{ rustChannel ? "nightly" }: let mozillaOverlay = import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/archive/master.tar.gz); pkgs = import { overlays = [ mozillaOverlay ]; }; # `lib.systems.examples.armhf-embedded` from nixpkgs master # (TODO: use directly starting with NixOS 19.0X) targetPlatform = { config = "arm-none-eabihf"; libc = "newlib"; }; in with pkgs; let rustPlatform = callPackage (import ./nix/rustPlatform.nix) {}; openocd = callPackage (import ./nix/openocd.nix) {}; # TODO: gdb 8.2.1 from NixOS >= 19.XX is multiarch by default. # remove the following as `gdb` is already in scope gdb = pkgs.gdb.override { stdenv = stdenv.override { targetPlatform = { config = "arm-none-eabihf"; libc = "newlib"; }; }; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "adc2tcp-env"; buildInputs = with rustPlatform.rust; [ rustc cargo gdb ]; # Set Environment Variables RUST_BACKTRACE = 1; shellHook = '' echo "Starting openocd…" ${openocd}/bin/openocd-nucleo-f429zi & # Let openocd output scroll by sleep 1 echo "Run 'cargo run --release --features=semihosting'" ''; }