --git a/cores/counter/doc/Makefile b/cores/counter/doc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 884d3c0..0000000
--- a/cores/counter/doc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-all: $(PDF)
-%.dvi: %.tex
- latex $<
- %.dvi
- dvips $<
- ps2pdf $<
- rm -f $(DVI) $(PS) $(PDF) $(AUX) $(LOG)
-.PHONY: clean
diff --git a/cores/counter/doc/counter.tex b/cores/counter/doc/counter.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b8a917..0000000
--- a/cores/counter/doc/counter.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-\title{Simple Counter}
-\author{Cristian Paul Penaranda Rojas}
-\date{September 2010}
-The counter have basic functionallity, is not intended for real applications yet, just educational porpuses:
-The counter can support maximum count of 32 bits also enable/disable by control registers.
-It is possible to generate an interrupt when the counter overflow.
-\bf{Offset} & \bf{Read/Write} & \bf{Default} & \bf{Description} \\
-0x00 & W & 0 & Enable. \\
-0x04 & R & N/A & Count. \\
-\section*{Copyright notice}
-Copyright \copyright 2010 Cristian Paul Penaranda Rojas. \\
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the LICENSE.FDL file at the root of the Milkymist source distribution.
diff --git a/cores/counter/rtl/count.v b/cores/counter/rtl/count.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ae3e43a..0000000
--- a/cores/counter/rtl/count.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * Milkymist VJ SoC
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
- * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Sebastien Bourdeauducq
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-module counter #(
- parameter csr_addr = 4'h0
-) (
- input sys_clk,
- input sys_rst,
- /* Interrupts & count */
- //output reg count_irq,
- output reg [31:0] counter0,
- output reg [31:0] counter_c0,
- output reg [31:0] counter_in0,
- /* CSR bus interface */
- input [13:0] csr_a,
- input csr_we,
- input [31:0] csr_di,
- output reg [31:0] csr_do,
- /* count clk input*/
- input count_input
-/* Synchronize the input */
-reg count_in0;
-reg count_in;
-always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
- count_in0 <= count_input;
- count_in <= count_in0;
-/* Detect level changes and generate count */
-reg count_inbefore;
-always @(posedge sys_clk) count_inbefore <= count_in;
-wire count_diff = count_inbefore ^ count_in;
-reg count_irqen;
-always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
- if(sys_rst)
- counter0 <= 32'd0;
- else
- counter0 <= counter0 + 1; //count
- * Logic and CSR interface
- */
-wire csr_selected = csr_a[13:10] == csr_addr;
-//counter_0 = counter0;
-//wire [31:0] counter_0 = {counter0};
-wire [31:0] counter_0 = counter0;
-//:counter0 = counter_c0;
-always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
- if(sys_rst) begin
- csr_do <= 32'd0;
-// counter_irq <= 1'b0;
- counter_c0 <= 32'd0;
- if(csr_selected) begin
- /* CSR Writes */
- if(csr_we) begin
- case(csr_a[3:0])
- /* control registers */
- // 0000 enable
- // 0001 counter soft reset
- //4'b0000: en1 <= csr_di[0];
- //4'b0001: counter_irqen <= csr_di[ninputs-1:0];
- 4'b0000: counter_in0 <= csr_di[31:0]; //not used yet
- endcase
- end
- /* CSR Reads */
- case(csr_a[3:0])
- /* status registers */
- /* 0100 count*/
- 4'b0100: csr_do <= counter_0;
- //pending irq when counter overflow
- endcase
- end
- end

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<p>The Milkymist BIOS is based on <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">FreeMAC</a>, originally written for running on the ARM embedded processors of Prism54 Wi-Fi cards. It has undergone major modifications since then.
<a name="Boot_process" id="Boot_process"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: Boot process">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Boot process </span></h2>
<p>The BIOS is the first program to be executed by the Milkymist SoC once the FPGA is configured. It is stored into off-chip flash and executed in place. Details of the boot process can be found in <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
<a name="Commands" id="Commands"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: Commands">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Commands </span></h2>
<div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:242px;"><a href="" class="image" title="Output of the &quot;help&quot; command"><img alt="" src="" width="240" height="164" border="0" class="thumbimage" /></a> <div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify"><a href="" class="internal" title="Enlarge"><img src="skins/common/images/magnify-clip.png" width="15" height="11" alt="" /></a></div>Output of the "help" command</div></div></div>
<div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:242px;"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=File:Kristianpaul-20100712T040620-hpurqrr.png.html" class="image" title="Output of the &quot;mw &amp; rd&quot; commands"><img alt="" src="images/thumb/1/18/Kristianpaul-20100712T040620-hpurqrr.png/240px-Kristianpaul-20100712T040620-hpurqrr.png" width="240" height="141" border="0" class="thumbimage" /></a> <div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=File:Kristianpaul-20100712T040620-hpurqrr.png.html" class="internal" title="Enlarge"><img src="skins/common/images/magnify-clip.png" width="15" height="11" alt="" /></a></div>Output of the "mw &amp; rd" commands</div></div></div>
<p><br />
Bios allow you runs some few commands but very useful if you know how use it:
<pre> mr &nbsp;: read address space
<pre> mr &lt;address&gt; [length]
mw &nbsp;: write address space
<pre> mw &lt;address&gt; &lt;value&gt; [count]
<p>Remember when writing values ALL of then are 32 bits, or will be shirked to that size, so if you write:
<pre>mw 0xb0000800 0x03 &nbsp;: thats actually 0x00000003 written in addresses 0xb0000800, 801, 802, 803
<pre>mw 0xb0000801 0x03 &nbsp;: thats actually 0x00000003 written in addresses 0xb0000800, 801, 802, 803
<pre>mw 0xb0000800 0x11223344&nbsp;: thats actually 0x11223344 written in addresses 0xb0000800, 801, 802, 803
<pre>mr 0xb0000800 4&nbsp;: will return 11 22 33 44 ."3D
<pre>mr 0xb0000800 5&nbsp;: will return 11 22 33 44 00 ."3D.
<p>[count] assumes same length
</p><p><br />
GPIO Examples for the avnet board port.
<pre>mr 0x80001000 8
<p>Read the status of push buttons (try touching some and read at the same time)
<pre>mw 0x80001004 1
<p>Put LED 2 on
<pre>mw 0x80001004 2
<p>Put LED 3 on
<pre>mw 0x80001004 2
<p>Put LEDs off
<pre>mw 0x80001004 0
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<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">Build the libftdi-1.0 and new ftdi eeprom</h1>
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<a name="ftdi_library_variants" id="ftdi_library_variants"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: ftdi library variants">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> ftdi library variants </span></h2>
<p>This is the chip support library, you will need it for your tools.
</p><p>There are currently 3 independent variants. <b>You need to select one!</b>
<table border="1">
</td><td>Binary drivers from [<a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>]
</td><td>Git repository at [<a href=";a=summary" class="external text" title=";a=summary" rel="nofollow">libftdi</a>] however this requires <b>libboost</b> to compile which pulls in a ton of additional code and is less portable than the method below.
</td><td>Git repository at [<a href=";a=summary" class="external text" title=";a=summary" rel="nofollow">libftdi-1.0</a>] this is the preferred method, discussed in the next steps
<p><br />
<a name="1._Build_the_libftdi-1.0" id="1._Build_the_libftdi-1.0"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: 1. Build the libftdi-1.0">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> 1. Build the <i>libftdi-1.0</i> </span></h2>
<p>1.1. First, get a clone of the repository&nbsp;:
</p><p>1.1.1. Create and go to a directory where you want to store the git projects
<pre> # mkdir ~/git
# cd ~/git
<p>1.1.2. Clone the repository
<pre> # git clone git://
Cloning into libftdi-1.0...
remote: Counting objects: 2008, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (942/942), done.
remote: Total 2008 (delta 1285), reused 1643 (delta 1056)
Receiving objects: 100% (2008/2008), 902.65 KiB | 449 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1285/1285), done.
<p>It'l create a directory called <i>libftdi-1.0</i> with some file in it.
</p><p>1.2. Prepare to build with the autotools
</p><p>1.2.1. Go to the directory of <i>libftdi-1.0</i>, you need some file
<pre> # ln -s /usr/share/libtool/config/config.guess
# ln -s /usr/share/libtool/config/config.sub
# ln -s /usr/share/libtool/config/install-sh
# ln -s /usr/share/libtool/config/
# ln -s /usr/share/libtool/config/missing
# ln -s /usr/share/libtool/config/depcomp
<p>1.2.2 Build the auto-conguration
<pre> # autoscan
# aclocal
# autoheader
# autoconf
# automake
<p>1.3.1. Now, you can normally build and install the libftdi
<pre> # ./configure
<pre> # make
<p>1.3.2. You need to be root for installing the lib
<pre> (root)# make install
<p>1.3.3. Quit root, and if there's no error, you can continue to build <i>ftdi_eeprom</i>, you maybe needs run
<pre> # <b>ldconfig</b>.
<a name="2._Build_the_ftdi_eeprom_tool" id="2._Build_the_ftdi_eeprom_tool"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: 2. Build the ftdi_eeprom tool">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> 2. Build the <i>ftdi_eeprom</i> tool </span></h2>
<p>2.1. Go to the directory <i>ftdi_eeprom</i>
<pre> # cd ftdi_eeprom
<p>2.2. Replace it in <i>libftdi-1.0/ftdi_eeprom/main.c</i>&nbsp;:
<pre> /***************************************************************************
main.c - description
begin &nbsp;: Mon Apr 7 12:05:22 CEST 2003
copyright &nbsp;: (C) 2003,2008 by Intra2net AG
email &nbsp;:
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
#include &lt;config.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;string.h&gt;
#include &lt;confuse.h&gt;
#include "../src/ftdi.h"
#include ""
int str_to_cbus(char *str, int max_allowed)
#define MAX_OPTION 14
const char* options[MAX_OPTION] = {
"CLK48", "CLK24", "CLK12", "CLK6",
int i;
max_allowed += 1;
if (max_allowed &gt; MAX_OPTION) max_allowed = MAX_OPTION;
for (i=0; i&lt;max_allowed; i++) {
if (!(strcmp(options[i], str))) {
return i;
printf("WARNING: Invalid cbus option '%s'\n", str);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
configuration options
cfg_opt_t opts[] =
CFG_INT("vendor_id", 0, 0),
CFG_INT("product_id", 0, 0),
CFG_BOOL("self_powered", cfg_true, 0),
CFG_BOOL("remote_wakeup", cfg_true, 0),
CFG_STR_LIST("chip_type", "{AM,BM,2232C,R,2232H,4232H,other}", 0),
CFG_BOOL("in_is_isochronous", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("out_is_isochronous", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("suspend_pull_downs", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("use_serial", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("change_usb_version", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_INT("usb_version", 0, 0),
CFG_INT("max_power", 0, 0),
CFG_STR("manufacturer", "Acme Inc.", 0),
CFG_STR("product", "USB Serial Converter", 0),
CFG_STR("serial", "08-15", 0),
CFG_BOOL("high_current", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_txd", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_rxd", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_rts", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_cts", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_dtr", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_dsr", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_dcd", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_ri", cfg_false, 0),
cfg_t *cfg;
normal variables
unsigned char _read = 0, _erase = 0, _flash = 0;
int size_check;
int i;
char * type;
unsigned int invert;
FILE * fp;
unsigned short device_vid = 0;
unsigned short device_pid = 0;
FILE * device;
struct ftdi_context ftdi;
struct ftdi_eeprom *eeprom;
printf("\nFTDI eeprom generator v%s\n", EEPROM_VERSION_STRING);
printf ("(c) Intra2net AG &lt;;\n");
if (argc &lt; 3)
printf("Syntax sample&nbsp;:\n");
printf(" &nbsp;%s --read-eeprom /dev/bus/usb/002/003 ftdi-backup.conf\n", argv[0]);
printf(" &nbsp;%s --erase-eeprom /dev/bus/usb/002/003\n", argv[0]);
printf(" &nbsp;%s --flash-eeprom /dev/bus/usb/002/003 ftdi-source.conf\n", argv[0]);
exit (-1);
if (strcmp(argv[1], "--read-eeprom") == 0)
_read = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--erase-eeprom") == 0)
_erase = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--flash-eeprom") == 0)
_flash = 1;
ftdi_eeprom_initdefaults (&amp;ftdi, "Acme Inc.", "FTDI Chip", NULL);
eeprom = ftdi.eeprom;
if ((device = fopen(argv[2], "r")) == NULL)
printf ("Can't open device file\n");
exit (-1);
fseek(device, 8, SEEK_SET);
fread(&amp;device_vid, 1, 2, device);
fread(&amp;device_pid, 1, 2, device);
printf("\nFound device with VID:PID&nbsp;: 0x%X:0x%X\n", device_vid, device_pid);
i = ftdi_usb_open(&amp;ftdi, device_vid, device_pid);
if (i == 0)
printf("EEPROM size:&nbsp;%d\n", eeprom-&gt;size);
printf("Unable to find FTDI devices under given vendor/product id: 0x%X/0x%X\n", device_vid, device_pid);
printf("Error code:&nbsp;%d (%s)\n", i, ftdi_get_error_string(&amp;ftdi));
exit (-1);
if (_read)
printf("FTDI read eeprom:&nbsp;%d\n", ftdi_read_eeprom(&amp;ftdi));
ftdi_eeprom_decode(&amp;ftdi, 0);
const char* chip_types[] = {"other", "", "AM", "", "BM", "2232C", "R", "2232H", "4232H"};
FILE *fp = fopen (argv[3], "wb");
To implement
CFG_BOOL("high_current", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_txd", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_rxd", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_rts", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_cts", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_dtr", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_dsr", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_dcd", cfg_false, 0),
CFG_BOOL("invert_ri", cfg_false, 0),
fprintf(fp, "vendor_id=0x%04x\n", eeprom-&gt;vendor_id);
fprintf(fp, "product_id=0x%04x\n", eeprom-&gt;product_id);
fprintf(fp, "self_powered=%s\n", eeprom-&gt;self_powered?"true":"false");
fprintf(fp, "remote_wakeup=%s\n", eeprom-&gt;remote_wakeup?"true":"false");
fprintf(fp, "chip_type=%s\n", chip_types[ftdi.type]);
fprintf(fp, "max_power=%d\n", eeprom-&gt;max_power);
fprintf(fp, "in_is_isochronous=%s\n", eeprom-&gt;in_is_isochronous?"true":"false");
fprintf(fp, "out_is_isochronous=%s\n", eeprom-&gt;out_is_isochronous?"true":"false");
fprintf(fp, "suspend_pull_downs=%s\n", eeprom-&gt;suspend_pull_downs?"true":"false");
fprintf(fp, "use_serial=%s\n", eeprom-&gt;use_serial?"true":"false");
fprintf(fp, "change_usb_version=%s\n", eeprom-&gt;use_usb_version?"true":"false");
fprintf(fp, "usb_version=%d\n", eeprom-&gt;usb_version);
fprintf(fp, "manufacturer=\"%s\"\n", eeprom-&gt;manufacturer);
fprintf(fp, "product=\"%s\"\n", eeprom-&gt;product);
fprintf(fp, "serial=\"%s\"\n", eeprom-&gt;serial);
fclose (fp);
goto cleanup;
else if (_erase)
printf("FTDI erase eeprom:&nbsp;%d\n", ftdi_erase_eeprom(&amp;ftdi));
else if (_flash)
if ((fp = fopen(argv[3], "r")) == NULL)
printf ("Can't open configuration file\n");
exit (-1);
fclose (fp);
cfg = cfg_init(opts, 0);
cfg_parse(cfg, argv[3]);
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "self_powered") &amp;&amp; cfg_getint(cfg, "max_power") &gt; 0)
printf("Hint: Self powered devices should have a max_power setting of 0.\n");
eeprom-&gt;vendor_id = cfg_getint(cfg, "vendor_id");
eeprom-&gt;product_id = cfg_getint(cfg, "product_id");
type = cfg_getstr(cfg, "chip_type");
if (!strcmp(type, "AM")) {
ftdi.type = TYPE_AM;
} else if (!strcmp(type, "BM")) {
ftdi.type = TYPE_BM;
} else if (!strcmp(type, "2232C")) {
ftdi.type = TYPE_2232C;
} else if (!strcmp(type, "R")) {
ftdi.type = TYPE_R;
} else if (!strcmp(type, "2232H")) {
ftdi.type = TYPE_2232H;
} else if (!strcmp(type, "4232H")) {
ftdi.type = TYPE_4232H;
eeprom-&gt;self_powered = cfg_getbool(cfg, "self_powered");
eeprom-&gt;remote_wakeup = cfg_getbool(cfg, "remote_wakeup");
eeprom-&gt;max_power = cfg_getint(cfg, "max_power");
eeprom-&gt;in_is_isochronous = cfg_getbool(cfg, "in_is_isochronous");
eeprom-&gt;out_is_isochronous = cfg_getbool(cfg, "out_is_isochronous");
eeprom-&gt;suspend_pull_downs = cfg_getbool(cfg, "suspend_pull_downs");
eeprom-&gt;use_serial = cfg_getbool(cfg, "use_serial") == 0&nbsp;? 0&nbsp;: USE_SERIAL_NUM;
eeprom-&gt;use_usb_version = cfg_getbool(cfg, "change_usb_version");
eeprom-&gt;usb_version = cfg_getint(cfg, "usb_version");
eeprom-&gt;manufacturer = cfg_getstr(cfg, "manufacturer");
eeprom-&gt;product = cfg_getstr(cfg, "product");
eeprom-&gt;serial = cfg_getstr(cfg, "serial");
eeprom-&gt;high_current = cfg_getbool(cfg, "high_current");
eeprom-&gt;cbus_function[0] = str_to_cbus(cfg_getstr(cfg, "cbus0"), 13);
eeprom-&gt;cbus_function[1] = str_to_cbus(cfg_getstr(cfg, "cbus1"), 13);
eeprom-&gt;cbus_function[2] = str_to_cbus(cfg_getstr(cfg, "cbus2"), 13);
eeprom-&gt;cbus_function[3] = str_to_cbus(cfg_getstr(cfg, "cbus3"), 13);
eeprom-&gt;cbus_function[4] = str_to_cbus(cfg_getstr(cfg, "cbus4"), 9);
invert = 0;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_rxd")) invert |= INVERT_RXD;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_txd")) invert |= INVERT_TXD;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_rts")) invert |= INVERT_RTS;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_cts")) invert |= INVERT_CTS;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_dtr")) invert |= INVERT_DTR;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_dsr")) invert |= INVERT_DSR;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_dcd")) invert |= INVERT_DCD;
if (cfg_getbool(cfg, "invert_ri")) invert |= INVERT_RI;
eeprom-&gt;invert = invert;
size_check = ftdi_eeprom_build(&amp;ftdi);
if (size_check == -1)
printf ("Sorry, the eeprom can only contain 128 bytes (100 bytes for your strings).\n");
printf ("You need to short your string by:&nbsp;%d bytes\n", size_check);
goto cleanup;
} else if (size_check &lt; 0) {
printf ("ftdi_eeprom_build(): error:&nbsp;%d\n", size_check);
printf ("Used eeprom space:&nbsp;%d bytes\n", 128-size_check);
printf ("FTDI write eeprom:&nbsp;%d\n", ftdi_write_eeprom(&amp;ftdi));
fp = fopen("eeprom.img", "w");
fwrite(eeprom-&gt;buf, 1, 128, fp);
fclose (fp);
printf("FTDI close:&nbsp;%d\n", ftdi_usb_close(&amp;ftdi));
ftdi_deinit (&amp;ftdi);
return 0;
<p>2.3. Compile the source
<pre> # gcc main.c -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0/ -lconfuse -L/usr/local/lib/ -lftdi -o ftdi_eeprom
<p><br />
That's all.
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<p>This How-To documents the steps I followed to install the RTEMS 4.11 (as of 6 February 2011) toolset on Debian Squeeze Stable.
</p><p>In this case, the host was a almost fresh install of Debian; immediately after rebooting into Debian after installation,
<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div>
<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Build_essentials"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Build essentials</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#texinfo"><span class="tocnumber">1.1</span> <span class="toctext">texinfo</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Build_RTEMS_Tools"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Build RTEMS Tools</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Assumptions"><span class="tocnumber">2.1</span> <span class="toctext">Assumptions</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Tools_needed"><span class="tocnumber">2.2</span> <span class="toctext">Tools needed</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Unpack_archives"><span class="tocnumber">2.3</span> <span class="toctext">Unpack archives</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Applying_RTEMS_patches"><span class="tocnumber">2.4</span> <span class="toctext">Applying RTEMS patches</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Config_and_build_binutils-2.20.1"><span class="tocnumber">2.5</span> <span class="toctext">Config and build binutils-2.20.1</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Debian.html#Config_and_build_gcc"><span class="tocnumber">2.6</span> <span class="toctext">Config and build gcc</span></a></li>
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<a name="Build_essentials" id="Build_essentials"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: Build essentials">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Build essentials </span></h3>
<p>This single command was enough to install the missing pieces
sudo apt-get install m4 patch build-essential texinfo cvs \
libncurses5-dev libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
<a name="texinfo" id="texinfo"></a><h4><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: texinfo">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> texinfo </span></h4>
<p>Attempting to build binutils will fail without makeinfo installed - even though only a warning will be reported. So we install texinfo (which includes makeinfo) first.
<pre> $ sudo aptitude install texinfo
<a name="Build_RTEMS_Tools" id="Build_RTEMS_Tools"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: Build RTEMS Tools">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Build RTEMS Tools </span></h2>
<a name="Assumptions" id="Assumptions"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Edit section: Assumptions">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Assumptions </span></h3>
<p>Assume a root directory rtems. Under that, create two directories: archive and tools. For this How-To, You MUST use the Lattice Mico32 as the target. For each tool below, the examples assume you start in the ~/rtems/tools directory.
</p><p>Note: This section very nearly duplicates what is contained in the "Getting Started with RTEMS" document, with the aforementioned "sudo" invocations added.
<a name="Tools_needed" id="Tools_needed"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Edit section: Tools needed">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Tools needed </span></h3>
<p>You will need to download the tarballs of the RTEMS Build Toolset which includes the following:
<ul><li> Binutils - 2.21
</li><li> GCC (gcc-core) - 4.5.2-RC-20101208
</li><li> GCC (gcc-g++) - 4.5.2-RC-20101208
</li><li> GDB - 7.2
</li><li> Newlib - 1.19
</li><li> GMP (Multi-precision arithmetic library) - 4.3.2
</li><li> MPC (Multi-precision complex floating-point library) - 0.8.1
</li><li> MPFR (Multi-precision floating-point computation library) - 2.4.2
<p>You can find the above mentioned tarballs in <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>
You can get it too trough
<a name="Unpack_archives" id="Unpack_archives"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Edit section: Unpack archives">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Unpack archives </span></h3>
<pre> tar xjf ../archive/binutils-2.21.tar.bz2
tar xjf ../archive/gcc-core-4.5.2-RC-20101208.tar.bz2
tar xjf ../archive/gcc-g++-4.5.2-RC-20101208.tar.bz2
tar xzf ../archive/newlib-1.19.0.tar.gz
tar xjf ../archive/gdb-7.2.tar.bz2
tar xjf ../archive/gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2
tar xzf ../archive/mpc-0.8.1.tar.gz
tar xjf ../archive/mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
<a name="Applying_RTEMS_patches" id="Applying_RTEMS_patches"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Edit section: Applying RTEMS patches">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Applying RTEMS patches </span></h3>
<p>The patches can be downloaded from <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> for 4.11 version. You are required to download the following files.
<pre> binutils-2.21-rtems4.11-20110107.diff
<p>Remember, RTEMS is an active project. the above mentioned toolset patches might have newer versions. Make sure you check the modified date and pick up the latest diff file.
</p><p><br />
<pre> cd binutils-2.21
cat ../../archive/binutils-2.21-rtems4.11-20110107.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
cat ../../archive/binutils-2.21-rtems4.11-20110107.diff | patch -p1
cd ../gcc-4.5.2-RC-20101208/
cat ../../archive/gcc-core-4.5.2-RC-20101208-rtems4.11-20101210.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
cat ../../archive/gcc-core-4.5.2-RC-20101208-rtems4.11-20101210.diff | patch -p1
cd ../newlib-1.19.0/
cat ../../archive/newlib-1.19.0-rtems4.11-20110109.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
cat ../../archive/newlib-1.19.0-rtems4.11-20110109.diff | patch -p1
cd ..
<p>At every step check for any errors.
<a name="Config_and_build_binutils-2.20.1" id="Config_and_build_binutils-2.20.1"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=8" title="Edit section: Config and build binutils-2.20.1">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Config and build binutils-2.20.1 </span></h3>
<pre> Target Processor --target=lm32-rtems4.11
Installation Point --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.11
<p>Adjust these as you please.
<pre> mkdir b-binutils
cd b-binutils
../binutils-2.21/configure --target=lm32-rtems4.11 --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.11
make all
make info
make install
cd ..
<p>Now, set the path to include the just-built executables
<pre> export PATH=/opt/rtems-4.11/bin:${PATH}
<a name="Config_and_build_gcc" id="Config_and_build_gcc"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=9" title="Edit section: Config and build gcc">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Config and build gcc </span></h3>
<pre> cd gcc-4.5.2-RC-20101208/
ln -s ../newlib-1.19.0/newlib .
cd ..
mkdir b-gcc
cd b-gcc/
../gcc-4.5.2-RC-20101208/configure --target=lm32-rtems4.11 --with-gnu-as --with-newlib --verbose --enable-threads --enable-languages="c,c++" --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.11
make all
make info
make install
cd ..
<ul><li> Optionally you can build gdb also.
</li><li> You can avoid install stuff as root/sudo, if you previously give permissions in your /opt folder to your user.
<pre>chown -R your_user:your_user /opt
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<p>NB! This page applies to old SoC designs that were using AEMB. Current designs use Mico32 and need a different toolchain.
</p><p>To compile the BIOS and the demonstration firmware which come with the SoC core distribution, you do not need all the features of the complete Microblaze toolchain. This section explains how to compile a toolchain without the spurious features.
</p><p>For Microblaze support, a modified version of the GNU toolchain should be used. It is available from the Petalogix website at <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
To install it, the following commands are used:
mkdir /usr/microblaze
</p><p>export PATH=$PATH:/usr/microblaze/bin
</p><p>cd microblaze-toolchain-sources/srcs/binutils
</p><p>mkdir build
</p><p>cd build
</p><p>../configure --target=microblaze --prefix=/usr/microblaze
</p><p>make install
</p><p>ln -s /usr/microblaze/bin/microblaze-as /usr/microblaze/bin/mb-as
</p><p>ln -s /usr/microblaze/bin/microblaze-ld /usr/microblaze/bin/mb-ld
</p><p>ln -s /usr/microblaze/bin/microblaze-ar /usr/microblaze/bin/mb-ar
</p><p>ln -s /usr/microblaze/bin/microblaze-ranlib /usr/microblaze/bin/mb-ranlib
</p><p>cd ../../gcc
</p><p>mkdir build
</p><p>cd build
</p><p>../configure --target=microblaze --prefix=/usr/microblaze --enable-languages="c"
</p><p>make install
</p><p>ln -s /usr/microblaze/bin/microblaze-gcc /usr/microblaze/bin/mb-gcc
</p><p>This differs from the usual installation procedure by disabling C++ support and Newlib. The Milkymist BIOS and demonstration firmware do not use C++ and come with their own lightweight C library and startup code.
</p><p>If using another firmware with the Milkymist SoC, this toolchain may not be suitable.
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<p>To build a full toolchain and RTEMS see the page: <a href="index.php%3Ftitle=RTEMS_build_instructions.html" title="RTEMS build instructions">RTEMS_build_instructions</a>.
</p><p>If you wish to just build a basic tool chain without RTEMS the following directions will suffice:
<ul><li> We must build the tools out of their source trees. We create a "build" directory at the top of the source tree, from which we run the build commands.
</li><li> To configure binutils: <code>../configure --target=lm32-elf --prefix=/usr/mico32</code>
</li><li> To configure gcc: <code>../configure --target=lm32-elf --prefix=/usr/mico32 --enable-languages="c"</code>. You may want to add <code>--disable-libgcc --disable-libssp</code>.
<p><br />
Here's a script download and build a unified GCC source tree on OS X with known compiling versions of the software (OS X does not have GMP, MPC, or MPFR so a unified source tree is the easiest approach):
# script to build lm32 GCC toolchain
mkdir $TOPDIR/tarballs
cd $TOPDIR/tarballs
curl <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> -o newlib-1.19.0.tar.gz
curl <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> -o gcc-4.5.3.tar.bz2
curl <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> -o gdb-7.2a.tar.bz2
curl <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> -o binutils-2.21.1.tar.bz2
curl <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> -o mpc-0.9.tar.gz
curl <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> -o mpfr-3.0.1.tar.bz2
curl <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> -o gmp-5.0.2.tar.bz2
mkdir $TOPDIR/src
cd $TOPDIR/src
tar xzvf ../tarballs/newlib-1.19.0.tar.gz
tar xzvf ../tarballs/gdb-7.2a.tar.bz2
tar xzvf ../tarballs/binutils-2.21.1.tar.bz2
tar xzvf ../tarballs/mpc-0.9.tar.gz
tar xzvf ../tarballs/mpfr-3.0.1.tar.bz2
tar xvzf ../tarballs/gmp-5.0.2.tar.bz2
tar xvzf ../tarballs/gcc-4.5.3.tar.bz2
cd $TOPDIR/src/gcc-4.5.3
rm -rf bfd binutils gas gold gprof opcodes newlib libgloss gdb mpc mpfr gmp
ln -s ../binutils-2.21.1/bfd bfd
ln -s ../binutils-2.21.1/binutils binutils
ln -s ../binutils-2.21.1/gas gas
ln -s ../binutils-2.21.1/gold gold
ln -s ../binutils-2.21.1/gprof gprof
ln -s ../binutils-2.21.1/opcodes opcodes
ln -s ../binutils-2.21.1/ld ld
ln -s ../newlib-1.19.0/newlib newlib
ln -s ../newlib-1.19.0/libgloss libgloss
ln -s ../gdb-7.2 gdb
ln -s ../mpc-0.9 mpc
ln -s ../mpfr-3.0.1 mpfr
ln -s ../gmp-5.0.2 gmp
mkdir $TOPDIR/build
cd $TOPDIR/build
../src/gcc-4.5.3/configure --prefix=/usr/mico32 --enable-languages=c --target=lm32-elf --disable-libssp --disable-libgcc
make install
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<p>MilkyMist consists of several components that need to be build using different tools. On this page you will find the instruction for setting up a development environment to build all of these components.
<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div>
<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Required_tools"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Required tools</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#LM32_Toolchain_and_Flickernoise"><span class="tocnumber">1.1</span> <span class="toctext">LM32 Toolchain and Flickernoise</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Download_locations"><span class="tocnumber">1.2</span> <span class="toctext">Download locations</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#CentOS.2FRHEL"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">CentOS/RHEL</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Additional_packages_needed"><span class="tocnumber">2.1</span> <span class="toctext">Additional packages needed</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Steps"><span class="tocnumber">2.2</span> <span class="toctext">Steps</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Fedora"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Fedora</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Fedora_12.2F13"><span class="tocnumber">3.1</span> <span class="toctext">Fedora 12/13</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-3"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Steps_2"><span class="tocnumber">3.1.1</span> <span class="toctext">Steps</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Development_Environment.html#Debian.2FUbuntu"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Debian/Ubuntu</span></a></li>
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<a name="Required_tools" id="Required_tools"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: Required tools">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline">Required tools</span></h2>
<p>You will need:
<ul><li> GNU Make,
</li><li> Bourne Again Shell (bash),
</li><li> Xilinx ISE for synthesizing the FPGA bitstream (WebPack is enough),
</li><li> LatticeMico32 toolchain for building the SoC software,
<p>For the host-side tools:
<ul><li> native GCC toolchain,
</li><li> libGD,
<p>For the demonstration firmware:
<ul><li> clang,
</li><li> gcc-avr,
</li><li> RE2C,
</li><li> Lemon parser generator,
</li><li> Scilab.
<p><br />
<a name="LM32_Toolchain_and_Flickernoise" id="LM32_Toolchain_and_Flickernoise"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: LM32 Toolchain and Flickernoise">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> LM32 Toolchain and Flickernoise </span></h3>
<p>For systems where a prebuilt package is not available see the <a href="index.php%3Ftitle=RTEMS_build_instructions.html" title="RTEMS build instructions">RTEMS_build_instructions</a> and <a href="index.php%3Ftitle=Flickernoise_build_instructions.html" title="Flickernoise build instructions">Flickernoise_build_instructions</a>
<a name="Download_locations" id="Download_locations"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: Download locations">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Download locations </span></h3>
<p>Xilinx ISE needs to be downloaded from the Xilinx website at <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>. After you have created a user account, you can continue to download the ISE Design Suite. For synthesizing the bitstream of Milkymist the ISE Webpack will suffice. You are advised to download the Single File Download Image (tar) using the Download Manager instead of the Web Install Client. The download is not very reliable without the Download Manager and you will probably have to retry several times if you don't use it.
</p><p>The LatticeMico32 toolchain is provided as a thirdparty component on the Milkymist website at <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>. The GCC 4.4 built is currently the recommended version.
</p><p>Although re2c (lexer) and lemon (parser generator) are quite well known, they are not provided by all the distributions as a standard component. When needed, it will be explained how to obtain and install it in the distribution specific instructions.
</p><p>Scilab is a numerical computational package used by the demonstration firmware. Several download options are provided on their website: <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>
<a name="CentOS.2FRHEL" id="CentOS.2FRHEL"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Edit section: CentOS/RHEL">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline">CentOS/RHEL</span></h2>
<p>To build to bitstream and firmware on CentOS/RHEL it is advised to use the latest version available of the installation media and preferred to use a 32-bit version.
<a name="Additional_packages_needed" id="Additional_packages_needed"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Edit section: Additional packages needed">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Additional packages needed </span></h3>
<p>Enable the <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">EPEL repository</a> on CentOS/RHEL 5 using the command
<pre> su -c 'rpm -Uvh <a href="'" class="external free" title="'" rel="nofollow">'</a>
<p>Fedora Electronic Lab will be used as the basis of the system. This will provide packages for hardware design and simulation. Most of them aren't used in the process of building the software side of Milkymist, but could be used to participate in the overall hardware design.
</p><p>To use the LatticeMico32 toolchain on CentOS/RHEL you need to install a package that provides libmpfr and to build the demonstration firmware you need lemon. Since CentOS/RHEL and the EPEL repository do not provide these, we have created some packages that will provide the necessary libraries. Signed packages can be downloaded from <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> or <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
<a name="Steps" id="Steps"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Edit section: Steps">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Steps </span></h3>
<p>Install ISE Webpack in /opt/Xilinx/. Unpack and run ./xsetup
</p><p>Since CentOS/RHEL does not support the group install function, you will need to install the Fedora Electronic Lab as mentioned on <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>. It will form the basis of the rest of the system.
<pre> yum install alliance dfu-programmer dinotrace eclipse-cdt eclipse-subclipse electric emacs-verilog-mode \
eqntott espresso-ab geda-docs geda-examples geda-gattrib geda-gnetlist geda-gschem geda-gsymcheck geda-symbols \
geda-utils gerbv gnucap gplcver gpsim gputils gtkwave gtkwave irsim iverilog iverilog linsmith magic netgen \
ngspice pcb perl-Hardware-Verilog-Parser perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Parser perl-ModelSim-List perl-Perlilog perl-Verilog \
perl-Verilog-Readmem qucs qucs tkcvs tkgate toped vhd2vl vrq xcircuit freehdl octave-forge
<p>To be able to build the host and demonstration firmware
<pre> yum install gd-devel gmp re2c
rpm -ivh mpfr-2.4.1-2.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh lemon-3.6.17-1.i386.rpm
cd /opt
tar xzvf scilab-5.2.0.bin.linux-i686.tar.gz
tar xjvf micotoolchain44.tar.bz2
<p>and include these as paths to your .bash_profile
<pre> export PATH=/opt/scilab/bin:/opt/mico32/bin/:$PATH
<p>To be able to get the source code from the repository you need Git.
<pre> yum install git gitk
<p>To build the FPGA bitstream and demonstration firmware
<pre> . /opt/Xilinx/11.1/
cd ~/Projects/Milkymist
<a name="Fedora" id="Fedora"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Edit section: Fedora">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Fedora </span></h2>
<a name="Fedora_12.2F13" id="Fedora_12.2F13"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=8" title="Edit section: Fedora 12/13">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Fedora 12/13 </span></h3>
<a name="Steps_2" id="Steps_2"></a><h4><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=9" title="Edit section: Steps">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Steps </span></h4>
<p>Install ISE Webpack in /opt/Xilinx. Unpack and run ./xsetup.
</p><p>disable or set SE-Linux to permissive. <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Instructions</a>
<pre> setenforce 0
<p>To install the basic system, you will need the Fedora Electronic Lab.
<pre> yum groupinstall "Electronic Lab"
<p>To build the host and demonstration firmware
<pre> yum install gd-devel re2c lemon
cd /opt
tar xzvf scilab-5.2.0.bin.linux-i686.tar.gz
tar xjvf micotoolchain44.tar.bz2
<p>and include these as paths to your .bash_profile
<pre> export PATH=/opt/scilab/bin:/opt/mico32/bin/:$PATH
<p>To be able to get the source code from the repository you need Git.
<pre> yum install git gitk
<p>To build the FPGA bitstream
<pre> . /opt/Xilinx/12.1/
cd ~/Projects/Milkymist
<p>Due to the way the ISE settings control the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you should preferably build the rest of the Milkymist components from a separate bash instance, else a build using the LatticeMico32 toolchain will fail.
<a name="Fedora_14" id="Fedora_14"></a><h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=10" title="Edit section: Fedora 14">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Fedora 14 </span></h3>
<a name="Steps_3" id="Steps_3"></a><h4><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=11" title="Edit section: Steps">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Steps </span></h4>
<p>To install the Milkymist development tools provided by Fedora:
<pre> yum groupinstall Milkymist
<p>You will still need to install ISE to build the bitstream.
<a name="Debian.2FUbuntu" id="Debian.2FUbuntu"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=12" title="Edit section: Debian/Ubuntu">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline">Debian/Ubuntu</span></h2>
<p>To make your life easier, Debian packages are available for the LatticeMico32 GCC toolchain used for building Milkymist software, and for flterm, the RS232 software upload program.
</p><p><i><b>This could be outdate, please use and compile RTEMS toolchain instead</b></i>
</p><p>Add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
<pre> deb <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> ./
<p>and install with:
<pre> apt-get update
apt-get install gcc-lm32 flterm
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<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=FAQ.html#Is_DVI_supported.3F"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Is DVI supported?</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=FAQ.html#Do_I_always_need_to_install_FPGA_tools.3F"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Do I always need to install FPGA tools?</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="index.php%3Ftitle=FAQ.html#What_operating_system_is_the_system-on-chip_running.3F"><span class="tocnumber">9</span> <span class="toctext">What operating system is the system-on-chip running?</span></a></li>
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<a name="Is_DVI_supported.3F" id="Is_DVI_supported.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: Is DVI supported?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Is DVI supported? </span></h2>
<p>No. Most video projectors use VGA extension cords.
<a name="What_is_the_maximum_video_resolution_of_the_device.3F" id="What_is_the_maximum_video_resolution_of_the_device.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: What is the maximum video resolution of the device?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> What is the maximum video resolution of the device? </span></h2>
<p>This depends on the FPGA design, and the board itself should support resolutions up to 1280x1024.
The FPGA design and software have only been tested at 640x480 so far, but this is surprisingly enough to produce good effects.
<a name="Do_I_need_to_know_about_FPGAs_to_participate_in_development.3F" id="Do_I_need_to_know_about_FPGAs_to_participate_in_development.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: Do I need to know about FPGAs to participate in development?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Do I need to know about FPGAs to participate in development? </span></h2>
<p>Not at all. Once the FPGA is programmed, it contains a microprocessor which behaves like any other one. If you don't touch the FPGA at all, you can think of it as a powerful microcontroller containing graphics accelerators, which you can program using C or C++. See <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">here</a> for more details about what is inside the FPGA.
<a name="Do_I_always_need_to_install_FPGA_tools.3F" id="Do_I_always_need_to_install_FPGA_tools.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Edit section: Do I always need to install FPGA tools?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Do I always need to install FPGA tools? </span></h2>
<p>No. If you only intend to do software development, you can <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">download a pre-built binary bitstream</a> and load it into your FPGA. The FPGA will then behave like any other system-on-chip or microcontroller.
<a name="What_hardware_do_I_need_if_I_only_want_to_do_software.3F" id="What_hardware_do_I_need_if_I_only_want_to_do_software.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Edit section: What hardware do I need if I only want to do software?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> What hardware do I need if I only want to do software? </span></h2>
<p>A <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Milkymist One</a>, a JTAG cable (optional if your board is pre-flashed) and a 3.3V serial (RS232) cable.
<a name="How_do_I_download_my_software_into_the_system-on-chip.3F" id="How_do_I_download_my_software_into_the_system-on-chip.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Edit section: How do I download my software into the system-on-chip?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> How do I download my software into the system-on-chip? </span></h2>
<p>The first program to be executed is the <a href="index.php%3Ftitle=BIOS_reference.html" title="BIOS reference">BIOS (bootloader)</a>, stored in NOR Flash. You can just flash one of the <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">supplied images</a>&nbsp;; usually you don't have to modify this part.
From there, you have many options. The most flexible one is the download over the serial port using the supplied flterm program. You can also write your binary image to a memory card and the system will boot from it. The boot process is detailed in the BIOS reference manual.
<a name="What_compilers_are_supported.3F" id="What_compilers_are_supported.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Edit section: What compilers are supported?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> What compilers are supported? </span></h2>
<p>GCC 4.5.1 and above. However, GCC isn't exactly good, and we would welcome a LLVM port.
<a name="Can_I_port_Milkymist_SoC_to_Altera.2FLattice.2FActel.2FXXX_FPGAs.3F" id="Can_I_port_Milkymist_SoC_to_Altera.2FLattice.2FActel.2FXXX_FPGAs.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=8" title="Edit section: Can I port Milkymist SoC to Altera/Lattice/Actel/XXX FPGAs?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Can I port Milkymist SoC to Altera/Lattice/Actel/XXX FPGAs? </span></h2>
<p>With a little effort, yes. HDL code in this project is designed to be portable. Most design elements are inferred; and you will only need to replace elements that cannot be inferred such as PLLs.
</p><p>Actel FPGAs might be slow, though.
<a name="What_operating_system_is_the_system-on-chip_running.3F" id="What_operating_system_is_the_system-on-chip_running.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=9" title="Edit section: What operating system is the system-on-chip running?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> What operating system is the system-on-chip running? </span></h2>
<p>There are RTEMS and Linux available. The Milkymist One devices ship with RTEMS, and <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">here's why</a>.
<a name="Do_you_intend_to_sell_ready-for-use_boards.3F" id="Do_you_intend_to_sell_ready-for-use_boards.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=10" title="Edit section: Do you intend to sell ready-for-use boards?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> Do you intend to sell ready-for-use boards? </span></h2>
<p>Yes, we are already doing so. You can <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">buy one</a>.
<a name="What_is_the_license_for_the_code.3F" id="What_is_the_license_for_the_code.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=11" title="Edit section: What is the license for the code?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> What is the license for the code? </span></h2>
<p>Most of it is covered by the GNU GPL v3.
<a name="FPGA_projects_are_not_really_open_source.2C_you_need_a_proprietary_toolchain.21" id="FPGA_projects_are_not_really_open_source.2C_you_need_a_proprietary_toolchain.21"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=12" title="Edit section: FPGA projects are not really open source, you need a proprietary toolchain!">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> FPGA projects are not really open source, you need a proprietary toolchain! </span></h2>
<p>As far as Milkymist is concerned, the source code is standard Verilog HDL (compliant with the IEEE specification 1364-2005), is designed with portability as one of the first goals, has been shown to work almost unmodified on both major FPGA vendors (Altera and Xilinx), and can be simulated with many free and open source simulators (Icarus Verilog, GPL Cver, Verilator, VCOMP). Parts of the source code have even been shown to synthesize unmodified in TSMC 90nm cells with the Synopsys ASIC tools. Milkymist isn't more "Faux-pen Source" than all other open source software is because it requires a proprietary microprocessor to run.
</p><p>We are also developing a <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">free toolchain</a> to address this problem.
<a name="How_to_contact_authors.3F" id="How_to_contact_authors.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=13" title="Edit section: How to contact authors?">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> How to contact authors? </span></h2>
<p>Your suggestions, bug reports, bugfixes and patches are much appreciated. Please use the <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">mailing list</a> instead of contacting an author directly, unless you have a good reason to do so.
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<tr><td>current</td><td class='filehistory-selected' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href="images/b/b4/Clk_DDR.jpg">11:44, 10 September 2010</a></td><td><a href="images/b/b4/Clk_DDR.jpg"><img alt="Thumbnail for version as of 11:44, 10 September 2010" src="images/thumb/b/b4/Clk_DDR.jpg/120px-Clk_DDR.jpg" width="120" height="90" border="0" /></a></td><td>640×480 <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(126 KB)</span></td><td><a href=";action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new mw-userlink" title="User:Admin (page does not exist)">Admin</a> <span style='white-space: nowrap;'> <span class="mw-usertoollinks">(<a href=";action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk:Admin (page does not exist)">Talk</a> | <a href="" title="Special:Contributions/Admin">contribs</a>)</span></span></td><td> <span class="comment">(DDR differential clock, measured on R91 on RC1 board)</span></td></tr>
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<tr><td>current</td><td class='filehistory-selected' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href="images/9/99/Comet.png">11:53, 1 April 2011</a></td><td><a href="images/9/99/Comet.png"><img alt="Thumbnail for version as of 11:53, 1 April 2011" src="images/thumb/9/99/Comet.png/120px-Comet.png" width="120" height="90" border="0" /></a></td><td>1,024×768 <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(724 KB)</span></td><td><a href=";action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new mw-userlink" title="User:Admin (page does not exist)">Admin</a> <span style='white-space: nowrap;'> <span class="mw-usertoollinks">(<a href=";action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk:Admin (page does not exist)">Talk</a> | <a href="" title="Special:Contributions/Admin">contribs</a>)</span></span></td><td> <span class="comment">(Default wallpaper for RC3 boards. From</span></td></tr>
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