GUI #70

topquark12 wants to merge 17 commits from GUI into master
Showing only changes of commit 09f58f4202 - Show all commits

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@ -6,20 +6,43 @@ from pytec.client import Client
rec_len = 1000
refresh_period = 20
channel_data = [{
'adc': np.zeros(rec_len),
'sens': np.zeros(rec_len),
'temperature': np.zeros(rec_len),
'i_set': np.zeros(rec_len),
'pid_output': np.zeros(rec_len),
'vref': np.zeros(rec_len),
'dac_value': np.zeros(rec_len),
'dac_feedback': np.zeros(rec_len),
'i_tec': np.zeros(rec_len),
'tec_i': np.zeros(rec_len),
'tec_u_meas': np.zeros(rec_len),
'interval': np.zeros(rec_len),
} for _ in range(2)]
class Curves:
def __init__(self, legend: str, key: str, channel: int, color: str, buffer_len: int, period: int):
self.curveItem = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': color, 'width': 1}))
self.legendStr = legend
self.keyStr = key

tec_params, PEP8 and consistency with the two variables above

tec_params, PEP8 and consistency with the two variables above = channel
self.data_buf = np.zeros(buffer_len)
self.time_stamp = np.zeros(buffer_len)
self.buffLen = buffer_len
self.period = period
def update(self, tec_data, cnt):
if cnt == 0:
np.copyto(self.data_buf, np.full(self.buffLen, tec_data[][self.keyStr]))
self.data_buf[:-1] = self.data_buf[1:]
self.data_buf[-1] = tec_data[][self.keyStr]
self.time_stamp[:-1] = self.time_stamp[1:]
self.time_stamp[-1] = cnt * self.period / 1000
self.curveItem.setData(x = self.time_stamp, y = self.data_buf)
class Graph:
def __init__(self, parent: pg.LayoutWidget, title: str, row: int, col: int, curves: list[Curves]):
self.plotItem = pg.PlotWidget(title=title)
self.legendItem = pg.LegendItem(offset=(75, 30), brush=(50,50,200,150))
parent.addWidget(self.plotItem, row, col)
self.curves = curves
for curve in self.curves:
self.legendItem.addItem(curve.curveItem, curve.legendStr)
def update(self, tec_data, cnt):
for curve in self.curves:
curve.update(tec_data, cnt)
self.plotItem.setRange(xRange=[(cnt - self.curves[0].buffLen) * self.curves[0].period / 1000, cnt * self.curves[0].period / 1000])
tec = Client()
@ -36,74 +59,26 @@ cw.setLayout(l)
temp0plot= pg.PlotWidget(title='Channel 0 Temperature')
layout.addWidget(temp0plot, 1, 1)
temp1plot = pg.PlotWidget(title='Channel 1 Temperature')
layout.addWidget(temp1plot, 2, 1)
current0plot = pg.PlotWidget(title='Channel 0 Current')
layout.addWidget(current0plot, 1, 2)
current1plot = pg.PlotWidget(title='Channel 1 Current')
layout.addWidget(current1plot, 2, 2)
temp0curve = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': 'r', 'width': 1}))
temp1curve = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': 'r', 'width': 1}))
tecI0curve = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': 'r', 'width': 1}))
tecI1curve = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': 'r', 'width': 1}))
Iset0curve = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': 'g', 'width': 1}))
Iset1curve = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': 'g', 'width': 1}))
temp0legend = temp0plot.getPlotItem().addLegend(brush=(50,50,200,150))
temp0legend.addItem(temp0curve, 'feedback')
temp1legend = temp1plot.getPlotItem().addLegend(brush=(50,50,200,150))
temp1legend.addItem(temp0curve, 'feedback')
current0legend = current0plot.getPlotItem().addLegend(brush=(50,50,200,150))
current0legend.addItem(tecI0curve, 'feedback')
current0legend.addItem(Iset0curve, 'setpoint')
current1legend = current1plot.getPlotItem().addLegend(brush=(50,50,200,150))
current1legend.addItem(tecI1curve, 'feedback')
current1legend.addItem(Iset1curve, 'setpoint')
ch0tempGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 0 Termperature', 1, 1, [Curves('Feedback', 'temperature', 0, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period)])
ch1tempGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 1 Termperature', 2, 1, [Curves('Feedback', 'temperature', 1, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period)])
ch0currentGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 0 Current', 1, 2, [Curves('Feedback', 'tec_i', 0, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period),
Curves('Setpoint', 'i_set', 0, 'g', rec_len, refresh_period)])
ch1currentGraph = Graph(layout, 'Channel 1 Current', 2, 2, [Curves('Feedback', 'tec_i', 1, 'r', rec_len, refresh_period),
Curves('Setpoint', 'i_set', 1, 'g', rec_len, refresh_period)])
cnt = 0
time_stamp = np.zeros(rec_len)
def update(n):
for data in tec.report_mode():
ch = data[n]
for tag, seq in channel_data[n].items():
if tag in ch:
v = ch[tag]
if type(v) is float:
if cnt == 0:
np.copyto(seq, np.full(rec_len, v))
seq[:-1] = seq[1:]
seq[-1] = v
if quit:
def updateData():
global cnt
cnt += 1
time_stamp[:-1] = time_stamp[1:]
time_stamp[-1] = cnt * refresh_period / 1000
temp0plot.setRange(xRange=[(cnt - rec_len) * refresh_period / 1000, cnt * refresh_period / 1000])
temp1plot.setRange(xRange=[(cnt - rec_len) * refresh_period / 1000, cnt * refresh_period / 1000])
current0plot.setRange(xRange=[(cnt - rec_len) * refresh_period / 1000, cnt * refresh_period / 1000])
current1plot.setRange(xRange=[(cnt - rec_len) * refresh_period / 1000, cnt * refresh_period / 1000])
temp0curve.setData(x = time_stamp, y = channel_data[0]['temperature'])
temp1curve.setData(x = time_stamp, y = channel_data[1]['temperature'])
tecI0curve.setData(x = time_stamp, y = channel_data[0]['tec_i'])
tecI1curve.setData(x = time_stamp, y = channel_data[1]['tec_i'])
Iset0curve.setData(x = time_stamp, y = channel_data[0]['i_set'])
Iset1curve.setData(x = time_stamp, y = channel_data[1]['i_set'])
for data in tec.report_mode():
ch0tempGraph.update(data, cnt)
ch1tempGraph.update(data, cnt)
ch0currentGraph.update(data, cnt)
ch1currentGraph.update(data, cnt)
if quit:
cnt += 1
## Start a timer to rapidly update the plot in pw