167 lines
5.2 KiB
167 lines
5.2 KiB
import socket
import json
class CommandError(Exception):
class Client:
def __init__(self, host="", port=23, timeout=None):
self._socket = socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout)
self._lines = [""]
def _read_line(self):
# read more lines
while len(self._lines) <= 1:
chunk = self._socket.recv(4096)
if not chunk:
return None
buf = self._lines[-1] + chunk.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
self._lines = buf.split("\n")
line = self._lines[0]
self._lines = self._lines[1:]
return line
def _command(self, *command):
self._socket.sendall((" ".join(command) + "\n").encode('utf-8'))
line = self._read_line()
response = json.loads(line)
if "error" in response:
raise CommandError(response["error"])
return response
def _get_conf(self, topic):
result = [None, None]
for item in self._command(topic):
result[int(item["channel"])] = item
return result
def get_pwm(self):
"""Retrieve PWM limits for the TEC
[{'channel': 0,
'center': 'vref',
'i_set': {'max': 2.9802790335151985, 'value': -0.02002179650216762},
'max_i_neg': {'max': 3.0, 'value': 3.0},
'max_v': {'max': 5.988, 'value': 5.988},
'max_i_pos': {'max': 3.0, 'value': 3.0}},
{'channel': 1,
'center': 'vref',
'i_set': {'max': 2.9802790335151985, 'value': -0.02002179650216762},
'max_i_neg': {'max': 3.0, 'value': 3.0},
'max_v': {'max': 5.988, 'value': 5.988},
'max_i_pos': {'max': 3.0, 'value': 3.0}}
return self._get_conf("pwm")
def get_pid(self):
"""Retrieve PID control state
[{'channel': 0,
'parameters': {
'kp': 10.0,
'ki': 0.02,
'kd': 0.0,
'output_min': 0.0,
'output_max': 3.0,
'integral_min': -100.0,
'integral_max': 100.0},
'target': 37.0,
'integral': 38.41138597026372},
{'channel': 1,
'parameters': {
'kp': 10.0,
'ki': 0.02,
'kd': 0.0,
'output_min': 0.0,
'output_max': 3.0,
'integral_min': -100.0,
'integral_max': 100.0},
'target': 36.5,
'integral': nan}]
return self._get_conf("pid")
def get_steinhart_hart(self):
"""Retrieve Steinhart-Hart parameters for resistance to temperature conversion
[{'params': {'b': 3800.0, 'r0': 10000.0, 't0': 298.15}, 'channel': 0},
{'params': {'b': 3800.0, 'r0': 10000.0, 't0': 298.15}, 'channel': 1}]
return self._get_conf("s-h")
def get_postfilter(self):
"""Retrieve DAC postfilter configuration
[{'rate': None, 'channel': 0},
{'rate': 21.25, 'channel': 1}]
return self._get_conf("postfilter")
def report_mode(self):
"""Start reporting measurement values
Example of yielded data::
{'channel': 0,
'time': 2302524,
'adc': 0.6199188965423515,
'sens': 6138.519310282602,
'temperature': 36.87032392655527,
'pid_engaged': True,
'i_set': 2.0635816680889123,
'vref': 1.494,
'dac_value': 2.527790834044456,
'dac_feedback': 2.523,
'i_tec': 2.331,
'tec_i': 2.0925,
'tec_u_meas': 2.5340000000000003,
'pid_output': 2.067581958092247}
self._command("report mode", "on")
while True:
line = self._read_line()
if not line:
yield json.loads(line)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
def set_param(self, topic, channel, field="", value=""):
"""Set configuration parameters
tec.set_param("pwm", 0, "max_v", 2.0)
tec.set_param("pid", 1, "output_max", 2.5)
tec.set_param("s-h", 0, "t0", 20.0)
tec.set_param("center", 0, "vref")
tec.set_param("postfilter", 1, 21)
See the firmware's README.md for a full list.
if type(value) is float:
value = "{:f}".format(value)
if type(value) is not str:
value = str(value)
self._command(topic, str(channel), field, value)
def power_up(self, channel, target):
"""Start closed-loop mode"""
self.set_param("pid", channel, "target", value=target)
self.set_param("pwm", channel, "pid")
def save_config(self):
"""Save current configuration to EEPROM"""
def load_config(self):
"""Load current configuration from EEPROM"""