Reverse polarity of current through the TEC #82

atse wants to merge 1 commits from atse:reverse-tec-polarity into master

Matches the i_set polarity with the front panel of the Thermostat.

Matches the i_set polarity with the front panel of the Thermostat.
atse added 1 commit 2023-08-10 17:47:53 +08:00
Matches the i_set polarity with the front panel of the Thermostat.

I think other things also need changing? For example setting the current and also the PID autotune script.

I think other things also need changing? For example *setting* the current and also the PID autotune script.

I think other things also need changing? For example setting the current and also the PID autotune script.

Setting the current was done in set_i, but I admit I haven't checked the PID autotune script, will do.

> I think other things also need changing? For example *setting* the current and also the PID autotune script. Setting the current was done in `set_i`, but I admit I haven't checked the PID autotune script, will do.

After looking at hardware schematics, it turns out that the front panel on my unit is wrong, and had the TEC polarities reversed.

my unit

Thermostat v2.2.1 schematic

After looking at hardware schematics, it turns out that the front panel on my unit is wrong, and had the TEC polarities reversed. ![my unit](/attachments/c2ec0936-1862-4790-9886-2f3760916aef) ![Thermostat v2.2.1 schematic](/attachments/8ab86e5d-69be-4170-b9df-0cd356eba05a)
atse closed this pull request 2023-08-15 11:50:16 +08:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: M-Labs/thermostat#82
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