Show in PwmSummary the set value, before all PWM duty calculations instead of the machine value after the calculations. Also save the set value into the flash store instead of the machine value.
637 lines
24 KiB
637 lines
24 KiB
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use heapless::{consts::U2, Vec};
use num_traits::Zero;
use serde::{Serialize, Serializer};
use smoltcp::time::Instant;
use stm32f4xx_hal::hal;
use uom::si::{
f64::{ElectricCurrent, ElectricPotential, ElectricalResistance, Time},
electric_potential::{millivolt, volt},
use crate::{
channel::{Channel, Channel0, Channel1},
command_parser::{CenterPoint, PwmPin, Polarity},
pins::{self, Channel0VRef, Channel1VRef},
use crate::timer::sleep;
pub enum PinsAdcReadTarget {
pub const CHANNELS: usize = 2;
pub const R_SENSE: f64 = 0.05;
// From design specs
pub const MAX_TEC_I: ElectricCurrent = ElectricCurrent {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 2.0,
pub const MAX_TEC_V: ElectricPotential = ElectricPotential {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 4.0,
const MAX_TEC_I_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE: ElectricCurrent = ElectricCurrent {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 1.0 / (10.0 * R_SENSE / 3.3),
// DAC chip outputs 0-5v, which is then passed through a resistor dividor to provide 0-3v range
const DAC_OUT_V_MAX: ElectricPotential = ElectricPotential {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 3.0,
// TODO: -pub
pub struct Channels {
channel0: Channel<Channel0>,
channel1: Channel<Channel1>,
pub adc: ad7172::Adc<pins::AdcSpi, pins::AdcNss>,
/// stm32f4 integrated adc
pins_adc: pins::PinsAdc,
pub pwm: pins::PwmPins,
impl Channels {
pub fn new(pins: pins::Pins) -> Self {
let mut adc = ad7172::Adc::new(pins.adc_spi, pins.adc_nss).unwrap();
// Feature not used
// Setup channels and start ADC
adc.setup_channel(0, ad7172::Input::Ain2, ad7172::Input::Ain3).unwrap();
let adc_calibration0 = adc.get_calibration(0)
adc.setup_channel(1, ad7172::Input::Ain0, ad7172::Input::Ain1).unwrap();
let adc_calibration1 = adc.get_calibration(1)
let channel0 = Channel::new(pins.channel0, adc_calibration0);
let channel1 = Channel::new(pins.channel1, adc_calibration1);
let pins_adc = pins.pins_adc;
let pwm = pins.pwm;
let mut channels = Channels { channel0, channel1, adc, pins_adc, pwm };
for channel in 0..CHANNELS {
channels.set_i(channel, ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(0.0));
pub fn channel_state<I: Into<usize>>(&mut self, channel: I) -> &mut ChannelState {
match channel.into() {
0 => &mut self.channel0.state,
1 => &mut self.channel1.state,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// ADC input + PID processing
pub fn poll_adc(&mut self, instant: Instant) -> Option<u8> {
self.adc.data_ready().unwrap().map(|channel| {
let data = self.adc.read_data().unwrap();
let state = self.channel_state(channel);
state.update(instant, data);
match state.update_pid() {
Some(pid_output) if state.pid_engaged => {
// Forward PID output to i_set DAC
self.set_i(channel.into(), ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(pid_output));
None if state.pid_engaged => {
_ => {}
/// calculate the TEC i_set centerpoint
pub fn get_center(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricPotential {
match self.channel_state(channel).center {
CenterPoint::Vref =>
self.adc_read(channel, PinsAdcReadTarget::VREF, 8),
CenterPoint::Override(center_point) =>
/// i_set DAC
fn get_dac(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricPotential {
let voltage = self.channel_state(channel).dac_value;
pub fn get_i(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricCurrent {
let i_set = self.channel_state(channel).i_set;
/// i_set DAC
fn set_dac(&mut self, channel: usize, voltage: ElectricPotential) -> ElectricPotential {
let value = ((voltage / DAC_OUT_V_MAX).get::<ratio>() * (ad5680::MAX_VALUE as f64)) as u32 ;
match channel {
0 => self.channel0.dac.set(value).unwrap(),
1 => self.channel1.dac.set(value).unwrap(),
_ => unreachable!(),
self.channel_state(channel).dac_value = voltage;
pub fn set_i(&mut self, channel: usize, i_set: ElectricCurrent) -> ElectricCurrent {
let i_set = i_set.min(MAX_TEC_I).max(-MAX_TEC_I);
self.channel_state(channel).i_set = i_set;
let negate = match self.channel_state(channel).polarity {
Polarity::Normal => 1.0,
Polarity::Reversed => -1.0,
let vref_meas = match channel.into() {
0 => self.channel0.vref_meas,
1 => self.channel1.vref_meas,
_ => unreachable!(),
let center_point = vref_meas;
let r_sense = ElectricalResistance::new::<ohm>(R_SENSE);
let voltage = negate * i_set * 10.0 * r_sense + center_point;
let voltage = self.set_dac(channel, voltage);
let i_set = negate * (voltage - center_point) / (10.0 * r_sense);
/// AN4073: ADC Reading Dispersion can be reduced through Averaging
pub fn adc_read(&mut self, channel: usize, adc_read_target: PinsAdcReadTarget, avg_pt: u16) -> ElectricPotential {
let mut sample: u32 = 0;
match channel {
0 => {
sample = match adc_read_target {
PinsAdcReadTarget::VREF => {
match &self.channel0.vref_pin {
Channel0VRef::Analog(vref_pin) => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
.convert(vref_pin, stm32f4xx_hal::adc::config::SampleTime::Cycles_480)
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
Channel0VRef::Disabled(_) => {2048 as u32}
PinsAdcReadTarget::DacVfb => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
PinsAdcReadTarget::ITec => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
.convert(&self.channel0.itec_pin, stm32f4xx_hal::adc::config::SampleTime::Cycles_480)
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
PinsAdcReadTarget::VTec => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
.convert(&self.channel0.tec_u_meas_pin, stm32f4xx_hal::adc::config::SampleTime::Cycles_480)
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
let mv = self.pins_adc.sample_to_millivolts(sample as u16);
ElectricPotential::new::<millivolt>(mv as f64)
1 => {
sample = match adc_read_target {
PinsAdcReadTarget::VREF => {
match &self.channel1.vref_pin {
Channel1VRef::Analog(vref_pin) => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
.convert(vref_pin, stm32f4xx_hal::adc::config::SampleTime::Cycles_480)
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
Channel1VRef::Disabled(_) => {2048 as u32}
PinsAdcReadTarget::DacVfb => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
.convert(&self.channel1.dac_feedback_pin, stm32f4xx_hal::adc::config::SampleTime::Cycles_480)
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
PinsAdcReadTarget::ITec => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
.convert(&self.channel1.itec_pin, stm32f4xx_hal::adc::config::SampleTime::Cycles_480)
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
PinsAdcReadTarget::VTec => {
for _ in (0..avg_pt).rev() {
sample += self
.convert(&self.channel1.tec_u_meas_pin, stm32f4xx_hal::adc::config::SampleTime::Cycles_480)
as u32;
sample / avg_pt as u32
let mv = self.pins_adc.sample_to_millivolts(sample as u16);
ElectricPotential::new::<millivolt>(mv as f64)
_ => unreachable!()
/// Calibrates the DAC output to match vref of the MAX driver to reduce zero-current offset of the MAX driver output.
/// The thermostat DAC applies a control voltage signal to the CTLI pin of MAX driver chip to control its output current.
/// The CTLI input signal is centered around VREF of the MAX chip. Applying VREF to CTLI sets the output current to 0.
/// This calibration routine measures the VREF voltage and the DAC output with the STM32 ADC, and uses a breadth-first
/// search to find the DAC setting that will produce a DAC output voltage closest to VREF. This DAC output voltage will
/// be stored and used in subsequent i_set routines to bias the current control signal to the measured VREF, reducing
/// the offset error of the current control signal.
/// The input offset of the STM32 ADC is eliminated by using the same ADC for the measurements, and by only using the
/// difference in VREF and DAC output for the calibration.
/// This routine should be called only once after boot, repeated reading of the vref signal and changing of the stored
/// VREF measurement can introduce significant noise at the current output, degrading the stabilily performance of the
/// thermostat.
pub fn calibrate_dac_value(&mut self, channel: usize) {
let samples = 50;
let mut target_voltage = ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(0.0);
for _ in 0..samples {
target_voltage = target_voltage + self.get_center(channel);
target_voltage = target_voltage / samples as f64;
let mut start_value = 1;
let mut best_error = ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(100.0);
for step in (5..18).rev() {
for value in (start_value..=ad5680::MAX_VALUE).step_by(1 << step) {
match channel {
0 => {
1 => {
_ => unreachable!(),
let dac_feedback = self.adc_read(channel, PinsAdcReadTarget::DacVfb, 64);
let error = target_voltage - dac_feedback;
if error < ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(0.0) {
} else if error < best_error {
best_error = error;
start_value = value;
let vref = (value as f64 / ad5680::MAX_VALUE as f64) * DAC_OUT_V_MAX;
match channel {
0 => self.channel0.vref_meas = vref,
1 => self.channel1.vref_meas = vref,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Reset
self.set_dac(channel, ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(0.0));
// power up TEC
pub fn power_up<I: Into<usize>>(&mut self, channel: I) {
match channel.into() {
0 => self.channel0.power_up(),
1 => self.channel1.power_up(),
_ => unreachable!(),
// power down TEC
pub fn power_down<I: Into<usize>>(&mut self, channel: I) {
match channel.into() {
0 => self.channel0.power_down(),
1 => self.channel1.power_down(),
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn get_max_v(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricPotential {
pub fn get_max_i_pos(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricCurrent {
pub fn get_max_i_neg(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricCurrent {
// Get current passing through TEC
pub fn get_tec_i(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricCurrent {
let tec_i = (self.adc_read(channel, PinsAdcReadTarget::ITec, 16) - self.adc_read(channel, PinsAdcReadTarget::VREF, 16)) / ElectricalResistance::new::<ohm>(0.4);
match self.channel_state(channel).polarity {
Polarity::Normal => tec_i,
Polarity::Reversed => -tec_i,
// Get voltage across TEC
pub fn get_tec_v(&mut self, channel: usize) -> ElectricPotential {
(self.adc_read(channel, PinsAdcReadTarget::VTec, 16) - ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(1.5)) * 4.0
fn set_pwm(&mut self, channel: usize, pin: PwmPin, duty: f64) -> f64 {
fn set<P: hal::PwmPin<Duty=u16>>(pin: &mut P, duty: f64) -> f64 {
let max = pin.get_max_duty();
let value = ((duty * (max as f64)) as u16).min(max);
value as f64 / (max as f64)
match (channel, pin) {
(_, PwmPin::ISet) =>
panic!("i_set is no pwm pin"),
(0, PwmPin::MaxIPos) =>
set(&mut self.pwm.max_i_pos0, duty),
(0, PwmPin::MaxINeg) =>
set(&mut self.pwm.max_i_neg0, duty),
(0, PwmPin::MaxV) =>
set(&mut self.pwm.max_v0, duty),
(1, PwmPin::MaxIPos) =>
set(&mut self.pwm.max_i_pos1, duty),
(1, PwmPin::MaxINeg) =>
set(&mut self.pwm.max_i_neg1, duty),
(1, PwmPin::MaxV) =>
set(&mut self.pwm.max_v1, duty),
_ =>
pub fn set_max_v(&mut self, channel: usize, max_v: ElectricPotential) -> (ElectricPotential, ElectricPotential) {
let max = 4.0 * ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(3.3);
let max_v = max_v.min(MAX_TEC_V).max(ElectricPotential::zero());
let duty = (max_v / max).get::<ratio>();
let duty = self.set_pwm(channel, PwmPin::MaxV, duty);
self.channel_state(channel).pwm_limits.max_v = max_v.get::<volt>();
(duty * max, max)
pub fn set_max_i_pos(&mut self, channel: usize, max_i_pos: ElectricCurrent) -> (ElectricCurrent, ElectricCurrent) {
let max = ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(3.0);
let max_i_pos = max_i_pos.min(MAX_TEC_I).max(ElectricCurrent::zero());
let duty = (max_i_pos / MAX_TEC_I_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE).get::<ratio>();
let duty = match self.channel_state(channel).polarity {
Polarity::Normal => self.set_pwm(channel, PwmPin::MaxIPos, duty),
Polarity::Reversed => self.set_pwm(channel, PwmPin::MaxINeg, duty),
self.channel_state(channel).pwm_limits.max_i_pos = max_i_pos.get::<ampere>();
pub fn set_max_i_neg(&mut self, channel: usize, max_i_neg: ElectricCurrent) -> (ElectricCurrent, ElectricCurrent) {
let max = ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(3.0);
let max_i_neg = max_i_neg.min(MAX_TEC_I).max(ElectricCurrent::zero());
let duty = (max_i_neg / MAX_TEC_I_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE).get::<ratio>();
let duty = match self.channel_state(channel).polarity {
Polarity::Normal => self.set_pwm(channel, PwmPin::MaxINeg, duty),
Polarity::Reversed => self.set_pwm(channel, PwmPin::MaxIPos, duty),
self.channel_state(channel).pwm_limits.max_i_neg = max_i_neg.get::<ampere>();
pub fn set_polarity(&mut self, channel: usize, polarity: Polarity) {
if self.channel_state(channel).polarity != polarity {
let i_set = self.channel_state(channel).i_set;
let max_i_pos = self.get_max_i_pos(channel);
let max_i_neg = self.get_max_i_neg(channel);
self.channel_state(channel).polarity = polarity;
self.set_i(channel, i_set);
self.set_max_i_pos(channel, max_i_pos);
self.set_max_i_neg(channel, max_i_neg);
fn report(&mut self, channel: usize) -> Report {
let i_set = self.get_i(channel);
let i_tec = self.adc_read(channel, PinsAdcReadTarget::ITec, 16);
let tec_i = self.get_tec_i(channel);
let dac_value = self.get_dac(channel);
let state = self.channel_state(channel);
let pid_output = ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(;
Report {
time: state.get_adc_time(),
interval: state.get_adc_interval(),
adc: state.get_adc(),
sens: state.get_sens(),
temperature: state.get_temperature()
.map(|temperature| temperature.get::<degree_celsius>()),
pid_engaged: state.pid_engaged,
dac_feedback: self.adc_read(channel, PinsAdcReadTarget::DacVfb, 1),
tec_u_meas: self.get_tec_v(channel),
pub fn reports_json(&mut self) -> Result<JsonBuffer, serde_json_core::ser::Error> {
let mut reports = Vec::<_, U2>::new();
for channel in 0..CHANNELS {
let _ = reports.push(;
pub fn pid_summaries_json(&mut self) -> Result<JsonBuffer, serde_json_core::ser::Error> {
let mut summaries = Vec::<_, U2>::new();
for channel in 0..CHANNELS {
let _ = summaries.push(self.channel_state(channel).pid.summary(channel));
pub fn pid_engaged(&mut self) -> bool {
for channel in 0..CHANNELS {
if self.channel_state(channel).pid_engaged {
return true;
fn pwm_summary(&mut self, channel: usize) -> PwmSummary {
PwmSummary {
center: CenterPointJson(self.channel_state(channel).center.clone()),
i_set: self.get_i(channel),
max_v: self.get_max_v(channel),
max_i_pos: self.get_max_i_pos(channel),
max_i_neg: self.get_max_i_neg(channel),
polarity: PolarityJson(self.channel_state(channel).polarity.clone()),
pub fn pwm_summaries_json(&mut self) -> Result<JsonBuffer, serde_json_core::ser::Error> {
let mut summaries = Vec::<_, U2>::new();
for channel in 0..CHANNELS {
let _ = summaries.push(self.pwm_summary(channel));
fn postfilter_summary(&mut self, channel: usize) -> PostFilterSummary {
let rate = self.adc.get_postfilter(channel as u8).unwrap()
.and_then(|filter| filter.output_rate());
PostFilterSummary { channel, rate }
pub fn postfilter_summaries_json(&mut self) -> Result<JsonBuffer, serde_json_core::ser::Error> {
let mut summaries = Vec::<_, U2>::new();
for channel in 0..CHANNELS {
let _ = summaries.push(self.postfilter_summary(channel));
fn steinhart_hart_summary(&mut self, channel: usize) -> SteinhartHartSummary {
let params = self.channel_state(channel).sh.clone();
SteinhartHartSummary { channel, params }
pub fn steinhart_hart_summaries_json(&mut self) -> Result<JsonBuffer, serde_json_core::ser::Error> {
let mut summaries = Vec::<_, U2>::new();
for channel in 0..CHANNELS {
let _ = summaries.push(self.steinhart_hart_summary(channel));
pub fn current_abs_max_tec_i(&mut self) -> ElectricCurrent {
.map(|channel| self.get_tec_i(channel).abs())
.max_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(core::cmp::Ordering::Equal))
pub struct Report {
channel: usize,
time: Time,
interval: Time,
adc: Option<ElectricPotential>,
sens: Option<ElectricalResistance>,
temperature: Option<f64>,
pid_engaged: bool,
i_set: ElectricCurrent,
dac_value: ElectricPotential,
dac_feedback: ElectricPotential,
i_tec: ElectricPotential,
tec_i: ElectricCurrent,
tec_u_meas: ElectricPotential,
pid_output: ElectricCurrent,
pub struct CenterPointJson(CenterPoint);
// used in JSON encoding, not for config
impl Serialize for CenterPointJson {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
match self.0 {
CenterPoint::Vref =>
CenterPoint::Override(vref) =>
pub struct PolarityJson(Polarity);
// used in JSON encoding, not for config
impl Serialize for PolarityJson {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
serializer.serialize_str(match self.0 {
Polarity::Normal => "normal",
Polarity::Reversed => "reversed",
pub struct PwmSummary {
channel: usize,
center: CenterPointJson,
i_set: ElectricCurrent,
max_v: ElectricPotential,
max_i_pos: ElectricCurrent,
max_i_neg: ElectricCurrent,
polarity: PolarityJson,
pub struct PostFilterSummary {
channel: usize,
rate: Option<f32>,
pub struct SteinhartHartSummary {
channel: usize,
params: steinhart_hart::Parameters,